Home » Dreams & Meanings » Meet Odu number 9 Osá Meji: Characteristics and trends!

Meet Odu number 9 Osá Meji: Characteristics and trends!

The Odus are the signs of Ifá, an oracle used in Candomblé for guessing about the future, and for understanding what a person’s obligations are to the Orixás. There are 16 Odus in total, and Osá Meji is the 9th Odu, or the ninth sign of Ifá.

Just like the signs of the Zodiac, the Odus influence people’s lives, as well as their characteristics and behaviors. But despite the influences of Odu 9, every individual can change his destiny through free will. However, when you distance yourself from your Odu’s designs, you may feel that you are out of your way.

Throughout this article, you will find various information to better know and understand the Odu 9, its characteristics, its influence on people’s personalities and in various areas of their lives. With this information you will understand and be able to improve your way of living.

Osá Meji is the 9th Odu, or ninth sign of Ifá. Like all signs of various faiths, he also has influence and characteristics that are passed on to his children.

Next, you will learn a little about the history of Odu 9, which is its ruling Orisha, the element and colors of this sign. And you will also discover the parts of the body that are influenced by it, its prohibitions and vulnerabilities.

The story goes that Odu 9 Osá Meji, wandered aimlessly and went through many difficulties, even hunger, but when he tried to ask for help in the houses where he passed, he was mistreated or ignored. So, tired of his suffering, he decided to look for a babalawo to ask for help, and he gave him a mission.

He asked Osá Meji to make an offering of several white birds, armadillos, guinea fowl, acarajés and acaçás to the King of Pearls. Osá Meji did so, and upon reaching the king, he told his story of suffering and gave him the offerings.

The King then said to leave only the white birds and in exchange he would give him the feminine power, giving him the secret of life and the power of the spell. In this way, Osá Meji managed to change his life and follow his happiest path.

Like the signs of the Zodiac, the Odus also have elements that govern their characteristics and influences. Therefore, Odu 9 Osá Meji also has a regent orixá that brings some of its characteristics.

The orixá that governs this Odu is Iemanjá, who has the characteristic of the search for self-knowledge and wisdom about all matters and situations in the world. Thus, what this Odu teaches is that in order to succeed in your goals, you need to use your wisdom, organize your routine well, and in this way, be able to focus on your goals.

The cardinal points are related to Ifá signs, and correspond to the corners of the world, or the roots of the world. These signs are associated with the elements of each sign. For Odu 9 Osá Meji, the corresponding cardinal point is South-Southwest.

This Odu is favorable every day of the week, with the exception of Thursday and Friday. He is the representation of sorceries and is considered the most dangerous Odu of all Ifá signs.

Odu 9 Osá Meji is formed by two elements of nature, water and fire, but the first overlaps the second. With the influence of this element, this Ifa sign has greater dynamism when it comes to giving help and support to their children.

Being predominantly of the water element, this Odu governs important things in the human organism. Blood vessels, blood, intestines and heart are governed by it.

Osá Meji has, by definition, the orientation of some parts of the body of its natives. In addition to governing blood circulation, intestines and the heart, it is also responsible for opening the eyes. In addition, it is he who gives color to blood.

Other parts of the body governed by Odu 9 are the ears, nostrils, lips, arms, legs and feet, as well as the female genitals. It is also present in women’s menstrual cycle.

The colors of Osá Meji are red, orange and wine. This Odu is represented by a human head over the waning moon, and symbolizes the power of feminine spells. This is a very clear reference to this Odu’s association with the practice of sorcery.

In this regard, women were highlighted for having natural gifts linked to their power of procreation, when they manage to transmute a spermatozoon into a complex human being.

As with the signs of the Zodiac, the Odus also have characteristics that are not very favorable to the life of those who have them. Some of these bring points of vulnerability for individuals who live under the influence of Osá Meji.

Usually they are very insecure people about everything, they tend not to finish tasks or projects they start and often have problems in relationships. In addition to suffering from headaches, abdominal pain and low blood pressure.

There are some prohibitions for those born in Odu 9, such as, for example, they cannot eat feline meat, nor food offered to Nanã (orixá of rain). The children of Osá Meji cannot wear clothes made of blue or red fabrics either.

The men of this Odu are not allowed to wait for their women to orgasm and women are not allowed to have intercourse during the day. In their homes it is not allowed to have objects, furniture, instruments or any other artifact made of bamboo.

According to a legend, Osá Meji is the representation of Kennesis, which means sorceress. Furthermore, it symbolizes the forces of black magic that use fire and night in their spells. He is also related to evil spirits, which in a hierarchy are below the Voduns.

In this way, this is one of the Odus that offer the greatest danger. He is also known as the creator of animals linked to witchcraft. These are: the cat, antelope, the owl, the swallow, the robin, the greentail, the washerwoman and the wind swallow.

Odu 9, or Osá Meji brings several characteristics and influences on his children. He is the Odu that governs various parts of the body and can create tricky situations in their lives through their points of vulnerability.

In the sequence you will discover what are the positive and negative trends brought by Osá Meji to your life.

As a positive trend Osá Meji brings to your life spiritual and material elevation, mediumistic or parapsychological powers, success in your goals, progress in your life, in addition to innovative and intelligent ideas.

People with this influence usually like to travel, discover new places and find it easy to find work outside the city where they were born. They also have great capacity for social expansion and in the area of ​​investments.

With regard to negative tendencies, Osá Meji, the Odu 9, brings people the following characteristics: stubbornness, mania for cleanliness, as well as the possibility of being very emotional and crying about everything. They also don’t like doldrums and are always moving from one place to another.

Other negative points of this Odu are the situations of unemployment in which he puts people, suffering with false friends, as well as suffering with blood diseases, bleeding and spinal problems.

People born under Odu 9 Osá Meji have several personality traits influenced by this Odu. Below you will understand what these actions are in relation to sexuality, sensitivity and addictions, and also how to avoid problems caused by these characteristics.

With regard to your sexuality, it is important to be careful when choosing a person as a sexual partner. People who are born under Odu 9 Osá Meji are more likely to be affected by infectious diseases in the blood, which can be caused by sexual intercourse.

Therefore, the importance of preventing yourself during sex and also trying to pay attention to your diet. This will help your body keep your immunity high and protect your health as a whole.

People born under the influence of Odu 9 Osá Meji are very spiritual and also very sensitive in the emotional field. They have a more drama-oriented soul and cry easily.

These natives experience great emotional distress caused by their attempts to find happiness. And these feelings end up undermining your energies, so you need to seek psychological help to alleviate this problem. Another possibility is to do activities that bring you well-being and fullness.

Being born governed by Odu 9 can cause addictions and health problems related to bad habits. This is due to the negative influences brought by Osá Meji, which affect the way people live with this Odu.

Therefore, it is important to remain alert and try to maintain a life as regulated as possible. For this, it is necessary to avoid getting involved in gambling, encounters watered down to a lot of alcohol and always seek spiritual development.

Odu 9 Osá Meji brings influences in various areas of their children’s lives, which interfere with their spirituality, the way they deal with sexuality, and also the risk of falling into addictions. In this article excerpt you will understand what are the influences of this Odu for love, work and health.

With regard to love, Odu 9 Osá Meji makes his children live in a constant search for happiness based on their relationships. This attitude ends up causing great emotional distress, which leads to discouragement and loss of vital energy.

Thus, one must always seek to strengthen one’s spirituality and seek the company and support of friends. Trying to face these difficulties alone will certainly not bring good results.

At work, you may face problems caused by envious people, who constantly try to bring you down. And it’s normal for this type of situation, over time, to bring a certain tiredness from having to protect yourself all the time.

However, it is necessary to seek strength to continue your path in pursuit of your goals, without giving up what you set out to do. The most important thing is to maintain your willpower, which is what makes the difference in your life.

In terms of health Odu 9 Osá Meji says it is…

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