Home » Dreams & Meanings » Meaning of the cards from the Gypsy deck: Know and know your origin!

Meaning of the cards from the Gypsy deck: Know and know your origin!

Gypsy people are popularly associated with their mysticism. One of the forms of expression of this mysticism most accessed by people outside the tradition is the Gypsy deck. Despite being known, do you know the meaning of the Gypsy deck cards?

The 36 cards that make up the oracle use images that accurately communicate the querent’s situation. They can inform about personality, past, present and future. In order to provide answers that help you in your decisions and attitudes that you must take.

Read this article and find out what the Gypsy deck is, its origin and the meaning of each of its 36 cards.

The Gypsy Tarot is an oracle composed of 36 cards. Each of them contains the image of everyday elements and nature. These elements aim to simplify the message that the Cigano deck wants to communicate to the user.

In this way, it helps in understanding the past, reveals cultured things in the present, and points out possibilities for the future. Read below and understand better why even today the Gypsy Tarot is one of the most sought after oracles.

The origin of the Gypsy Tarot is permeated with disagreements. Something that makes it difficult to know for sure how it came about. Anyway, some biographies report that Madame Lenormand was not its creator. The famous 18th century French fortune teller who is generally associated with the creation of the deck.

The cards would have come out of a game created in Germany by Johann Kaspar Hechtel. When it was released in France in 1820, the publisher took advantage of Lenormand’s fame and released it under his name. After all, she was the great French reference in consulting the letters of the time.

Known as “Le Petit Lenormand”, the gypsy people would have accessed the deck after the death of the “Madame”, in 1843. Period in which the symbols of the Lenormand deck would have changed, and generated a second deck.

Gypsies, known as mystical people, already used other decks of cards to consult occult knowledge. Therefore, his connection with the spiritual and earthly wisdom helped in the formation of what we know today as the Gypsy deck. Using simpler symbology, the deck makes universal knowledge accessible.

As an oracle of powerful mystical energy, the benefits of Tarot Gypsy for the consultant are evident. The simple availability and confidence to receive his guidance, already aligns the vibration of the person with the superior.

Your guides and guardian angel then sense the opening for communication. This makes it easier to deliver the message you need to receive. This message includes aspects of everyday life, about career, relationships and material possessions.

It elucidates questions about past, present and future. And it still guides the consultant on a journey of self-knowledge, which takes him into the arms of the divine. It is common for people to feel more knowledgeable about themselves and the life around them after the consultation. With that, self-confidence and security come naturally to guide you on your journey.

One of the practical differences between the Cigano Tarot and the Tarot de Marseille is the number of cards. This second one has 78 cards. The Tarot de Marseille divides these 78 cards into 22 “major arcana” and 56 “minor arcana”. The Gypsy deck has 36 cards, each with its own meaning.

Another notable difference is in the symbols used. The Tarot de Marseille has a set of medieval images that make reference to the daily life of the court. Its number of cards allows for more abstract and subjective interpretations.

In the Gypsy Deck, the images reflect figures from nature and a more common everyday life. Which, added to the fact that it has fewer letters, makes its message more objective and concrete. Moreover, both decks are effective in giving us a sense of inner reality and the life around us. Depending only on the channel that the moment asks for.

The four suits in the Gypsy deck have meanings that refer to the four elements of nature. They represent water, earth, fire and air. Check below how each suit makes use of these elements, and what they symbolize.

The suit of hearts has its cards represented by the Water element. They make mention of feelings, emotion, intuition and spiritual contact.

The Heart cards are: The Knight, The House, The Tree, The Star, The Stork, The Dog, The Heart, The Gypsy, and The Moon.

Gold cards represent the Earth element. It is related to everything that refers to the physical and material world. They speak of work, financial stability and earthly reality. Practical everyday things.

The Golden Cards: The Clover, The Coffin, The Scythe, The Birds, The Paths, The Books, The Sun, The Key, and The Fish.

The cards in the suit of Wands are represented by the Fire element. They deal with themes related to passion, creativity, energy, growth and moving things.

The Wand cards are: The Clouds, The Snake, The Whip, The Fox, The Bear, The Mountain, The Mouse, The Ring, and The Cross.

The suit of Swords groups together the cards where the main element is Air. Letters that talk about matters of the mind, ideas, reasoning and logic.

The Spade cards are: The Ship, The Flowers, The Child, The Tower, The Garden, The Letter, The Gypsy, The Lilies, and The Anchor.

One of the great characteristics of the Cigano deck is the objectivity of the meaning of its cards. They are composed of a selection of members from nature and everyday life. However, it is important to analyze what each of these symbols communicates. Find below the meaning of each of the cards in the Gypsy deck.

In the Gypsy deck the first card is The Knight. It is associated with the initiative power movement. With a positive energy, she speaks of action, courage and daring. If it appears played to you, it may be communicating that these attributes illuminate your character.

If your goal has not yet been achieved, believe me, it will soon become a reality in your life. By the force of will that comes from the heart, converted into positive thinking and attitude, what you want is coming.

In love, The Knight says that you are living the ideal moment to surrender to the blossoming relationship.

The Clover, or The Obstacles, just means obstacles on your journey. It shows that you are about to face some challenge or adversity. It is possible that you get confused and believe that this barrier is a sign that you should give up.

Don’t believe it. After all, setbacks are part of the human walk on this earth. So it seems that this card has a negative meaning. However, accepting its message as a wake-up call prepares you for what is to come and can positively change its meaning.

The ideal is to accept life as it is, and do your part to overcome the challenges that arise. Don’t give up, have faith in life and have faith in the strength of character of who you are.

The card The Ship, or The Sea, represents the change in the direction of life. Get ready! You are about to go through significant and profound transformations. This card points to different directions in your existence.

The letter asks that it be open to the new, just as the sea is open in front of the ship. Get ready to experience things outside of what is usual for you. The oscillations, the ups and downs are yet to come. Keeping an open mind to learn from the news will elevate your knowledge of yourself and life.

In love, there is the indication of a distance. It can be physical or emotional, the fact is that it will cause a feeling of absence and even longing.

In The House card, the subject is related to familiarity. She talks about her ordinary world, the places and people that often welcome you. Place of work, home, yours and friends, leisure and activities that make up who you are. At the same time it also refers to your body and mind.

It also represents the stability of your achievements. Communicate that the goals achieved put you in a safe position. In love, she means stable relationship. In health, it indicates that your immunity is high. In business, a reliable investment can appear. And in internal life, emotional control and firmness of decisions.

The Tree is the down to earth and vitality card. She represents steady growth, abundant fertility, and creative evolution. Loaded with positive meanings, it appeals to a good relationship with the environment in which one lives. It is the health of that relationship that will result in the fruits you desire.

That is, all this abundance depends on the attitudes you plant, and the energy with which you will water these seeds. You should also pay attention to the fact that it takes time to take root, grow and bear fruit. So consider the long term and take your time with what you want to achieve.

In the Gypsy deck The Clouds appear bringing confusion, uncertainties and difficulty in discerning. This card represents that mistakes are being made, things and people are lost, and you don’t know what to do.

When the weather is “ugly”, the weather signals withdrawal. In the same way, As Nuvens no deck calls for introspection. Stop trying so hard to make things work out, and collect yourself to take care of things from within.

Allow the natural flow of life to go on without your futile attempt to control its ways. Stop for a while, reflect, rest, take care of yourself, trust in life, and before continuing to fight, let the clouds dissipate.

The Cobra, or The Serpent, card usually appears to bring an alert. The message it brings is related to betrayal, negative intentions, and prejudice. This card asks you to be careful with the environments you step on and with the fauna of people around you.

Pay close attention to those around you, remain sensitive to the energies you emit and the things you say. This sensitivity can be used to shield you from attacks. Ask your guardian angel for protection, but use common sense to do your part. Unfortunately, not everyone who is close has the intention of doing our good.

However, depending on the context in which it appears in a reading, A Cobra also means sexuality. In that sense, she is connected to the energy of attraction and seduction. The ideal is to consider how your life is and try to identify which of the meanings of the card has more to do with the moment.

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