They often go unnoticed and last for many years. marry without love, as old as it may seem, still happens quite often in the present times. The reasons for loveless marriages in the past were other, family promises and to unite traditional families. Today, the reasons for loveless marriages to happen involve financial interests and status. It’s a union just made to achieve purposes, impress society, a relationship of appearances, and so some people live fake relationships.
Understand if marrying without love works!
Is it possible to marry without love?
Does Is it possible to marry without love? Yes, there are couples who have lived together for many, many years and clearly say they don’t love their partner. It’s not an easy task, accepting to live next to someone with love is already very complicated, without love everything gets much worse. The choice to live a marriage without love is up to each person to decide, but it will be a life without happiness, without intensity, without desire, affection, and sometimes, even without respect.
Many of the marriages without love, there is no complicity and partnership in the relationship, the lack of respect is also usually present in the life of this couple, who look more like two strangers living in the same house. Sometimes only for the children, despite not loving each other, they live together to raise their children together.
These life decisions are up to each individual to make, but that love is fundamental to having a happy life, there is no doubt about it. Love and the other fundamental ingredients for a relationship to work must exist, or you will always feel that something is missing in your life.
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What makes a man marry without love? 3 reasons!
What makes a man marry without love, may have to do with financial interest, or just for convenience. Just as women get involved just to leave their parents’ house, men often get involved with women to have their life accepted by the family and society. Here are some reasons that can lead a man to marry without love for his partner:
1. pregnancy
This is the most common reason men marry a woman lovelessly. It is not a rule, as some abandon women, even pregnant. But when you have a night of adventure and that night is generated a life, some men think they should marry their wife to take care of their child together, sometimes without even feeling love.
2. Status and financial life
To prove to society that you are getting involved with someone of worth and living a comfortable life. Usually these marriages take place between young men and older, mature, successful women. Where the two take advantage of the situation, just convenience and appearances, no love.
3. Leave the parents’ house
It sounds silly, but some men get involved early in a relationship just so they can live outside their parents’ house. This happens most often when the man is still very young, lives in fights and arguments and desperately needs a way out.
Marry a loveless woman
It is certain that everyone’s intention is to marry with love. Marrying a loveless woman will only bring a sad and dull life. If you are willing to marry, for whatever reason, to a woman without loving her, you will also be willing to live a life of routine and coldness.
Love is fundamental to a relationship, without it the relationship is empty, something is missing. This choice belongs to each one, but there is no one who wants to live a life of appearances and sadness, without affection, reciprocity, companionship and respect. Seeking to live a relationship without love is like looking for your own unhappiness.
Is it okay to marry without love?
But will marrying without love work? Anything two people are willing to make work, can work. Just want and make it work. There are relationships that with great dedication manage to build a beautiful love story, even if there is no love at first. If you want to fight for love, in a marriage that has no love, the best way is to seek specialized help in love relationships.
look for Spiritual Help here at with the Spiritualist Maicon Paiva, who will find the ideal Spiritual Work for your love situation. Don’t waste any more time and solve all this, you don’t have to solve everything yourself, schedule a Spiritual Consultation through WhatsApp and strengthen this relationship between you, make it work.
Is it possible to live a marriage without love?
In order for it to be possible to live a loveless marriage, you must not create expectations of a prosperous and happy life. Love is essential in any relationship., for you to find your happiness, a life without love is an incomplete and empty life. Living next to someone without loving is a very complicated choice, both for you and for the other person. You are depriving yourself of living a true story of love and respect. Here are 10 signs that you are living in a loveless marriage:
- You feel neither affection nor admiration for each other;
- They do not feel sexual desire;
- They don’t make plans together;
- They only talk about everyday problems;
- They treat each other like two strangers;
- They don’t exchange messages;
- They haven’t kissed in a long time;
- They don’t share achievements and happy moments together;
- There is no respect or demands in the relationship;
- They are not even jealous of each other.
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What is a loveless marriage like?
It is possible to define what a loveless marriage is like, as an agreement or a contract between two people who decide to live together. For whatever reason, they just live in the same house, share the same bed, but they don’t feel anything for each other. They share responsibilities, sometimes child rearing and bills, but they don’t share their dreams and plans. They lack affection and admiration, and almost always do not respect the relationship, as this lack of love can pave the way for new interests.
So it’s a marriage of appearances only and it’s not up to us to judge who chooses to live that way.
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