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Living with psoriasis: there are non-aggressive solutions

The psoriasis patients they are often misinformed about their illness, they feel desperate and they launch themselves in search of a cure based on ointments and medicines that sometimes alleviate their symptoms but other times not even that and also produce side effects.

On the other hand, I have not found a recommended style of Healthy life despite the fact that it has been known for a long time that the most effective ways to solve the problem are simple practices, based on a good diet and contact with the sun, air and water.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory process of the skin characterized by accelerated differentiation and proliferation of the epidermis: demarcated reddish rashes, sometimes with overlapping silvery-scaled plaques, other times with induration.

It appears in the scalp, outer areas of the extremities (wrists, elbows, knees and ankles) and places of repeated rubbing. Psoriasis can also manifest with abnormalities in the nails and about 10% of patients have joint involvement (psoriatic arthritis).

affects the 2% of the populationis more common in white people and presents its maximum appearance between the ages of 20 and 30 and between 50 and 60.

What causes psoriasis?

The cause of psoriasis is multifactorial, with genetic and environmental components. Sometimes there is a family history. It is said that when one of the parents suffers from psoriasis, the risk of a child presenting this disorder is 14%. This figure rises to 41% when both parents suffer from it. It is not contagious in any case.

Factors that influence psoriasis include: protein malabsorption, which causes intestinal bacteria to create toxic amino acids, polyamines: if they increase, psoriasis worsens. Enzymes that improve digestion decrease polyamines.

intestinal toxins such as Candida albicans and other yeasts make psoriasis worse. He fasting and gluten-free diets have produced improvements in patients with psoriasis. Also the decreased alcohol consumption and take milk thistle, which improve liver function.

The factors that trigger outbreaks They can be physical trauma, skin damage (Koebner phenomenon), infections (streptococcal pharyngitis), hypocalcemia, stress and some drugs such as lithium, antimalarials or interferon.

He effect of pregnancy on psoriasis It is not uniform: half of women with psoriasis experience a worsening during pregnancy and the other half an improvement.

Treat psoriasis naturally

It is generally believed that psoriasis has no definitive cure, although it can disappear for long periods of time, even years. Conventional treatment focuses on increasingly aggressive drugs with more side effects.

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The natural medicineInstead, it emphasizes the gentle skin care, which helps minimize itching and skin trauma. This prevents the Koebner phenomenon in psoriatic lesions.

These are some of the cares that help improve psoriasis:

Bathing in cold or lukewarm water with mild soaps. The frequent and periodic application of emollients, especially while the skin is still moist, helps keep psoriatic skin smooth and more manageable. The colloidal oatmealthe oatmeal waves chamomile tea As an emollient or bath, they also help soothe itching and irritation associated with psoriasis. The same goes for the application of olive oil.The sunbaths wave sun cure with progressive adaptation, they have been shown to be effective for psoriasis, which normally improves during the summer months, when there is greater exposure to the sun’s rays. Ultraviolet B radiation decreases DNA synthesis and has immunoregulatory effects. Today several of the mechanisms in which the action of light intervenes are known, regulating this immune system involved in psoriasis. The ultraviolet radiation it is much more effective when combined with a topical or systemic photosensitizer such as a psoralen. psoralens (a type of furocoumarins) are light-sensitive (or light-activated) plant substances. They are present in the legume families, Moraceae, Meliaceae, Compositae and Solanaceae. Foods rich in them are lime, parsley, figs and celery. The photosensitive effects of furocoumarins have been known for centuries and explain that the use of umbelliferous, apiaceous or rutaceous plants -such as rue or graveolens route– together with progressive sunbathing helps to control psoriasis in a simple and effective way.

Improve psoriasis with food

The high consumption of Omega-3 fatty acidshe fastthe low calorie diets and the vegetarian diet show beneficial effects in psoriasis.

Some patients who are gluten intolerant improve after a gluten free diet.

A beneficial diet should be rich in the following elements:

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds.Folic acid: spinach, cabbage, turnip leaves, lettuce and green leaves in general.Vitamin A: juices rich in carotenoids, such as carrot, cabbage, melon or tomato juices.Vitamin E: seeds in general.Zinc: oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, beans, unroasted cashews…Selenium: chard, garlic, orange, linseed and evening primrose oils.enzymes: pineapple (bromelain), papaya (papain), which promote protein digestion.

can be added foods rich in psoralens such as figs, parsley or rue to associate with phototherapy.

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Phytotherapy: the most effective plants against psoriasis

Several medicinal plants can be useful to improve the problem:

It seems that the topical aloe extract reduces scaling, erythema, and infiltration of psoriatic plaques. Although it has not been reported that milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has direct utility in the treatment of psoriasis, protects against hepatotoxicity observed as a side effect of methotrexate, a drug that acts as an anti-inflammatory. Silymarin is the active principle of milk thistle. It is advisable to take 50 to 100 grams of freshly made juice of bitter melon (Momardica charantia).The dried root of the sarsaparillaIt is used in decoction. Topical treatment with a cream based on Mahonia aquifolium.The fern extract Polypodium leucotomospopularly known as calagualahas been traditionally used by the natives of Honduras as a remedy against various skin conditions. rue (graveolens route) is used for its richness in psoralens. helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) exerts an anti-inflammatory action.

The proposals of Chinese medicine and other therapies

The Chinese traditional medicine recommends mild non-irritating ointments to reduce the scales and thickness of psoriatic plaques.

It has abundant combined topical preparations, many of them with corticosteroids, which would explain their effectiveness. Some of these products do not specify their composition, which has given Chinese herbal medicine a bad name. There have been cases of contamination with heavy metals, toxins and other pharmaceuticals.

Like Chinese medicine, the homeopathy considers that psoriasis is the local expression of a systemic disorder. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treatments are administered based on “constitutional strategy”: the remedy chosen is highly dependent on the individual.

With homeopathic treatments, patients can experience a exacerbation of symptoms before its resolution: it is what is known as a healing crisis.

In full outbreak, to relieve itching and anguish, a point widely used in acupressure It is the 20 Governing Vessel, between the auricles, at the top of the head. Local points around the lesion can also be pressed.

Spa therapies: sea baths, sun baths, sulfur water and wraps

Some people visit centers at the Dead Sea and spend between two and four weeks exposed to water and sun. A study with 740 German patients treated there revealed a 70% complete remission of symptoms after four weeks in one of these clinics.

But, in fact, any sea beach can be used to treat psoriasis. Among the most widely used techniques are sea ​​bathsthe heliotherapythe seaweed applied and added to the diet, the applied marine slimes and the psammotherapy between 40-60 ºC (a wrap with hot sea sand and rest for 20 minutes or until you sweat).

Psoriasis is one of the dermatological diseases that most it is treated in spas. Studies show positive clinical results.

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In addition to the chlorinated waters and the maritime climate, the spas offer the sulfur water to treat psoriasis. This is because sulfur water is attributed the following benefits:

The main effect of hydrogen sulfide baths derives from its antioxidant capacity. The sulphurous waters have anti-inflammatory effects and, due to the transformation of sulfide and hydrogen sulfide into pentathionic acid in the deep layers of the epidermis, they have antifungal, antibacterial, and antipruritic properties. It seems that sulfur waters play a role in the skin immunoregulation. The beneficial effects on the immune system are also attributed to rest and sun.

The most widely used application techniques in spas are:

Are applied Baregina’s peloids or sulfur water glycerin (brush the skin and keep it for an hour). Another option is very hot baths at 42 ºC, from 15 to 30 minutes, followed by 2-3 minutes of a jet of hot water or a filiform shower 30 cm from the skin, which have a peeling and antipruritic action. priests of ingranwhich consist of a very hot water bath, at 40-42 ºC for 10 minutes combined with exposure to the sun.

In general, we can attribute benefits for psoriasis of the treatments used in spas to several reasons:

Thermal stimulation. It is associated with a vasodilation: Increases blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. The hyperthermia It is used to relieve pain and produces an immunosuppressive effect. It also exerts an anti-inflammatory effect.mechanical effects. Effects are seen in the muscular tone, joint mobility and pain intensity. are also produced physiological changes, such as an increase in diuresis and cardiac output, and a reduction in plasma levels. The breath deepens.Psychological factor. A psychological factor is added to the benefits in the treatment of skin lesions, since these are pleasant places, away from stressful activities of daily living and where those affected can relate to other people who suffer from the same pathology.

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