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Left eye twitch spiritual meaning

The most common reason your eye may twitch can be due to stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, or caffeine. Eye twitching can last for days and then suddenly disappear.

When I went to work in London, I first noticed my own twitching anger, I sat at my desk and the itch started. So what about superstitions? According to western folklore, any movement of the eyelid portends money in the future. A violent twitch of the left eyelid can mean that someone is talking negatively about you.

Nowadays there are only two universities with folklore departments offering courses on customs, and there is also a general folklore course. I analyzed the research around the eyes in general. There were some customs about twitching and itchy eyes which I have detailed here. Perhaps the best I can make of my study of general left eye folklore is the assumption that when it twitches it indicates new pre-contact situations and cultures.

In Latin, the phase “pruitus” indicates that something is itching. This can also indicate irritation, and a twitchy or itchy left eye has long been surrounded by a number of superstitions. Remedies for itching or twitching were usually invented in the early days from 1550 B.C. sorted.

If your left eye twitches, it means you are tired. When we are naturally tired, we sometimes encounter cramps that can spread to our lower facial muscles. When my left eye twitches, I usually know I’m super tired and try to rest. If that doesn’t clear up the spasm, I’ll turn to the spiritual meaning. In Indian culture, left eye twitching can mean someone disappoints you. There is also a focus on happiness and lust when both eyes twitch.

Here are quick some strange spiritual meanings I’ve come across in my books:

  • Spiritually, left eye twitching means someone is coming to your house soon.
  • If your left eye twitches, rub the affected eye nine times with a gold wedding ring.
  • Brown eyes are said to be associated with mischief, if the left eye twitches it can mean irritability. Light brown eyes are associated with a constant life expectancy. If the left eye twitches or bulges, it may indicate a temper in turn or mischievous suggestion. They are good natured at heart and there is a focus on strong passion.
  • Red eyes in folklore indicate one is angry (not sure if I believe that too much!)
  • Most superstitions are extremely old, and the left eye twitching superstition reminds us of the need to accommodate visitors.
  • The bigger the eye means you are prominent and denotes an open disposition. Itching in the lower part of the left eye means an illusion.
  • According to Spanish folklore, you are humble if your eye twitches more than once every five minutes.
  • If your eye changes color from blue to brown as you age, you should be in luck.
  • Slightly twitching eyes can mean being superficial.

Is the left side significant?

The left eye has a remarkable focus on the way we communicate. Left (the direction) is part of the cardinal direction. The earth is a circle, after all, and the left side of something allows us to observe others. An itch in the left eye can mean that we have to watch others. The Zuni tradition has six directions, not our own cardinal points.

Twitching and twitching of the lower left eyelid indicates that you are getting to the bottom of the problem. A slight twitch of the left eyelid means you don’t need someone else to control you. Feeling the left eye jumping means that your brother or sister is going to have some disease. (London Press Vol. 3) If the lower part of the right eye twitches, it indicates that you are happy. (London Press Vol. 3) When you feel your left eye twitch, people are jealous. (Beware of the Evil Eye Volume 4: The Evil Eye in the Bible)

Twitching left eye Spiritual meaning

Left eye twitch from a spiritual perspective may indicate that there is some news that you need to hear. The body can have a whole range of different twitches and itches. In Syria, Palestine, and Turkey, women typically wear blue beads to prevent the “evil eye,” and if they show anything like twitching, they taste accusations that they have the evil eye. In this culture it is possible to give people the evil eye. In Azerbaijan they have a saying that you can give yourself the evil eye. If the left eye is also red anyway, it may indicate that you may need to go backwards 4 times to pick up the evil.

Devil horns and left eye twitching


In Italy, they usually use a gesture of holding the two fingers on the palm when the eye is itchy. This is the creation of the devil’s horns to nullify any bad luck when the eye twitches. You can perform this gesture quickly and easily, and it is designed to protect you from left eye twitching from anything negative.

What does it mean when your eye twitches?


Left eye twitches are common in people. It stands for involuntary and constant muscle shivers in professional terms. Left eye twitching/itching has several beliefs and superstitions around the world. The superstitions surrounding a twitching eye include the following:

Twitching superstition in the left eye in Chinese folklore

There is a very old Chinese proverb about this strange event: “The twitching of the left eye means the coming of good fortune”. However, if your right eye twitches, it means bad luck. You may notice that left eye twitch is a good thing in China, but right eye twitch represents negativity and unhappiness. The twitching of the right eye also represents gossip and danger. It is also believed that if your lower left eyelid twitches, someone is gossiping about you. Or that you will cry soon. It is also said not to tell other people if your eyes are twitching.

Occult Sciences and Left Eye Twitching

I read this in a book I have on occult bodily functions. A black eye can show someone who, according to the occult sciences, has a temper but is also good-natured. If the black eye twitches, it means there may be a mental issue that needs to be addressed.

Twitching left eye superstition in Indian folklore

According to Indian folklore, left eye twitching is a bad sign. As you can see, it is the opposite of Chinese belief. If your right eye twitches, that’s a good sign. However, if your left eye is twitching, it means you will be unlucky in the future. They say if you’re a woman and your left eye twitches, that’s a good sign. On the other hand, if you are a man and your left eye twitches, this is a negative sign. Indians also believe that if you tell someone your eyes twitch is a super bad move!

Frosting of the left eye in African folklore

In some parts of Africa, left eye twitching signals that you are about to cry. However, this means that twitching your lower eyelid may indicate that people are about to contact you with a proposal. If your upper eyelid twitches, it predicts that you are going to meet someone in a very unexpected and spontaneous way.

Superstition of the twitching left eye in English folklore

Experiencing twitchy eyes in Hawaii (according to folklore) signals a new stranger in your home. In addition, there are some other superstitions involving death or birth. I’m afraid they are a bit negative. For example, constant twitching of the left eye means an illness in the family. Constant twitching of the right eye, on the other hand, predicts the birth of something new and beautiful. Have you heard of any interesting myths associated with left and right eye twitching? Can you remember something someone told you about this incident?

Twitching superstition in the left eye in Scottish folklore

If you notice that the right eye is jumping it means you are about to hear some very good news. If the left eye twitches, you will hear good news. This theory contradicts the writer Roberts, who wrote a book about twitching eyes in the 1920s.

Left twitching eye summary

In summary, the left eye twitch for you can mean a whole host of things, depending on the folklore applied. There are invisible or unknown forces, almost a force perceived by many, that can affect us in life. Pinning down the origins of the left eye twitch can be a bit confusing, but I’ve given my literary superstitions here and hope they’re of use to you.

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