Check out today’s spell to restore peace in the family (Photo: Pixabay)
When a conflict arises in the family and there is some resistance and intransigence on the part of some members, the emotional balance is compromised.
When a conflict arises in the family and there is some resistance and intransigence on the part of some members, her emotional balance is compromised. Change is the key to reconciliation. Unfortunately some people find several reasons not to change. For example, one of her members wonders, “Why should I talk to her when she ignores my advice?” or, another person insists that he can never forgive someone else’s, because that’s life for him.
Still, a woman cannot imagine how she could reconcile with her relative after he forgot about her dying mother and did not attend her last moments. Faced with such postures, how can a disunited family be restored in its entirety? Can pain and anger be overcome? How can one begin to move towards forgiveness and healing?
Efforts to resolve conflicts, whether or not they succeed in reconciling, will promote growth and maturity. For this reason, we present Spell for family reconciliation. Materials: A pink candle. A container of water. Rose essence oil. Some light colored flowers. A clear small stone.
At night, while everyone is sleeping or not at home, light the pink candle. Put a few drops of oil or perfume in the water in the container and place the pebble inside the container. When the candle is half consumed, take the flowers and the bowl of water and go to each of the rooms and rooms in the house, including the bathroom and kitchen.
Wet the flowers in the bowl and sprinkle each room, sprinkling with the water, saying, “Soft water. Bright flower, restore peace and love tonight. Make my family happy. By my will it is done, without harming anyone. So be it!”
Throw more drops in the places where arguments are most frequent. Now say the following prayer:
“May São Miguel Archangel now break all pride in the hearts of (say the name of each of the family members) and expel every spirit of envy that surrounds the lives of us all and drive away all evil, thus allowing immediate reconciliation forever. May São Rafael heal all hurt, all anger, all bad memories, all fear, all uncertainty, all doubt, all resentment and all sadness that may still exist in the hearts of (say the name of each of the family members) and may prevent them from immediately opening up to love and family unity”
Once the candle has been consumed, you bury the remains of wax in the patio or garden, watering with excess scented water. Flowers can be placed in a vase in plain sight.
November 24, 2018, at 00:00.