In this blog entry we are going to see the best way to undo or break a love spell made to another person
The love spell is made by someone passionate who wants to ask for help from some entity to promote that love. No mooring is capable of forcing the other to love, it only favors the energies for love to occur.
how to break a love spell in a short time
But what about when you are not willing to live this love and you were subjected to a love mooring? Many people say that they feel tied, that they cannot break the bond because they love their partner, even though they know that this relationship is no longer good for them.
Undoing a mooring is not a simple process, and we are already anticipating: it cannot always be effective. But there are ways to try to interrupt that process.
how to remove a mooring to a person and release it
See below how to undo love spell in 7 steps and good luck.
It is useless to try to go through a process and seek to understand how to undo a binding if you are not sure that magic of this type has been performed. Below I show you the symptoms of someone who is under the influence of a love spell or mooring.
There are many forms and symptoms that can manifest due to a love spell or mooring, but the most important thing is to first understand the magic that if the magic with which the performer is white or black.
Depending on the symptoms, you will know if the magic is beneficial or not. With the help of witches and other mystics, the effects of the spell can be serious and even catastrophic.
Black magic works for the evil side, with the help of non-reincarnated spirits that act in bad faith in the lives of the still living. They cause suffering and other pain in people.
While white magic acts in a healthier way, in an attempt to achieve something that is loved very much, but without harming others or bringing evil into their lives.
Among the first symptoms of Moorings or Love Spells are jealousy. This feeling is common to many people, but when it happens in an exaggerated way, it can be a sign that you are under negative magic.
Especially when it involves violence, whether verbal or physical, it is normal for aggression to be part of a mooring.
how to undo a love spell to another person step by step
It is true that those who live with their partner for many years cannot imagine themselves without it in their life. But the true dependency is a symptom of love mooring. A non-positive relationship, in which you cannot move or make any decisions without the help of the person you are with. Nothing in your life is accomplished without the person on your side.
The saying “love is blind” may be truer than ever. With a spell or love spell, financial or money bankruptcy can be reached at a level that is not expected. Both to please your partner and the chance of the mooring, money is one of the first problems that results from this curse.
Despite being in a relationship, apparently without problems, one of the symptoms of love spells can be endless depression. An anxiety crisis, even when in full harmony with the partner. It is that feeling of doing things wrong, when they should turn out well. Of not accepting happiness.
Depression and anxiety lead to another symptom, which is weight gain. The person in this phase feels oppressed and sees in food an answer to her astral depression. With the weight gain, the couple can also have problems, and therefore, a positive result for a negative love spell magic.
how to undo a love spell to another person step by step
Following the following tips we can manage to undo a love spell or mooring in the correct way
You need to get rid of a person’s obsession with you. Since we don’t know what elements he used to try to bind him, we need to remove any impurity from his physical and spiritual body that might be strengthening that magic within him. We warn you, it will not be easy, but it is necessary.
21 days without eating meat. Only fish and vegetables are allowed. Neither ham nor any other type of white meat, only fish and vegetables.
Sex is one of the strongest ways to bind the person to the mooring.
21 days without sex – not even masturbation.
21 days without consuming alcohol, cigarettes or any other type of drugs.
You will need to pray 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and night) two psalms. PS 18 and PS 66, for 21 consecutive days.
Our suggestion is to make a coarse and rough salt discharge bath, which drives away all kinds of charged energy. It should be done 3 times, once a week, in your 21-day cycle, preferably on Sunday, before going to sleep.
After your 21 day cycle, you should end the process with a powerful prayer against the spell. When you wake up on the 22nd, pray this prayer with great faith. At night, before going to sleep, pray again with great faith that you are now free of that binding spell.
We clarify that it is not always possible to point out with certainty how to undo the mooring. It depends a lot on how and when it was done. But the way described above is the most recommended to break this type of magic. The entire spell 22 team wishes you good luck and lots of light on your way.