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How to make a man miss you without talking to him? ultimate guide

They had an intense connection – you’re even convinced it’s your twin flame but, it’s gone.

Something happened that caused them to drift apart.

You really want to reconnect, but you’d rather turn to stone than take the first step.

At times like this, you need to get a little sneaky.

That is, not be entirely at your disposal. But to make him think of you.

Although it is hard to believe, it is possible. I assure. But how to achieve it?

Here are 16 ways to make him miss you without saying a word.

Here we go!

1) Surprise him with a new look

Before you make him miss you, you have to get his attention.

And since men are visual beings, there’s nothing more effective than surprising him with a new look.

Think of the many ways in which you can be a little different.

It doesn’t have to be crazy. You don’t need to change your ways for him.

Tips to change your look

It’s easier than you think.

Just wear a new hairstyle or a bolder lipstick shade that you like.

Of course, you only have to make the changes that impress you in a good way.

If you cut your hair crazy when he has told you he doesn’t like it, that will certainly get his attention.

But you will not achieve what you are looking for, that he is attracted to your new look.

You need to think about what he would like to see in you.

And, obviously, what you like too and makes you feel comfortable and attractive.

If he once told you that he likes you to wear that sundress, wear it instead of your usual jeans and shirt.

The goal of this is simple.

You want her jaw to drop and she takes a long sigh of regret for not being together.

2) Wear your “signature scent”

Has a specific aroma ever reminded you of something or someone?

Smells have been scientifically proven to trigger vivid memories.

A study entitled “Smells and emotions”, directed by the psychologist Silvia Álava explains that,

“Human beings remember up to 35% of what they smell, while they only remember 5% of what they see.”

Álava explains in an article for ABC science that smell activates our memories.

In addition, it allows people to relive an emotion associated with a person or situation.

This is because the memory is capable of retaining up to 10,000 different aromas. Incredible, don’t you think?

The study ensures that certain odors can evoke happy moments in people.

As well as modify the mood of those who remember it.

So, put on the perfume you used to wear when you were together.

When you pass his work station or meet him at a party, make sure he smells your perfume.

This will instantly take you down memory lane.

You can use this strategically.

For example, you can apply a little of your perfume a few seconds before when:

*you are about to pass in front of him,

*you are about to hug him for an informal farewell. If you stay a little longer, the effect will be greater.

He’ll have a hard time watching you walk away and may even think about you that day and the next.

3) Update your social networks

We all know that nowadays social networks are a letter of personal introduction.

So, keeping them up to date and with attractive information is necessary to interact with whoever you want.

Plus, it’s a quick and easy way to not only show your interesting sides, but to get to know theirs as well.

If there’s no way for you to see each other in real life, go on social media like Instagram, or whatever he uses.

I am not suggesting that you become his stalker and become obsessed with following him on social media.

This behavior usually leads us to a dark place when it comes to wanting to meet someone.

It can even harm your life if you insist on watching their networks day and night.

But if he makes certain aspects that you are unaware of and that interest you, known in networks, you can take advantage of it.

Post something that shows how much you have in common.

Yes, post updates on your life that you think might interest him.

You don’t need to look super sexy with exaggerated poses in your uploaded photos.

Try to be the best version of yourself, without falling into something that makes you uncomfortable.

Wait and see how this drives him crazy.

Don’t be surprised if he calls out to you with a “hello” after he’s been missing for a while.

Tip: You don’t have to show your photos for everyone to see.

You just have to make them visible to him. In this way, you will continue to maintain your privacy.

4) Don’t suffocate him

If you are constantly following his steps, looking for him or talking to him incessantly, you may achieve the opposite effect.

Instead of missing you, he will get annoyed with you to the point of being overwhelmed.

Some suffocating attitudes end up driving away the person you want. Be careful.

May your anxiety about his presence in your life not end up tiring him.

5) Ignore him

Ignoring someone is the most effective and easiest way to make someone miss you, even when you are around.

It is the way to go unnoticed, even though you are still physically present.

If, for example, they work in the same office or are neighbors and see each other often.

And you always smile at him when you walk by or greet him enthusiastically, stop doing it.

Don’t give it the usual attention you’ve been giving it because why would you?

Staying friends when you still have feelings for him is torture.

But yes, it can make him miss you once it’s clear that you’ve changed.

Or that you are no longer so available to him.

In addition, it is a message for him that says: “if you do not give me your attention, I will not wait.”

So it shows that it’s not the center of your universe.

If he is interested in you, this change will prompt him to do something to make you see each other.

6) Face it with a firm “No”

This is in line with the advice to ignore it.

It may sound contradictory because your ultimate intention is for him to miss you.

But if you’ve always been available to him—if you’ve always been nice—don’t be.

Refusing his offer or saying no to his requests will make him wonder if you’ve really changed.

He will wonder if your feelings for him have changed as well and if maybe you have found someone else.

Again, he will see this as a challenge.

It is an opportunity for him to show you that he does not want to lose you permanently.

7) Say “I miss you” using body language

When it comes to seduction, body language is more important than words.

Social Issues Research Center indicates in an article that there are several important tools in this type of language.

The look, smiles, the sense of touch, etc.

Depending on the article, for example, you can suggest what you want just with an intense look.

This works very well when you are looking at it both up close and from afar, being across a room or office.

Or look at him for a second or two longer than usual, then look away.

If you’re at an event and it’s far away from you, you can use this trick over and over again until you get the hang of it:

“You want me to come over and talk to you.”

Twirl your hair while he talks to you.

You can accompany it with a shy and suggestive smile.

Touch his arm when you are trying to explain something to him. This will add intensity.

There are many non-verbal ways to say you want it, so use them.

This man has been with you and knows how to flirt. He will recognize your signals easily.

So, it will be very easy for you to convey the message. You just have to send it.

8) Show your vulnerable side

Men do well in the role of superheroes.

And most of them love to feel useful; It allows them to show off their manhood.

If you have the opportunity to receive their support, do not miss it.

Let him help you. It will allow you to create a bond with him.

9) Make sure they know you have a life

This is similar to the “new look” advice.

The idea is that you call his attention by knowing interesting things about your life or with some intriguing change.

I’m not talking about moving to another country or quitting your job, it doesn’t have to be something radical or grand.

Any small step that can lead you to the life you want could be the answer.

In fact, you can take advantage of this and ask yourself what kind of life you really want.

Maybe you’ve always been a “Netflix and chill” type of girl whose life revolves around work.

Is that what you really want?

If not, this is an opportunity for you to really do what you want to do with your life.

But be careful when doing it. These changes should not be by HIM and for him.

Rather, it is an invitation to achieve what you most desire to be the best version of yourself.

It’s a change for you that he might find interesting.

Self-improvement may seem fake, but it’s always a good idea (and it’s pretty sexy).

Have you ever felt a slight sting in your heart when you heard that an ex finally got in shape or changed jobs?

This is the reason!

If you’ve always dreamed of living in Paris, you don’t have to buy a ticket to France.

But you can take French classes or learn to make croissants.

Or if you’ve always wanted to learn sensual dance, how about learning pole dance?

Then find a way to let him know you’re doing these things, of course.

10) Talk to your friends

Surely, your friends matter a lot to you.

A good way to make him miss you is to get a little closer to him without actually getting closer.

Speaks with his friends. Of course, you have to be sneaky and maximize your interaction with them.

For example, instead of talking about random things, talk about your new routines, bringing up your pole dancing classes.

If you don’t want to see it, don’t worry. You can be sure that they will pass on this information sooner or later.

Also, the fact that you are friends with his friends will make him think that you could really be a good match.

And this thought will make you be on his mind.

11) Give him some jealousy

It is not one of my favorites, but it is undoubtedly one of the most effective tricks.

To achieve this you will need to have a “friend or acquaintance” with whom you can make him jealous.

Someone you hang out with who can feel an interest in you, it doesn’t have to be a romantic interest.

This is just to generate jealousy, you will not go breaking hearts and creating false expectations with all men.

For example, you could show material on your networks that subtly suggests that someone is interested in you.

A photo with “another guy” might help.

Or you can also make his friends notice him, in case you and he are not in the same place.

I know, I know, it’s too strategic and if you’re not careful, you can hurt someone.

But you want something that can be effective, right?

Tips to generate jealousy and not die trying

This would require some skill because it could backfire.

This is definitely a high risk, high reward move.

You must be very careful for the following reasons:

1) If you convince him that you are in love with someone else, he will miss you.

But I might think that you’re not…

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