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How Do You Know If Your Love Path Is Closed? Learn Now!

Many people go through love problems because their paths to love are closed. It’s continual disappointments, bad luck in love, relationships that don’t work out and disappointments that don’t end anymore. If you identified with this, know that your love paths may be closed. In this article we will talk about how to know if your love path is closed.

Know that the path of love can be closed for several reasons, but what really matters is that you can open the doors for love to enter your life. Only then will you find complete happiness. Here’s everything you need to know about closed paths, including how to tell if your love path is closed and how to open it.

Understand what a closed love path is!

How do you know if your love path is closed?

There are several signs that may indicate that your love life is closed off. The easiest to observe are the constant problems in your love life, such as disappointments, disappointments, relationships that don’t work out, constant fights in the relationship and the difficulty of finding someone who truly loves you.

It’s that famous “rotten finger”, just when you think you’ve met a nice person, suddenly let you down again. When the relationship seems to work out, you discover a betrayal. Among other examples. Other signs include:

  • Your plans never work out
  • You always say “I almost made it”
  • All partners are bad choices
  • You have nightmares constantly
  • You try but you can’t pray to God
  • uncontrolled emotions
  • Withdrawal from friends and close people

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What does closed path mean?

But after all, what does it mean to be with closed paths? If you have this doubt, know that closed paths are the same as having bad energies preventing the flow of energy in different areas of your life. It is an obstruction that prevents the natural cycle of energies, generating a negative overload that attracts bad things.

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In the case of love life, when the path closes, it means that your love life starts to go wrong because of the negativity you are attracting.

Umbanda closed paths

Umbanda defines as closed paths the spiritual obstacles that prevent a person from achieving their happiness. In this way, the person has difficulty getting a job, finding love, having health, among other things.

closed paths Spiritism

In Spiritism, closed paths are defined by spiritual influences that prevent a person from being happy. This influence can be an obsessive spirit, accumulated negative energies and even curses, envy or spells made against the person.

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What are the symptoms of those who have closed paths?

The main symptoms of those who have closed paths are:

  • fights without causes
  • Fear of death or being alone
  • uncontrolled anger
  • Feeling of discomfort in religious environments
  • Health problems
  • Difficulty in a certain area of ​​life
  • Moving away from people who were close
  • constant love suffering
  • Difficulty finding someone who loves you

How to know if the paths are closed?

All these symptoms can indicate that you have closed paths. But to actually find out, you have to carry out a Spiritual Consultation. Here in the you can schedule your appointment by WhatsApp and perform your service with Maicon Paiva, our Spiritualist specialist in love relationships.

Opening the way, what is it?

As the name suggests, the opening of paths are Spiritual Works that allow you to break any obstacle that is obstructing the paths of your life. Among the works that open closed paths are at Spiritual Cleansingwhich removes all negative energy, drives away envy and releases spiritual paths.

Other work done for open paths closed in love and the loving clearing, which acts directly in the love life releasing the flow of positive energy in your life. With this job, all the evil goes away and his love life starts to work out.

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What does it mean to open the way?

Finally, the meaning of opening the paths is given by releasing the flow of energy in an area of ​​life that was obstructed. If there is an area of ​​your life that is closed off, opening paths removes those obstacles so that energy flows with intensity in your life.

What is an opening of paths for?

THE paving the way it serves to open all the closed doors in your life. In the case of those who have closed paths in love, this opening will unlock the path, causing positive energies to flow into their life.

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How to open your paths?

Each situation is different, so the best method to open the paths is to carry out a Spiritual Consultation. During the consultation you will know what has actually blocked your paths and thus you will be able to carry out specific work for that.

How to open paths in love?

If your love life is closed, know that at we carry out the loving clearing, a job that opens the way to love life. But first, do your consultation to find out what is blocking the flow of energy in your life.

What’s good to clear your ways?

Spiritual Cleansing does a great job of clearing the paths that are closed. We also do Spiritual Cleansing for love, which allows you to release closed doors in your love life.

Which saint opens the way?

Whoever has blocked paths can pray for Saint George, who is the Holy One capable of breaking all the bonds that are obstructing your life. You can also pray to Ogun, who is the protective Orisha of the paths and who is able to clear the closed paths.

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How to light a candle to open the paths?

Light a blue candle, as it is capable of clearing energies, releasing obstructions and opening the paths. When lighting the candle, say a prayer to Saint George and also to Ogun, asking for protection, for opening paths in your life and for all negativity to go away.

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What does it mean to do a Spiritual Cleansing?

It means that you will clean all the negative energies in your life and will attract positivity. It is the same as removing any spiritual influence that is causing any harm to your life.

What happens after a Spiritual Cleansing?

You feel much lighter, hopeful and motivated to do whatever you want. Spiritual Cleansing restores energies and brings balance to life. Therefore, the main feeling after carrying out this work is tranquility and renewal of spirit.

How does Spiritual Cleansing work?

This work is done with white magic through energies. At , the Spiritualist Maicon Paiva performs the ritual according to the guidelines of the Entities of Light. During practice, the consultant’s intention is placed in clear your energies and open the paths of life.

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How to do a Spiritual Cleansing?

If you feel like you need a Spiritual Cleansing to eliminate negativity and open loving paths, schedule your Spiritual Consultation. So our Spiritualist will be able to identify what is causing this obstruction in your life to eliminate all negative influence completely.

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