Almost no one is unaware of the existence of WhatsApp. In fact, now people no longer say “I'll send you a message”, as before, but rather “I'll send you a WhatsApp”.
In short, in one way or another, WhatsApp has changed our lives. Even communication between doctor and patient is often done via WhatsApp. So much so that we talk about WhatsApp Health as a testimony that this messaging tool is now essential. Although there are scams made with WhatsApp that we can easily fall into.
With WhatsApp, for example, during the pandemic, we learned to make group calls to talk to more people. Use the window to make video calls to family members, starting with the elderly, who then feel less alone.
In short, in one way or another, we interact with WhatsApp on a daily basis. Many, for example, have discovered how WhatsApp works for PC, to be able to receive messages with the computer open. WhatsApp Web, in fact, is a good help for those who are working, without having to constantly switch from PC to mobile and vice versa.
This is how you can activate the new invisible mode of WhatsApp: hide the “Online” mode
You can create an online survey with this application and below we explain how to do it
Maybe we are convinced that we know all the functions of WhatsApp. In reality, there is a world to discover. It is useful to know, for example, how to do surveys on WhatsApp with our contacts. For example, if we are part of a group and we want to know everyone's opinion
A preliminary observation must be made immediately. WhatsApp does not have a “poll” feature that is useful for this purpose. We will have to take advantage of the free sites to interact with our WhatsApp. Nothing complicated. For example, Straw Poll, which is free.
Taking surveys on WhatsApp with our contacts is not difficult
We just have to ask the question that interests us. For example, for a school talk: “Do we give the children packed lunches or money to buy food?” At this point, we decide the answers that the participants will have to comment on. Limits can also be set, such as a unique IP address.
At this point, we just have to click on the “Share” button in the lower right corner. A drop-down list will open with several options. At the top, we will have to click on “Copy” and below on “Share on WhatsApp”. Now, in the school chat, we paste the link as if we were sending a message to the group and that's it.