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Spiritual Work

Gemstones: these are the names and meanings of the most popular ones

When we talk about precious stones, we automatically think about both their beauty and the benefits and properties they bring us. Since ancient times they have been used for healing purposes, but also as displays of ostentation. Currently, the physical, emotional and energetic properties of these stones are being studied, although the truth is that it is still a very ...

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Quartz: what it is, what it is for and how to take advantage of its benefits at home

What is quartz?Types of quartz Macrocrystalline quartzMicrocrystalline quartzWhat is quartz for?Properties and benefits of quartzHow can we use quartz at home?Gemstones for good luck at home Quartz is one of the most common minerals found on the earth’s surface. This mineral is used as a manufacturing material for a large number of technological items. However, Quartz is a precious stone ...

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Tell me what your zodiac sign is and I’ll tell you what scent you should use in your home (from perfumes to candles, mikados…)

The flavoring options Your house is as infinite as there are constellations in the sky. Therefore, it is better that you let yourself be guided by your horoscope when choosing a perfume for the home so that it fits your tastes and needs. Be careful with the changes Mercury retrograde April 2023: BE CAREFUL with making changes at home, in ...

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10 rituals you should do every Sunday at home

1 /10 1. Turn off the alarm clock and get the rest you need If you are one of those who always set your alarm at an early hour, either because you have to go to work or because you like to maintain a schedule routine, listen to us and forget about it on Sundays. Your body and mind will ...

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