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Practical Resources

111 Short Motivation Quotes to Repeat to Yourself Every Day!

Share: Short motivational phrases have powerful effects. We can improve our lifestyle just by changing the way we think about ourselves. This increases activity in key regions of our brain’s self-processing and evaluation systems by reflecting on future-oriented core values. These motivational quotes will help you celebrate, uplift, encourage, empower, love and accept yourself. Self-love and self-esteem when elevated, sets ...

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10 situations that most make men jealous

Share: In a relationship, in addition to love, jealousy is essential, but always in considerable dimensions and never out of control. These mean that you like the person and that deep down you are afraid of losing them, but just like women, men are also jealous and that’s why the team at Blog Me Apaixonei will reveal some of the ...

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God is the basis for a happy relationship

Share: Everyone wants a love to call their own, but few truly give themselves to love. Love is not selfish, to love is to know that the happiness of the other is yours too. To love is to want to improve, to strive to understand, to forgive. And trust is nothing more than having faith in someone else. Where there ...

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I want to grow old with you

Share: When I think about the future I think about you. I can’t imagine my days without you being present at almost every moment. It may sound crazy, but I can no longer imagine a future without you in it. I want to have your hug to warm me on cold days, your hands to hold when I feel afraid ...

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9 Weird Ways to Find Out Someone Likes You More Than a Friend

Share: Crushes are very frustrating, no matter how old you are. However, there are some strange ways to find out if someone likes you more than just a friend – even if your feeling is not necessarily reciprocal. Classic situation: you like someone, you think about them all the time, but you just can’t tell if this feeling is mutual ...

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loving you makes me so happy

Share: I keep thinking how lucky I am. Sometimes my day isn’t even that good, but when I remember you, your smile and your care for me, everything changes. You showed me what it’s like to find true love. He taught me to be a better person and loved me in a way I never even imagined I could be ...

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