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Practical Resources

You deserve someone who doesn’t make you doubt

Share: The hardest thing you’ll have to learn is that a few mixed signals mean he cares — but not enough. not enough to give you what you deserve. You will never get everything from him because he is willing to give you little pieces of himself. He doesn’t want to reveal too much, because that would signal something serious, ...

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Some signs that he still can’t get over you

Share: After the end of the relationship, it is normal that there are questions that are being asked in your head, such as if this was the best for both of you, if this is really the right decision or if he has already forgotten you. If you feel that he is still very much present in your life, it ...

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The reason you need to be faithful in your relationship

Share: Many people consider that loyalty in a relationship is just not cheating, but it is much more than that. There are couples who suffer serious consequences for the fact that there is no fidelity between them, even if there is no betrayal. We are talking about the infidelity of plans, projects, life philosophy, ideals and even dreams. We have ...

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11 Signs You Have a GREAT WOMAN by your side

Share: Nobody is perfect, but finding a great woman means you’ve found your soulmate despite your imperfections. There are no exact standards that define a great woman. Because of this, you may not realize that you have this woman by your side when your relationship is still in its infancy. However, you will see some subtle signs who will tell ...

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