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Dreams & Meanings

What is Energy Divorce? Why perform, Thetahealing and more!

Relationship breakups are difficult. Many people find it difficult to let go of a relationship, be it family, romantic or even professional. It is possible that the suffering lasts, that you miss the person, the habits and everything that that relationship brought you. However, whether it was a positive or negative relationship, it is necessary to overcome it in order ...

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Saturn in Aries in the Birth Chart: Fall, Characteristics and More!

The birth chart always arouses curiosity in people, and it is through it that individuals understand the influence of the stars on their preferences, personalities and positions. If Saturn is in Aries in your map, know that this can represent how disciplined you are to carry out your tasks and how your impulsiveness and independence affect you. To understand Saturn ...

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Midheaven in Aries in the birth chart: meaning of the 10th house and more!

Having Midheaven in Aries brings people several characteristics specific to their behavior. In this case, Aries in the Midheaven encourages its natives to seek an innovative path in their lives. This sign in your Midheaven will bring determination and a driving energy to your social and professional instincts. In addition, natives with this influence will have their path of evolution ...

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Protein-rich foods: meats, vegetables, greens, fruits and more!

Far from being a diet trend, protein-rich foods are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. The main sources of protein are of animal and vegetable origin. Foods such as eggs, yogurt, fish, milk, meat and cheese contain the most protein, being used by the body more easily and with high biological value. However, foods of plant origin ...

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Cinnamon Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, with Lemon, Ginger and More!

Hibiscus is a beautiful flower that catches the eye of everyone who sees it. Cinnamon is an ancient spice, used by different cultures in food and teas. Did you know that combining hibiscus and cinnamon can bring incredible results to your health? Hibiscus and cinnamon tea has a diuretic action and helps to lose weight in a healthy way. In ...

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