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Endogenous depression does not need reasons for sadness

Endogenous depression is a mood disorder that It is characterized by marked sadness, hopelessness, apathy…But the cause of endogenous depression differs from that of reactive depression. In this case, there is no external triggering situation but rather it is due to internal or psychobiological factors.

It is caused by an alteration or structural change in brain biochemistry.; On the other hand, in reactive depression there is an obvious relationship between the triggering situation and the beginning of the disorder. The triggering reason being the central core of depression.

Lack of identifiable external causes can make understanding difficult of the disease by the environment of the sufferer and the person who suffers from it themselves. An imbalance in our brain chemistry is enough to plunge us into a deep sadness, which we ourselves do not understand, but from which we cannot escape without help.

“You smile, but you are not happy. You cry, but there are no tears. You die, but you keep breathing. Say hello to depression.”


The chemistry of depression

In endogenous depression there is a marked decrease in serotonin, as in exogenous depression, but in this case not caused by external factors but it happens naturally. In this type of depression there is a high genetic component, although this would “only” increase the chances of suffering from depression and not determine it. There are several hypotheses that relate various neurotransmitters to depression.

The noradrenergic hypothesis postulates that depression is due to a functional norepinephrine deficiency in brain synapses. One of the findings that reinforce this theory is that sleep deprivation, specifically REM, has antidepressant effects and this is due to an increased sensitivity of norepinephrine receptors.

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Serotonin plays a very important role in regulating the balance of our body, modulating excessive activation. The deficiency of this neurotransmitter accompanied by a functional catecholaminergic deficit can cause a depressive state.

There are studies that demonstrate the relationship between the decrease in serotonin and the tendency to commit suicide.

Guadarrama (2006) highlights a neuroanatomical model formed by the prefrontal cortex, the thalamus, the amygdala-hippocampus complex and the basal ganglia. These authors point out that there are two main neuronal circuits involved in depression: limbic-thalamic-cortical circuit and the limbic-striatal-pallidal-thalamic-cortical circuit.

In this way, endogenous depression would be associated with dysfunctions or anomalies in different parts of these circuits. Data has also been collected on abnormalities in the structures of the basal ganglia, temporal and frontal lobes, and cerebellum.

Typical symptoms of depression

There are different symptoms of depression and not everyone suffers from the same symptoms, but the typical symptoms of depression are what we present below.

Mood symptoms: sadness is the quintessential symptom of depression. It can also cause irritability, a feeling of emptiness or nervousness. There is a marked reduction in positive emotions.Motivational and behavioral symptoms: general state of inhibition that translates into apathy, indifference and anhedonia.Cognitive symptoms: memory, attention and ability to concentrate are altered. Besides, the content of cognitions is altered by self-depreciation, self-blame and loss of self-esteem that appear.Physical symptoms: Sleep problems such as insomnia or hypersomnia are common. Fatigue, loss of appetite, a decrease in activities and sexual desire may also appear.Interpersonal symptoms: there is a serious deterioration in interpersonal relationships, even leading to isolation.

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Although these symptoms can occur in any of the types of major depression, there are some differences in the way the symptoms present and especially in their intensity. Major depression, whether reactive or endogenous, is disabling and makes social relationships and work performance difficult, although endogenous depression is usually more serious.

Symptoms of endogenous depression

Although both types of depression (reactive and endogenous) share symptoms to a greater extent, there are also differences. Endogenous depressions have greater vegetative symptomsfor example, tachycardia.

The symptoms are more severe, with a greater likelihood of suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, in most cases it is possible to identify a seasonal variation in symptoms and an early awakening.

It is given a more intense, intrusive, disproportionate and penetrating sadness. Furthermore, sadness is accompanied by a marked anhedonia, or in other words, the inability to feel pleasure. There is a loss of reactivity, it is not possible to react emotionally to important positive events.

Endogenous sadness cannot be modified voluntarily, despite making efforts. As there is no identifiable cause on which therapy can be focused, drugs are the first choice of treatment. The good news regarding This type of depression responds very well to antidepressants..

Combining pharmacological therapy with psychological intervention may be the best tool to address the problem and is undoubtedly the one we recommend.

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