Dreaming of a deceased father can have a very interesting meaning in spiritism. So, I decided to write this article with 13 possible spiritual messages from this dream for your life.
The impact of dreams on people’s lives is relevant. Dreaming can open the doors of our body and mind to a new world.
Sometimes the forces of the universe use dreams as a means of sending spiritual messages to people. Thus, it is possible to understand a lot about your life just by analyzing these mental images.
Spiritism is very good at analyzing these dream contents, differentiating the various versions of the same type of dream in order to understand exactly each message from the universe. An example is the dream of deceased people, which tends to be something very powerful and with a strong message.
The dream of a deceased father, for example, represents a lot for spiritism. This type of mental image usually indicates that there is a very powerful and very deep connection between the parent who has passed away and the person who is still alive.
Even with the death of the father, this connection remained and remained strong. Spirits, above all, are still intimately connected.
That’s why the dream happens, sometimes more than once in the same night. See below a little more about the dream of a deceased father and its meaning for spiritism.
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According to spiritism, what does it mean to dream about someone who has died?
What does it mean to dream of a deceased father in spiritism?
13 Spiritual Messages of Dreaming of a Deceased Father
Could my dad want to talk to me?
Could this dream be a warning sign?
Should I be concerned?
final words
According to spiritism, what does it mean to dream about someone who has died?
Spiritism understands that dreaming about someone who has passed away shows some kind of connection between you. Even with the separation in the physical world, the souls have not yet distanced themselves and are still very connected.
In general, this happens a lot when the deceased person has not yet managed to complete his passage to the other spiritual plane.
Thus, he continues wandering around the world and creating connections with those he knew. In addition to the dream, it is natural that there are frequent thoughts regarding a dead person who is in this condition and has not yet completely passed away.
The best thing to do, really, is to try to stop thinking about the deceased so much. So it will be possible allow the dead person’s soul to follow its path.
After all, the place of a deceased’s spirit is not close to those he knew and loved. This is not the natural course of the universe.
What does it mean to dream of a deceased father in spiritism?
In spiritism, the dream of a deceased father refers to a great spiritual connection with that person. You and your father were not only close physically, but also in the spirit world.
Thus, souls still insist on staying close, even if it is physically no longer possible to be close to your father.
However, it should be noted that this is not a positive thing. His deceased father is still trying to cross over to the other plane.
In this way, by remaining so spiritually connected to you, it becomes much more complicated to finish this process. There are spirits that wander for years before finally making the passage to another plane.
Therefore, the connection between you and your deceased parent is still strong. However, it is necessary to let go of this very powerful connection to let the dead person continue the afterlife process.
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13 Spiritual Messages of Dreaming of a Deceased Father
Spiritism understands that life does not end after death in the physical world. On the contrary, this is just the end of one cycle, but then it will be possible to start another. The big issue is that many deceased people cannot easily move on with their lives.
Because of this, they are still connected to people who are alive and create difficulties for this transition. The dream of a deceased father demonstrates precisely this powerful connection between your father and you.
As much as he has already died, the connection still persists and creates a different scenario for the lives of both – yours in the physical world and his in the universe of spirits.
The truth is that both need to continue and disconnect this very powerful connection, allowing the paths of the two involved to be trodden in the right way.
1) Spiritual connection
The main explanation for the dream about the deceased father is the strong spiritual connection between you. You and your father still have a different bond. It’s something powerful that creates unique moments.
As much as it is physically no longer possible to be close to him, the truth is that spiritually you and your father still have a powerful connection. This type of dream makes it clear that this connection is unique and that, even after life, she lives on.
But it can be a problem, since the deceased person needs to follow his spiritual path until he reaches the other plane. By staying very connected to the world of the living, it becomes complicated to make this transition.
2) Lack of confidence
The dream of a deceased father, according to spiritism, can still indicate a lack of confidence. This is because it demonstrates that you have always depended on your father to teach you many things in life. But now, without him, you feel like you won’t be as capable of doing everything you need to.
Your late father was always a point of reference in your life, a person who could impart knowledge and tranquility to you. Thus, your physical body and your soul mourn the absence of your father.
Thus, your confidence goes down the drain. Seek, little by little, to strengthen your spirit and try to do things alone to regain your power of confidence.
3) Wisdom
Spiritism also indicates that the dream of a deceased father demonstrates wisdom. For you, your father was always a wise person who could solve all of life’s issues with ease.
In this way, you always saw in your father the figure of a strong man capable of accomplishing whatever he wanted. Now, with the death of your father, do you believe that you received all the wisdom from him.
With a powerful connection between the two of you, you believe you are on the right path in life to make your father proud. This is a very positive dream, therefore.
4) Patience
The dream with deceased father still demonstrates the need to be patient. When you feel your father’s absence, even with the spiritual bond between the two that remains, you see that patience is fundamental.
Things don’t happen when you want them to. As much as you want to see your father again, you know that can’t happen now. One day, after life, this reunion may happen.
Still, now it is necessary to be patient and allow your deceased father to make the transition to the world of the dead once and for all. By doing this, you can truly help your father and still help yourself.
5) Your father is in another world
Dreaming of talking to your late father shows that he is already in another world. His father already made the passage to another spiritual dimension and is no longer in his plan.
In this way, it is necessary to accept this scenario and assimilate that your father is no longer accessible to you. But this is a positive thing, as it makes it clear that the passage was carried out correctly. So be proud.
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6) News
The dream with the deceased father smiling, for spiritism, indicates positive news coming soon. You are in for some surprises in the near future, but in a positive sense. Therefore, you will be able to pave the way for your personal evolution.
The dream in question makes it clear that there is a very good energy in your heart, allowing you to grow as a person and become what you always wanted. Your late father would have been very proud of you.
7) Enjoy life
Dreaming of a deceased father’s corpse, according to spiritism, indicates that one must enjoy life. Everything goes very fast in life.
Events happen sequentially and, when we least expect it, we find ourselves facing the end. Because of this, you need to learn to enjoy life and everything that comes in your way.
Make good use of the possibilities and opportunities that you will still have in your existence. Don’t let the chances of being happy pass you by without taking advantage of them.
8) Get over your father’s death
Dream about deceased father dying again says it is necessary to overcome the death of a loved one. This person was very important in your life and marked your story. However, the truth is that it is necessary to stop thinking so much about your dead father.
Accept that your father has passed away and that you now need to make your passage to the world of the dead. It will be easier for everyone involved if you just accept this scenario and allow your father to complete the mission he has.
9) Believe in your potential
Spiritism sees that dreaming of a deceased father reading a book indicates that you have to believe in your potential. You have the skills you need to grow in life.
Therefore, you have to try a little harder to get where you want to be. Not everything will be simple in your life, but the truth is that there is a need to fight for what you believe.
Your deceased father would want you to keep fighting for your happiness, even if it wasn’t something simple. Like this, keep believing in your potential.
10) Do a spiritual cleansing
The dream of a deceased father screaming shows that you need to clean your spirit. Spiritualism believes that, from time to time, it is necessary to carry out a great cleaning in your soul to get rid of bad energies.
In this sense, there is a belief that these negative vibrations can cause serious problems for the entire length of your life.
The process of purification of the spirit can be done by a spiritist professional, someone with a lot of knowledge in the area. Or…
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