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Solar Plexus Chakra: How to Balance the Unbalanced 3rd Chakra

In this article we will understand how to balance the blocked Solar Plexus Chakra. In addition, we are going to show you where this 3rd chakra is located and what it is used for in our daily lives.

Chakras are energy pointswe could compare them to vortices that are spread along our spine, spinning constantly and in opposite directions, absorbing or distributing energy.

For Hindus and yoga practitioners, the chakras are centers of vital energy, absorbing, externalizing and managing these energies in our etheric double, also known as the subtle body.

But what does that mean?

According to spiritism, the etheric body, or subtle body, is an identical copy of our physical body. And it is in the etheric body that the chakras are located.

Therefore, it is from these energy centers that we keep our body, mind and spirit balanced. Emanating and managing good or bad energies, which will depend on how we think.

However, despite being in the same body and along the same spine, each chakra or energy point, a different energy vibrates that, together with the others, brings balance and well-being, capable of uniting the material world with the spiritual world.

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What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

5 Symptoms of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

How to Unlock This Chakra Immediately

My Solar Plexus is hurting, what could it be?

The influence of this Chakra in my life

Watch your energy wear

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Manipura is the name given to the Solar Plexus chakra.and it is not uncommon for someone to also call it the Umbilical chakra, this is the third energy point.

By the way this chakra is very important because it absorbs external energies, manages and expands to other pointsif a negative energy reaches this chakra all the others will be compromised.

The function of this chakra is digestion, metabolism and is closely linked to emotions.the more aligned this chakra is, the greater the self-control, energy, mood, will, personal power and authority of the person in question.

Not just the digestion of food, but the entire digestion of feelings and emotions which are actually the most important! A poorly digested feeling causes illnesses in the body, mind and spirit, attracting more negative energies.

Where is the solar plexus?

The Solar Plexus is located in the abdomen, near the navel.so some people call it the umbilical chakra, as it is very close to the navel.

The exact location of the Solar Plexus is between the umbilical and heart chakras.

There is an association of the chakra with the planets Jupiter and Mars and with the Sun, since its energy represents fire and its activation color is yellow.

Is the third chakra in the same place for everyone?

We all carry chakras, and they are all located in the same place along each of our spines.

I have never heard of a chakra vibrating in a location other than its own, as there is a sequence for the seven chakras.

What often happens is these energy centers are imbalanced or abstracted by some other energy.

5 Symptoms of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

Whatever the chakra in question, the imbalance causes reactions in the body and mind, and depending on the chakra and energy, we can become physically ill.

However, when we talk about imbalance we always associate the word with lack or absence of energy, which is not true, imbalance can happen due to excess energy.

A greater concentration of energy in one of the energy centers can unbalance the entire emotional and often, depending on the frequency, the body, which leads to illnesses.

1. Slow metabolism

In imbalance this chakra, which is responsible for digestion and metabolism, can alter these functions of the body, causing swelling in the abdomen, or even slowing down the metabolism.

It can also affect the liver, in fact, the entire digestive system is compromised, which can cause pain or just discomfort in the region.

2. Fear

If there is an absence of energy in this chakra, the person may experience fear.. Feel afraid of everything and for no apparent reason! Any situation causes you fear, which makes you feel anxious, and which can lead to mental illness.

If you’ve been getting scared for no good reason, chances are you have this chakra unbalanced. Also, if you startle easily, that could also be a warning sign. Be very attentive to this symptom, as it is easy to identify and can reveal a lot about the imbalance you are suffering.

3. Anger or Hatred

Anger or hatred arises when this chakra is in excess of energy.because emotions are being worked on.

Do meditation, be in contact with nature, get some sun, it can help a lot to unload some of this energy and rebalance the chakras.

4. Self-control

If this chakra is out of balance, it can lead to loss of self-control.the person then begins to exceed in various aspects of life, food is the first aspect.

But, self-control can be seen in several other areas of life, family, professional, in short, or in all of them at the same time.

5. humor

The mood is also shaken with the imbalance of this energy point. The person loses humor and begins to think that nothing is funny or meaningful anymore, which leads to loss of personal power, or will. Which in turn can lead to depression, or other mental illnesses.

So it truly affects the mood. It may seem simple, but as you’ve seen, mood affects several other aspects of our body. So this symptom should be taken very seriously.

How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra

Although we know that throughout of the day we will have several emotionsand these can unbalance our chakras, we need to keep control of what we think.

Meditation is a very important tool to align the chakras, some yoga exercises too, because they work on breathing.

There are also some energy therapies that help a lot to realign the chakras:

Like the one that works with light and color (chromotherapy); Or the one that works with stones, not in massages but in applications on the chakras.

Or even, the release of energy with the imposition of hands, which is the case with reikibut these techniques must be applied by those who know and not by just anyone, since the imbalance can increase.

simple and practical technique

Another technique that we can talk about and is highly recommended for balancing or adjusting the chakras is to take responsibility for what happens to you. So, must release forgiveness for others but mostly for and with you.

Forgiving yourself for the wrong things you’ve done is part of the personal growth of each one of us! When we own up to our mistakes and forgive ourselves, we begin a healing process.

Guilt is a big problem and causes the emotional imbalance we go through during some moments of life. Some people can’t forgive themselves for mistakes made and get stuck in this tune.

In this way, they end up using their energies in negative emotions and feelings and, with that, considerably lower their good energies.

Guilt itself attracts many negative energies. Then, get rid of her as soon as possible! After all, everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is to learn from the mistake and move on.

Furthermore, sunbathe the sun is the greatest and best energizer of chakras that we have known so far, sunbathing for a few hours a day is very good not only for the chakra but for the whole.

How to Unlock This Chakra Immediately

In case the above content was not enough, we have a video that will help you. I do this because he shows the simplest way to proceed with the immediate unblocking of this chakra. It’s a short video, but very important. So, without further ado, check it out for yourself below:

Just watched the video or just don’t want to watch? We still have some very important things to teach you about this chakra! So keep reading our article right below.

My Solar Plexus is hurting, what could it be?

Sometimes it pays to do some research about the pain. If there was no physical shock, such as injuries from accidents to the navel or chest area, then it could be a buildup of bad energy! Or the absence of good energy.

It may seem strange to say “accumulation of bad energy or absence of good energy”but that’s true, we don’t always have bad energy sometimes we’re just not producing good energy, we’re storing stagnant, stopped energy.

The solar plexus is the chakra responsible for emotions.so if we are feeling dizzy, indisposed, without strength or desire for anything, or even a bad feeling of being unwell, it could be that your chakra has been affected by some external bad energy.

But it is worth remembering that it is not only external energies that affect us, Negative energies produced by ourselves are more harmful than those that come from outside.

Always observe what kind of energy you are producing, what are your thoughts in the face of certain situations, what is your stance in the face of difficulties and obstacles.

And don’t forget that this chakra, the Solar Plexus, it is responsible for the management of emotions and personal power.

The influence of this Chakra in my life

If we think of this chakra as a manager of our emotions and still link our will and personal power to it, its influence is enormous in our lives.

This energy generated by this chakra:

It is responsible for what we feel; Responsible for our willingness to act or not; And without that will, we would all be stagnant without any will or courage for anything.

But, not only is this chakra important, always remember that all together form our vital energy and the balance between body and mind or spirit, that is, any of them that is unbalanced can, and will, cause great energy damage. on the whole.

However, the solar plexus has a slightly greater responsibility in this energetic sense. For, when dealing with emotions, he puts everything in its proper place or not, which will depend on the energy absorbed and administered.


That is, on a day when you went through difficult situations and were exposed to bad energies, you probably felt weak, without strength for the basics, with the desire just not to…

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