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Do you know what sexuality is?

Sexuality is a term that we immediately associate with sex, But have you really asked yourself everything that human sexuality encompasses? Sexuality is distributed in three main aspects: biological, psychological and social; that are interrelated with each other.

These three fundamental aspects of sexuality cannot be considered in isolation since, then, they would lose their meaning. Its biopsychosocial unity implies a sexual configuration that favors the development of personality.

The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the following definition of what human sexuality represents:

“The integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual and social elements of the sexual being so that they are positively enriching and enhance communication and love in people”

Taking into account these factors that are essential in human sexuality, we can see the implication that each of them has:

Sexuality from the biological

Possibly the biological aspect has been the one that we have taken into account the most when creating a concept of sexuality.. More specifically in the genital aspect, like the sexual organs par excellence.

This is one very reductionist vision that does not take into account the body schema as a unit. The integration of the body as a whole within sexuality allows us to understand that we are sexual beings from the moment we are born until we die. This implies that both children, adolescents, adults and the elderly have sexuality.

“Sexuality has much more richness and complexity for the simple fact that it is a capacity of a being as rich and complex as the human being.”

-Julián Fernández de Quero-

When only the biological part of sexuality is attended to we are focusing on the sex, through the genitals, and in reproduction as a purpose. The biological aspect of sexuality can be expanded and thus given greater meaning when it is interrelated with the other factors involved:

“It is our body that learns and only through a complete body scheme can we carry out this task. Partializing the body, indicating only certain functions, means denying the pleasure of knowing and communicating correctly with others.”

Sexuality from the social

This dimension of sexuality has to do with our eroticism., through learned behaviors and the acquisition of various customs and rituals. That is why in each culture there are beliefs about sexuality that vary depending on the historical context, and that influence how we act.

Our political, religious and cultural influences somehow regulate the norms of what is appropriate and what is not.. This has led to many limitations on the sexual level through what is considered “normal.”

As social beings that we are, many of the fears we have are part of trying not to feel rejected, isolated and strange. To do this, we abide by and transmit through communication the messages that we have internalized, turning them into values ​​and standards of conduct.

How a specific population experiences sexuality is the result of socialization; nevertheless, become aware of what these behaviors and attitudes are that we have internalized without questioning them, can help us adapt or modify them from knowledge, to the development of our own personality.

This means breaking with the limitations and erroneous beliefs that have been imposed in our socialization process, to experience sexuality as something positive that is different for each person. Thus It would be advisable, rather, to talk about sexualities.

Sexual education in this sense has a lot to say since, through knowledge, the process of awareness is opened, so that each individual can be free to decide and choose how to live and enjoy their own sexuality.

Sexuality from a psychological perspective

From the involvement and integration of the body schema and the experience of one’s own (biological) body, and socialization, to how we should act; the psychological dimension is born. The psychological factor involved in sexuality is characterized by thoughts, fantasies, attitudes and tendencies.

The psychological aspect within sexuality has to do with how we feel, both with ourselves and with others. Taking into account: emotions, feelings, pleasure and thought; fruit of experience and the acquisition of knowledge.

In the development of our personality, from the moment we are born, we acquire an individual vision of how we experience and live sexuality.. This meaning it has for us varies, being different at each stage of our lives. That is why we previously specified the concept of sexualities.

We feel differently, and the emotions that awaken in us are different, although the situation is the same. Therefore, each person has a different way of experiencing pleasure, since what brings pleasure to some people may cause displeasure to others.

Paying attention to this aspect requires self-knowledge about what you feel and what you want; taking responsibility for it, to share it, or not, in the relationship with other people


With the analysis of the three aspects that are involved in the concept of sexuality, it can be concluded that sexuality is involved in all stages of our livessince we are sexual beings from the moment we are born until we die, and it is not something static, but rather dynamic, which changes as we change.

The information and knowledge that we acquire from outside in the sexual field influences our own knowledge, about ourselves and the interaction we have with others.

There is no single sexuality for all people that determines how pleasure is to be lived, but that there are as many sexualities as there are individuals, each with their particularities; that are determined by personality, knowledge and own experience. Understanding this, we will be able to get rid of what is considered “normality”, and thus each of us will embark on our own path, without fear, without guilt… Exploring and enjoying our sexuality.

“Sexuality is not what we believe, it is not how we have been told. “There is not one, but many sexualities.”

-Albert Rams-

Bibliography used:
-Coronado, A. (2014). Sexuality concept. Granada: Al Ándalus Institute of Sexology (unpublished).
-Quero, JF (1996). Practical guide to male sexuality: keys to knowing yourself better. Today’s topics.

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