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Discover the 92 rarest words in Spanish

Surprise your loved ones with the strangest words in Spanish: chundarata, ñaque and desleír are part of the list. Learn more terms that, although uncommon, describe everyday concepts and actions.

The rarest words in Spanish attract many curious people wishing to expand their lexicon. If there is something that characterizes our language, it is the variety of terms to describe all types of objects, situations and internal states. With the help of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) we will discover some of these words.

And this is just a primer, because in a language as extensive as Spanish, it is an impossible task to know all the words and even more so if they are so rare.

According to the RAE, In the latest edition of the academic dictionary (2014), 93,111 articles and 195,439 meanings were registered. However, the following list will be helpful if you want to surprise your loved ones with new terms or just learn more about the language.

The strangest words in Spanish

Our language is very rich. On a day-to-day basis we only use a very small set of terms, But if we venture to look in the dictionary, we will learn a lot of words that will enrich our speech. Below, we present 92 of the strangest words in Spanish. Let’s get started!

Acred: something that is devoid of defects and stains, that is pure.Agibilibus: ability or ingenuity to achieve a proposed goal. Ability to handle difficulties with mischief.Alexithymia: is a term used in psychopathology to refer to the inability to describe feelings using words.Alcorque: hole made at the foot of a tree to make better use of water from irrigation or rain.Arabesque: line with a sinuous path that intersects. For example, the smoke of a cigarette while it is consumed.Flush: red color of clouds illuminated by the sun’s rays. Also, it can be the same dye that occurs in other things, such as blush.Ataraxia: It literally means ‘absence of disturbance’. It is a synonym for serenity, the ability to remain calm in the face of adversity.Daze: cause a person to act hastily, without reflection and clumsily.Bahorrina: dirty water mixed with dirt and filth. It can also be applied to the set of mean and despicable things or people.Barbian: a confident, gallant or brave person.Jeer: make a mockery or joke of someone.Bonhomie: an attitude that could be described as simplicity united with kindness in character and manners.Burdegano: mammal born from the crossing of a horse and a donkey.Cacosmia: medical term used to describe the alteration of the sense of smell, causing an abnormal perception of foul odors.Cazcalear: walking or wandering from one place to another pretending that one is doing something useful.Celage: appearance of the sky when it is covered with thin clouds of different colors, especially during sunrise or sunset.Dark Supper: stingy person who deprives himself of regular comforts.Chundarata: This word is actually an onomatopoeia, as it refers to strident and boisterous music.Pauperize: It is a synonym for impoverishing, weakening or exhausting a person, or a part of them.Dissolve: dissolving a substance, solid or pasty, in a liquid.Valiant: a person who has a lot of energy, courage or determination.Dejection: It is a way of referring to the elimination of excrement.Eburnous: object made of ivory or a material that resembles it.Junction: kinship relationship between people who have a common lineage trunk.Falcado: something that has a curvature similar to that of a sickle.Faramalla: artificial chatter whose purpose is to deceive.Pharmacodynamics: It is the science that studies the biochemical and physiological effects of a medication and its specific mechanism of action in an organ.Garambaina: tasteless and worthless ornament on clothes or other things.Gaznapiro: stupid, simple-minded, clumsy person who is amazed by anything.Haiga: large, flashy car, such as a limousine or a private bus.Heresiarch: the first author of a heresy or leader of a heretical sect.Hermeneutics: the art of interpretation, explanation and translation of texts, current and ancient.Histrionic: person who acts in a very emotional and dramatic way, drawing attention to them. It is synonymous with hysterical.Idiosyncrasy: way of being that is characteristic of a person or thing and distinguishes it from others.Ineffable: something that is so shocking that it cannot be described in words.Isagoge: preamble or introduction of a literary work.Jerapellina: old and worn dress. Also, a piece of fabric that cannot give more of itself.Jitanjáfora: text lacking literary meaning whose aesthetic value is based on the sound and evocative power of the words, real or invented, that compose it.Jipiar: cry, producing broken moans and emitting sobs.Jovian: that belongs to or is related to the planet Jupiter.Jumera: state of drunkenness or intoxication.Limerence: mental disorder that has certain traits in common with falling in love, but that at the same time generates a series of problems and negative symptoms, such as depression.Lobanillo: woody lump that forms in the bark of trees. In the human version, it is a superficial, painless lump that forms on the head and other parts of the body.Luminescence: property of a body to emit light after absorbing energy from other radiation, without raising its body temperature.Mainel: thin column that divides the opening of a door or window into two parts.Malacia: In medicine it is used as the abnormal softening of a structure, for example a bone or cartilage.Mellifluous: containing honey. It is also used to describe very loving people.Useless object: object that is useless, old or unsaleable. Applied to a person it means stupid or lacking understanding.Nadir: point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite to the zenith.Heinous: something that causes disgust or horror when talked about. It is abominable and disgusting in equal parts.Nefelibata: person who lives in the clouds, who is very dreamy and distracted.Nubile: person who is of marriageable age.Odds and ends: traveling theater company that was made up of two comedians.Ñomblón: plump and butt person.Ochlocracy: state in which the crowd or plebs rule.Oily: which has an oily texture.Onychophagia: habit of biting nails.Orthoepy: the art of pronouncing words correctly.Paila: A large, shallow, round ceramic or metal frying pan used for roasting, boiling, or frying.Perdulario: who appears or dresses very disheveled, untidy, careless.Perihelion: point in the orbit of a celestial body closest to the Sun.Petrichor: name given to the smell that rain emanates when it falls and moistens dry soils.To moan: moan and cry loudly, so that others hear it.Querocha: set of eggs laid by a queen bee.Hardware: set of objects of little value. They can be buttons, parts of a broken machine, scissors, among others.Recipient: person who is solemnly received by an institution.Regnícola: natural inhabitant of a kingdom. Also said of someone who writes about the special things of his homeland, such as penal codes, national habits, culture in general.Reprobate: condemned to eternal punishment. Besides, he is someone condemned for his religious heterodoxy.Knowledge: an old way of saying flavor. It can be a joke or a joke.Selenophilia: excessive attraction for everything that has to do with the moon and its effects. In Greek, selene means ‘moon’ and filia‘love’.Everlasting: that has no end; that will last forever. That lacks a beginning and an end.Serendipity: unexpected and lucky discovery that occurs when you are looking for something different from what you found.Figurehead: person who appears as the owner in a business or contract, when in reality he only lends his name to another who is the true negotiator or contracting party.Tragaldabas: person with a voracious appetite, who eats a lot.Intrigue: agitation of the sea, formed by small waves that cross in different directions.Tremolo: musical concept that describes a rapid succession of repetitions of the same note.Superb: quality of being fertile and abundant.Unison: the sound produced by the movement of waves.Only begotten: person who is an only child.Ouroboros: symbol that shows a snake or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle with its body. It represents the cycles or repetition of a pattern.Wail: the cry or moan that a newborn produces.Vectation: action of traveling in a vehicle.Velicomen: large glass to toast. Comes from Middle German willekomen What does ‘welcome’ mean?.Vituperation: insult, slander or infamy that provokes the action of having offended someone.Flyer: person who with skill and art walks and flips through the air on a rope or wire, and does other similar exercises.Vulpine: word used to designate everything that is related to foxes.Xanthines: group of psychoactive substances with a stimulant profile. Coffee and tea are rich in these types of molecules.Yataghan: type of saber or cutlass used by the orientals.Iatrogenesis: negative alteration of the patient’s condition produced by the doctor or a treatment.Sapphirine: sapphire color (blue).Zaperoco: trigger a quarrel, commotion or fight between two or more people.Zoomorph: which is shaped like an animal.

Broaden your horizons with the most uncommon words

Did you know any of the words mentioned? Keep in mind that there can be thousands of strange terms in Spanish, since languages ​​are renewed every moment and, on many occasions, the adaptation of foreign words and variants depending on the region drives the list to be extended.

Also, there are words that have remained in time or that are used in specific areas and that may seem strange to us. The ones we have shared with you are some of the most unusual, however, they allude to concepts that we use in everyday life. You will surely surprise more than one person if you start implementing them in your lexicon.

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