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Discover all the divine power of the Angels of Light – Blog

Angels are beings of light, of unconditional love, who bring us divine messages straight from the kingdom of heaven, functioning as intermediaries between God and men.

They connect to the energy of our souls and show us, in subtle ways, what to do in a difficult situation or the best way forward. They are made of light and fire and their appearance is immediately recognized for their extraordinary beauty.

In Buddhism they are also known as devas, from the Sanskrit root div, which means “to shine”. Therefore, its name is an allusion to “shining beings” or “self-luminous”. They are also represented with wings, a halo and as children.

What is the mission of the Angels of Light?

The Angels of Light have the mission not only to transmit heavenly messages, but also to watch over all souls on earth. Each is assigned a guardian angel at birth, which accompanies him until death, and in other incarnations.

Discover Two Powerful Prayers for the Angel of Light

  • Prayer 1: “Angel of light, guardian of my life. I have been entrusted to you by the holy mercy of God. Enlighten my soul, keep me from evil, guide my inspiration, strengthen my harmony with God and make me strong in the face of mishaps. Remind me everyday not to judge or hurt. Dye my mind with love and harmony so I can make the world better, now and forevermore. Amen!”
  • Prayer 2: Holy Angel of the Lord, my zealous guardian, since divine mercy has been entrusted to me, always governs, guards, governs and enlightens me. Amen”.
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Discover more prayers in our article on Guardian Angels.

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Working as a journalist and astrologer, Yara Vieira divides her time specializing in web content and analyzing everything that is written in the stars. She has been a writer at for over 5 years and her hobby is reading, watching many movies and explaining what Astral Map is to her friends.

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