Home » Dreams & Meanings » Descendant in Pisces in the birth chart: meaning of the 7th house and more!

Descendant in Pisces in the birth chart: meaning of the 7th house and more!

The descendant sign is the opposite of the ascendant, responsible for indicating important characteristics when creating love bonds and relating in the social environment. In addition, through the descendant, it is possible to discover traits that are lacking in the personality in order to feel complete and in balance.

The Pisces descendant refers to idealistic, understanding, sensitive, and empathetic personalities. They are also people connected with spiritual virtues and are looking for romantic partners with these same characteristics.

Above all, when they manage to maintain balance between their Pisces descendant and their Virgo ascendant, they are affectionate and romantic.

In short, the descendant points out what characteristics a person looks for in a partner, what they value in a relationship and what negative tendencies can be harmful at work and in relationships.

Want to know more? So stay tuned in the following topics to know the most important information about descendant in Pisces. Discover positive and negative trends, aspects of professional life, how to identify the ideal partner and much more!

Some fundamentals are essential to understanding the personality of someone with a Pisces descendant. Therefore, they are individuals who easily create bonds, are excessively critical and are attracted to idealistic partners. See below what a descendant sign is, how the ascendant influences the descendant and much more.

To understand the Descendant sign, one must understand the Ascendant. The descending sign symbolizes the constellation that was rising in the west at the time of birth. As such, it is the opposite of the Ascendant, which indicates the constellation that rose eastwards at the time of birth.

In this sense, the ascendant is linked to the position where the sun rises, relating to the emergence of things and inherent characteristics of being. Meanwhile, the descendant refers to the position the sun sets and the personality traits a person lacks.

In this way, understanding the descendant makes the individual able to direct his attention and strength to achieve what is missing for him to feel complete, thus being able to live in a balanced way.

The 7th house is where the descending sign is located, which was setting on the horizon at the time of the native’s birth. This house determines how bonds are with other people – that is, with friends, romantic partners, at work and other social relationships.

In this sense, it is understood that one cannot progress without the other. The 7th house is connected to the connection with the essence and true exchanges. In addition to everything else, it also indicates how we see the world around us, as well as what attracts us to other people, the qualities we look for in a partner, what we disagree with and what we project onto the other.

Therefore, it is important to understand the impact that the 7th House brings to someone’s life. With this knowledge, it is possible to break with individual barriers, in order to learn and other experiences. When this occurs, humans are able to connect with others and dedicate themselves to the greater good.

To know your descendant, first, you need to know your ascendant. This is because they are in opposite positions on the birth chart.

The ascendant points out the individual’s own characteristics, while the descendant suggests what is lacking in personality and how a person’s relationships with their environment are.

Therefore, to know your ascendant and descendant, you must have the exact date and time of birth. In addition, it is important that the minutes are accurate, in order to have access to a more assertive map. By understanding some points on the map, such as the sun, the moon, the descendant and the ascendant, it becomes easier to understand traits of individuality.

The combination of Descendant in Pisces and Ascendant in Virgo points to an interest in people who care about others – that is, who make sacrifices for something greater than their own existence. In this way, they are attracted to idealistic and understanding people.

In addition, organization and disorganization are present in the lives of those who have a Pisces descendant and a Virgo ascendant. Virgo’s characteristics tend towards order, while Pisces’ are unattached, without much regard for organization.

Still, they are very critical when choosing a partner, which can bring disappointment in their lives. Finally, they are discreet and often shy, but these characteristics do not interfere with their relationships, as they manage to create bonds easily and spontaneously.

Having a Pisces descendant promotes several positive tendencies. It is necessary that the individual, however, manages to develop some of them throughout his life, so that he can live in a full and balanced way.

See how a Pisces descendant relates to spirituality, romanticism, idealism, and more.

For those who have a Pisces descendant, spirituality is very important in relationships. They are people who take the search for personal development and spiritual virtues seriously.

In this way, they look for partners who have a strong connection with spirituality, in addition to admiring and feeling attracted to sensitive, creative and distracted people. Therefore, relationships with individuals who have these characteristics usually work out for those who have a descendant in Pisces.

People with a Pisces descendant are very romantic, but for that, they need to distance themselves from rule-based habits, which are characteristic of the Virgo ascendant. When they manage to move away from these personality traits, they are affectionate and affectionate, demonstrating what they feel in their way of acting.

They are also very concerned about the relationship, valuing companionship and empathy. Above all, they admire the partner’s sensitivity and look for deep relationships, linked to spirituality and that have reciprocity.

Having a Pisces descendant points to idealism. Therefore, its natives are dreamers, visionaries and full of inspirations. These characteristics make these people awaken their conscience and have a greater connection with the spiritual life. In addition, they usually fall in love with those who also have these characteristics.

However, these personality traits can become negative if these individuals find in idealism a form of refuge not to deal with reality. Therefore, you need to keep your feet on the ground and use these attributes wisely and consciously.

A person with a Pisces descendant can become sensitive. For this to happen, however, it is necessary to distance yourself a little from characteristics of self-criticism and collective criticism, which originate from the Ascendant in Virgo.

But, fortunately, Pisces descendents are humble and, therefore, manage to give space to develop sensitivity. They are also interested in receptive and affectionate partners, and this can help them to strengthen their hidden sensitive side.

When they manage to do this maneuver, giving way to affectivity, they learn a lot from the bonds that were created. In addition, they also manage to see life in a different way, with more lightness and harmony.

The Pisces descendant makes an individual admire the virtue of empathy in other people. Therefore, those who are understanding always call their attention, so that they cherish this characteristic within love relationships.

When they manage to integrate the Piscean tendencies that are lacking in their personality, these natives are able to identify the suffering of others and the collective and, with that, become sensitized. In addition, they try to distance themselves from judgments, in order to look with empathy at other people’s problems.

Negative tendencies are also present in a Pisces descendant-influenced personality. They are people who are easily deceived, are excessively critical and are stuck in time because they are afraid to take risks.

Check below how a person with a descendant in Pisces relates to insecurity, fear of failure, among other negative points.

People with a Pisces descendant tend to feel insecure about their achievements and within relationships, but in romantic relationships, they act coherently and expect partners who feel comfortable and sure of themselves.

Therefore, they prefer to be alone until they find an ideal partner, as they value dedication, sensitivity and depth. However, they can find someone and end up deceiving themselves, as their dreamy side manipulates their perceptions, so that they cannot see the partner’s defects.

Those with the Pisces descendant can be overly critical of both themselves and others. This occurs due to the influence of the Virgo ascendant, which is a characteristic that can cause them to be judged as inconvenient.

In addition, they are people who make criticisms disguised as suggestions, but which, deep down, are negative. Self-criticism can also be harmful, causing excessive wear and tear. However, if used wisely, it can bring many learnings and growth.

The characteristics of self-sacrifice for the collective good are common for those with Pisces on the map. However, an individual with a Pisces descendant needs to pursue this quality.

In this way, they fall in love with people who are altruistic, and this partnership can bring many lessons and make them less critical and more empathetic. However, they need to be careful not to always put the interests of others above their own, so that they end up putting themselves aside.

The descendant in Pisces points to the irrational tendency to be afraid of failure – that is, they are people who do not understand very well the root of their fears and indecisions. But it is a fact that these feelings undermine your achievements.

Individuals with this placement on the map end up limiting themselves and giving up on their desires, without even trying to fulfill them. This characteristic brings inertia – in other words, the individual is stuck in time, without surpassing himself in his objectives, therefore, he does not grow individually.

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