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Cinnamon: an almost miraculous cure with plants

Using cinnamon in the garden it has several benefits. The aroma that humans like so much is repugnant to many pests, due to its antibacterial properties it can be used to heal wounds and helps to strengthen plants.

Conventional plant protection products often contain aggressive substances that fight pests, but also harm other creatures, including humans.

Cinnamon, on the other hand, It is natural and you can use it for soil and plants. As a plant protection agent, the spice is harmless to pets in small amounts. We show you three ways you can use cinnamon in the garden.

Cinnamon in the garden against mold and fungi

Use cinnamon in the garden when your plants or soil is affected by mold. As a fungicide, cinnamon is effective against gray mold, for example. Using a cinnamon solution with your plants can help prevent mold or treat existing infestations.

How to make a cinnamon anti-mold solution:

Add 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon to 5 liters of warm water. Mix the cinnamon into the water. Let the mixture sit for a few hours. Then use the cinnamon solution with a watering can (pour it on the ground) or in a spray bottle (sprays the leaves) as a phytosanitary product.

If the soil in your pot becomes moldy, use cinnamon as a home remedy. Water the soil with the cinnamon solution or sprinkle the spice directly over moldy areas.

Fight garden pests with cinnamon

Cinnamon is also effective in the garden against pests and unwanted insects. The intense odor is unbearable for some species, They stay away from plants that have been treated with cinnamon. Instead of using chemical-synthetic herbicides, fungicides or insecticides, you can use cinnamon as a natural home remedy.

You can also use cinnamon to combat crop flies. The flies lay their eggs in potting soil, where they then hatch as tiny larvae and infest the plants.

Sprinkle a layer of cinnamon powder on the soil around the plants. This scares away small insects, which in turn prevents them from breeding in your garden or houseplants.

Ants also react to cinnamon. Although the ants do no harm, We don’t want them walking around the house.

The ants are fought off by sprinkling some of the ground spice along their path. or by drizzling 10% cinnamon oil in the right places.

If you place the cinnamon right next to the anthill, the colony may relocate and leave the garden entirely. However, You should only do this in extreme cases, as ants are important to a healthy ecosystem.

How cinnamon helps your plants

You can use cinnamon to care for and strengthen your plants.

Cinnamon stimulates root formation and therefore can stimulate plant growth. Dip the cuttings in some ground cinnamon or a cinnamon solution. Then, store the young plants upside down for an hour so the cinnamon seeps in well. Then plant the cuttings as usual.Cinnamon protects young plants when they are particularly susceptible to attack by fungi or pests. Sprinkle some powder over the plants to give them extra protection.Cinnamon heals wounds. After pruning, you can sprinkle some cinnamon on the plant wound or spray it with a cinnamon solution. This accelerates healing and protects against diseases.

Although cinnamon is a great help, It can negatively affect the growth of some crops.

You can use cinnamon with cucurbits (pumpkins, cucumbers, melons) and nightshade (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines).

Instead, it is better that you do not use cinnamon with orchids, strawberries, basil, mint, mint and watercress.

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