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Black doesn’t make you look thinner — and 6 more beauty beliefs debunked

On average, women spend about $244,000 on beauty products in their lifetime—probably frantically buying under-eye creams or expensive bottles of shampoo. We hear so many beauty myths throughout our lives that we simply stop questioning them. “That’s what my mother/grandmother/sister used to say,” we thought.

O awesome.club is here to put a “debunked” stamp on these seven popular beauty myths.

Myth #1: Black makes you look thinner

Instead of magically making your body thin, black actually does the opposite, it makes you look bigger since the color is static. It also draws attention to what it’s trying to hide since it’s such a bright color. The optical illusion doesn’t work in daylight, so monochrome clothes don’t help you look thinner.

Instead, try dark green, navy and gray.

Myth #2: Creams with high SPF protect more

Just the label information ‘SPF 30′ does not mean that the protection will last 10 hours. Chances are you’ll fall into the trap and apply sunscreen with the highest SPF only once. In fact, no matter how high the SPF level is, sunscreens should be reapplied every two hours. If you sweat or swim a lot, you should do it even more often.

Myth #3: Never squeeze pimples

We’ve all heard that squeezing pimples will only bring about new ones. However, it can benefit your face if you know which pimples to do it on and when. The yellow and inflamed ones should be squeezed out, as they speed up the healing process and release the bacteria that create pressure under the skin.

It is also advisable to do this with a pin or a sterilized needle. Keep in mind that it’s best to trust a professional, as it’s very easy to get an infection or even a scar.

Myth #4: Washing your hair every day is harmful

Washing your hair every day is perfectly fine and healthy. It all depends on your hair type and your level of physical activity. However, do not ignore the ingredients contained in the shampoo. Make sure they are non-irritating (containing silicones, panthenol, etc.). You can even use a leave-in conditioner daily after washing your locks.

Myth #5: Drinking water cures dry skin

Drinking water is not effective for this, and if you do it in excess, it can cause health problems. Your skin is dehydrated not because you don’t drink enough water, but because it evaporates quickly. Good skin care should prevent this from happening and retain moisture longer. Products with hyaluronic acid are considered highly effective and suitable for skin of all types.

Myth #6: You can get rid of inherited dark circles

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about inherited under eye pigmentation. You can sleep a lot, lead a healthy lifestyle and still have dark circles under your eyes. They can also get worse if you stay in sunlight. It is not possible to get rid of them completely, as you are genetically predisposed to having them, but at least you can cover them up with makeup.

Myth #7: Hair products can get rid of split ends

Hair products only offer a temporary solution by sealing hair. However, they don’t really address the root of the problem. Serums and hair conditioners can make split ends less noticeable as well as slow down the process. Still, they can’t completely get rid of the problem. Regular hair masks, hair trimming and protecting strands from direct sunlight should work best.

What other beauty myths have you heard about? Which ones did you manage to unmask in practice on your own? Tell us in the comments!

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