What is the spiritual meaning of betrayal? Also, what are the spiritual consequences of betraying someone? We’ll figure it all out throughout this article. So simply continue reading below.
The act of cheating, by itself, already carries with it a bad energy. It is a negative thing, capable of causing problems for people in many ways. Thus, betrayal will never be well regarded by the world.
In any country, whether male or female, betrayal has negativity and a very heavy burden. It turns out that spiritually it is also like that.
Many people don’t know, but those who cheat begin to carry extremely negative energy. This opens up a world of bad choices and lots of bad vibes to follow.
Betrayal is an act that can end not only your partner’s life, but yours as well. spiritually, what happens during and after a cheating affair is heavy stuff.
The consequences are very negative for the people who are involved in this type of act. Therefore, betraying certainly attracts the worst for your spirit.
That’s why, after a betrayal, people who cheat end up entering a period of strong negativity. For the spiritual world handles this kind of act very badly.
So, check out some spiritual messages and consequences of cheating below. See how the spirit behaves in relation to such a case.
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What does the Bible say about betrayal in marriage?
What is the spiritual meaning of betrayal?
How does spiritism explain the role of the mistress?
7 Spiritual consequences of betrayal in the world
According to the spirit world, should I cheat?
Final Words
What does the Bible say about betrayal in marriage?
The bible has always treated betrayal as something very heavy. Thus, the act of betrayal is viewed negatively by the holy book. By betraying, a series of sins are attracted to the lives of the betrayers.
With that negative charge around your soul, kindness can no longer be part of your life. For the bad energies will take your spirit by storm and will not give way for the good energies to stay alive.
In this sense, the bible states that adultery is one of the most serious mistakes a person can commit. For if marriage is a covenant with another person before God, betrayal is the breaking of that agreement.
Soon, the person who betrays is breaking a purpose established with the Lord as a witness. Only bad things can come out of all this.
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What is the spiritual meaning of betrayal?
spiritually, cheating can attract a lot of bad vibes into your life. That’s because it’s an act of deceiving someone who trusted you.
Your decision to cheat has made the other person’s life no longer good. Therefore, as the universe always seeks balance, the life of the traitor cannot be positive either.
From there, it becomes clear that the negative charge that weighs down the traitor’s soul causes the act of betrayal to create a series of bad consequences. As you can see in the world, many people who cheat regret their act.
For then they enter a spiral of negativity and a lot of spiritual pain. Therefore, cheating is always bad.
1 – Selfishness
spiritism sees marriage as the meeting of souls. Two spirits found themselves among billions of others and, from then on, they loved each other.
In this way, the union of spirits that takes place makes betrayal in a marriage an act of selfishness. For the traitor is causing the partner or partner to lose confidence and happiness.
Due to an attitude that aimed only at their own benefit, the partner began to suffer. It is clear, therefore, that selfishness is a central piece to make it possible to betray.
Spiritism, therefore, considers that one of the meanings of betrayal is the selfish attitude of one of the parties to the couple. A whole union of souls ends up in the trash, worthless, on account of thinking only of itself.
2 – Imbalance
In spiritism, sexual energy must be used in a balanced way. This means that, when cheating, this balance does not come into play.
Quite the contrary, betrayal is a very negative act that demonstrates someone’s imbalance. The person’s lack of emotional and spiritual stability helps bring about the whole betrayal scenario.
This undoubtedly indicates someone approaching darkness. For the imbalance it is an essential part of the spiritual life of a person who walks towards negativity.
When your soul doesn’t find stability in everyday life, everything around you can start to get a lot worse. In this way, do your best to maintain balance in your life. This will bring you good fruit and prevent acts like betrayal.
3 – Lack of commitment
Cheating demonstrates a lack of commitment. But not just with the other person, as betrayal goes far beyond that.
On a spiritual level, the lack of commitment is with yourself. His spirit was not respected. The commitment he had with the other person was broken in a very intense and erratic way.
Therefore, this whole scenario makes it clear that there is a need to take a step back and rethink your actions. Whether physically or spiritually, the mistake made by cheating is something serious.
Therefore, spiritism does not welcome the act of betrayal. This is a flaw that can generate countless other spiritual problems.
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4 – Misconduct
Misconduct is also a strong meaning of betrayal for spiritism. This shows that a person who cheats can do many other things incorrectly throughout his life.
Spiritually, there is no way this individual could have great positive energies. On the contrary, certainly there is something negative in the soul of a person who makes the mistake of betrayal.
Misconduct towards someone who trusted you, therefore, opens up a serious mistake. Spiritism considers that the love between two people goes far beyond the carnal meeting.
Physical involvement is part of the love relationship, but it is just one manifestation of the soul meeting that takes place. When all this is broken by just momentary pleasure, it becomes clear that there is something wrong with this person.
Spiritually, things are not falling into place as they should. And this misconduct can have serious consequences.
How does spiritism explain the role of the mistress?
For spiritism, there are two possibilities of analysis for the lover. If the person who has a relationship with the committed individual knows that there is an active love relationship at stake, the lover’s role becomes very negative.
In this case, it is clear that there was an awareness that a relationship was at stake. And, even in the face of other people’s pain, there was a desire to give pleasure to his own body.
The attitude indicates someone who has spiritual problems and who will receive the change of life. At some point in the future, the lover or mistress will experience difficulties because of this faulty decision.
But when the person does not know that the other individual is compromised, spiritism does not preach major side effects in the person’s life.
After all, it is an error due to lack of communication and not a bad decision made even though all the cards are on the table. There are, thus, these two ways of dealing with the role of the lover for spiritism.
7 Spiritual consequences of betrayal in the world
Betrayal can, yes, generate serious spiritual consequences for people. Thus, the act is considered a great failure for spiritism.
Therefore, the side effects of this error can be immense. Possible consequences include blocking good energies, attracting bad vibes, the difficulty of connecting spiritually with other people and the bad luck.
What is certain is that all of this can derive from the act of cheating. For, as is known, the universe is sovereign in deciding what will happen to each person.
Consequently, if there is a clear mistake based on what the person knew was a fault, as in the case of betrayal, the consequences can be heavy. Below are some of these effects.
1) Attraction of bad energy
attract bad energies it’s something that can happen when cheating. That’s right, betrayal can make you enter a path of darkness.
By choosing so incorrectly, you do someone else enormous harm. So the universe has to make you suffer in some way to balance the world.
Spiritually, therefore, this can manifest itself in the attraction of evil vibrations. In practice, this can make it difficult for you to connect with other people.
Or it can even make it difficult to improve your life on something you really want, like your career. Somehow it is clear that bad energies will hurt your happiness.
2) Blocking good energy
block the good vibes it is also common after an act of betrayal. Yes, because there is a difference between attracting bad vibes and blocking good vibes.
As much as the practical effect is similar, blocking good energies will make your problems take a long time to get out of your way.
Small difficulties, for example, can grow to the point of damaging your life in an intense way.
In the midst of all this, it is clear that there is a need to choose well in order not to suffer the consequences. Betrayal can, yes, end the life of the traitor.
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3) Lack of connection
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