Home » Guidance » A neuroscientific study claims that people who cry while watching movies are emotionally stronger

A neuroscientific study claims that people who cry while watching movies are emotionally stronger

Stories like those of Always by your side or of Diary of a passion have made countless people cry. Many even deny this fact or try to control the emotion, as they believe that this is for very fragile people. However, that thought couldn’t be more wrong! Paul J. Zak, a neuroeconomist at Claremont Graduate University in California, carried out a study that ensures that those who cry watching movies are more empathetic, know how to control their emotions better and are stronger when it comes to facing everyday life.

O awesome.club loves stories that promote empathy between people, so he wants to show what happens when people cry when watching a movie and why it makes them stronger.

1. They know the stories are fictional, but they can’t help but express their feelings

Zak asserts that, cognitively speaking, people know that the story they see on the screen is fictional, that it’s all about actors getting paid for their work, but the fact is that it’s hopelessly inevitable that tears will flow when watching a very emotional.

2. Oxytocin is the culprit

This hormone acts like a neurotransmitter and is to blame for making people’s hearts flutter when witnessing beautiful scenes. We connect a story to a feeling and positive action. That is, this hormone makes us act in favor of others and have a much more receptive attitude towards the world, in addition to making us happier.

3. These people are not afraid to express their emotions

People who openly cry while watching a movie are actually stronger than those who don’t cry. This is because they are not afraid to express what they feel, they defend their thoughts without fear that someone will judge or criticize them, they are very proactive and dare to do things. This, according to Zak himself, is also an effect of oxytocin, since, by creating empathy with those around them, human beings are not afraid to defend their thoughts.

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4. Tears, powerful tools

Zak’s findings show that people who cry in movies know the healing and healing power of tears and expressing emotions. Crying has the ability to make us connect with other people, that we learn to see that there are circumstances that can positively and negatively affect our surroundings, and that we are susceptible to this.

5. Don’t run away from your feelings

People who cry in movies also know that it is necessary to understand what is happening, and that, on certain occasions, it is necessary to pause and cry, in order to achieve greater emotional stability than those who repress their feelings.

6. Not caring about gender

Perhaps more than one person has heard the phrase that says: “Men don’t cry”. However, this is just a limitation without any meaning. Men and women cry the same way, as it’s a human response that doesn’t relate to any particular gender, and that’s exactly what those who cry openly know. They are not afraid of being judged by those who believe that tears are exclusively for women.

7. Experience life fully

Oxytocin is related to trust between people. Those who trust others more have high levels of this neurotransmitter in their organism, tend to establish deeper relationships and recognize the value of appreciating those around them. He lives more fully than someone who is suspicious of everyone and who feels distressed by the relationships he establishes with others.

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