Home » Homemade Remedies » The coveted Lidl device that helps eliminate humidity from rooms

The coveted Lidl device that helps eliminate humidity from rooms

Winter is a time when our home becomes a true refuge to protect us from the cold, the rain and rest in a cozy environment. However, this time is marked by pipes that can cool down due to the low temperatures and the constant rains and even snowfalls that give way to a more humid climateespecially for those who do not have dryers and decide to dry their clothes, towels or bedding in rooms with open windows.

Also, the age of the homes and an unchecked plumbing system, leads to the appearance of damp on the bathroom ceiling or even in the walls. A nuisance that, in addition to making our home ugly, also produces an annoying odor that becomes something uncomfortable and problematic that we must eliminate as soon as possible.

exist a series of symptoms that can give us clues whether we have humidity at home: High temperatures, strong musty smell, mold on ceilings and walls, rust on metals…

To combat humidity in the home, prevent walls from being damaged and, most importantly, tackle the health problems that it entails, the supermarket chain Lidl It has a product that sweeps sales due to its quality and price. It's about a dehumidifier portable that we can place in any room of the home and get rid of the happy humidity. “Dehumidifier with interchangeable, washable filter and anti-spill protection. It works plugged into the network,” they explain on the page. Its price is 88 euros and can be purchased online.

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More and more users of this supermarket chain go to one of the chain's stores with the sole objective of getting one of the takeaway products. Added to this has been the boost that these stores have given in recent months to the bakery, an area of ​​fast consumption that offers all types of sweets but also different artisan-made breads that in many cases have made the delight of some customers.

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But if something has made Lidl be highly appreciated among your customers that is, without a doubt, your promotions and discounts policy. Several weeks ago, the German supermarket broke all records by giving each customer who spent more than 20 euros part of a toy supermarket. In fact, a client who managed to do it all posted a photo on social media and got the applause of many who were happy that she had achieved such a feat.

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