Home » Homemade Remedies » Mercadona oil that erases bad odors from the washing machine

Mercadona oil that erases bad odors from the washing machine

We know how crucial home cleaning is for many of us. Living in a clean and sanitized environment, in fact, helps a lot in our daily routine. Entering an apartment that welcomes us with fragrance and brightness, we can say, is undoubtedly a great pleasure. And, precisely for this reason, we must be attentive to every corner of our home. And, in particular, we must dedicate time and attention to each object that makes it up.

Among the objects in our apartment that undoubtedly deserve our attention is, of course, the washing machine. We are talking, as we all know, about one of the household appliances that we really cannot do without. And, precisely for this reason, we must always clean it thoroughly. And, above all, we must check that everything is in order. To take care of it, let's remember that we must avoid putting any cloths inside that could damage or spoil it. And, at the same time, let us take care of its cleaning with care and precision.

One of the problems that many of us face when using the washing machine is a bad smell that never seems to want to go away. In fact, it is not uncommon for our device to give off a very unpleasant odor. And this not only spoils our clothes, preventing them from smelling as they should. At the same time, the bad smell can also spread to the bathroom, making the area certainly less pleasant than we would like.

In this case, however, we should not despair. In fact, there are several remedies that we can resort to to solve the problem. In particular, it is the older generation that gives us advice that we should take advantage of. And, in this specific case, we could focus on a truly wonderful ingredient. It is oregano essential oil. The latter, in fact, thanks to its smell and properties, could help us resolve the situation. So, let's take a basin. Fill it with warm water and a tablespoon of vinegar. Now, pour a generous drop of oil. Stir and then pour our solution into the basket. Start the short wash at a temperature of 40 degrees and we can say goodbye to bad odors in the washing machine with a drop of this oil. You can easily find this oil in any Mercadona supermarket.

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