Debutante comes from a word in French, which means debut, just as a 15-year-old girl debuts in society, now being seen as a teenager moving into adulthood.

What is the origin of the 15th birthday party?

The debutante ball appeared in mid-1700s in Europe, as a way of introducing the girl who was turning 15 to society and demonstrating that from that moment on, she was also ready to get married. Yes, that’s right, getting married at that age was common, as life expectancy at that time was 40 years.

In the series Bridgerton, available on Netflix, we can see this dynamic portrayed.

With the French revolution and the immigration of people to other places, the “fashion” caught on here in Brazil too. In fact, nowadays this celebration is no longer so common in Europe, unlike in Latin American and Hispanic countries.

Each people has their rituals, but in general, the common points of the festival in Brazil are:

Dress change: Generally, a more childish model is used to welcome guests and a more serious, “adult”, modern one is used to dance the waltz with his father.
The living cake: the debutante and her partner blow out the candles of each of the 15 couples and at the end everyone dances a waltz together.
Ring Delivery: Just before the first waltz, the birthday girl’s father gives her the ring.
Waltz with his father, godfather and “prince”.

What is the meaning of the debutante ring?

The debutante ring symbolizes the transition from childhood to adulthood for women, when they turn 15. In the past, children didn’t wear jewelry and that’s why this ring had so much representation.

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Nowadays some thoughts have changed, but the delivery of the ring during the 15th birthday party continues to take place. It is usually the father who performs this act, but it can also be done by a godfather or other family member.

Which hand is the 15 year ring worn on?

Normally the ring is used middle finger of the right handbut in case of dating, engagement or marriage, the ring can be worn on the ring finger together with the wedding ring, as a wedding ring trimmer.

How to choose a debutante ring?

The traditional fifteenth anniversary ring was once the 18k yellow gold solitaire with a brilliant center. However, with new trends and greater diversity of jewelry, the market has increased the offer of specific rings for debutantes and what really matters is matching the ring with the personality and style of the birthday girl.

For example: if the girl likes silver more, she can opt for white gold or silver jewelry. Otherwise, she has yellow gold. Another point is to know if she likes something more flashy with several stones or more discreet. All of this makes it easier when choosing the debutante’s 15th birthday ring.

For this beautiful and special moment, we created a specific collection of debutante ringsinspired by the beauty of flowers.

In addition to these, there are other ring options that are not necessarily debutante, but that follow the same style, for example:

The shower ring, with several smaller stones together in the center;

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Carrê ring with stones lined up around the entire ring;