Home » History & Legends » DAMBALLA: Who he is, as a demon, how to summon and more

DAMBALLA: Who he is, as a demon, how to summon and more

This article is developed based on a demon that, although very little is named, is quite old, dating back to four hundred BC. Here you can get all of its information, regarding its prayers, invoking it and much more. You will want to know every detail. , read everything so that you learn about the demon Damballa.

Who is Damballa?

Its greatest representation occurs on the African continent where it is used within the voodoo culture, seen from the masculine side of nature.

This one belongs to the Ghede family, as for the icons this is a snake and he is married to Ayida Wedo, who is a representation of the rainbow and is also a snake.

It is said of this snake that it moves slowly but that when doing so it does so with quite elegance and grace, but despite this when necessary it moves quickly so one should not trust it.

Voodoo comes from Africa as mentioned, it is more than ten thousand years old, it was born during the times of the Spanish colonies, but they had to do it secretly since otherwise they were guaranteed death, the Spanish were prohibited from doing so. their practices. (See article: Ramayana)

Within the Buddhist altar this demon is among the first places, he is very proud and cold, at the same time he usually uses his aggressiveness.

It is important to highlight about this demon that communicating with him is quite difficult and that to do so you must use metaphors or there are even those who talk about riddles; It stands out that when you are going to ask for a favor, the offerings are quite eccentric.

Of all of them, he is the one that least resembles a human, and his language is rarely human, he uses it very little.

As for its sacred day, it is Thursday, so offerings or requests should mostly be made that day.

This manifests itself on very few occasions when sessions are held, so his believers do not understand him much, unless it is their day.

It is said that according to the religion to which he belongs, he was the one who created life, he is the father of heaven, and he also has great power over the mind.

Another quite important fact about this deity is that it is syncretized with Saint Patrick.

like demon

It is seen as a demon since it has various facets, that is, it is represented in various ways despite the fact that its greatest representation is as a snake.

When the Catholic religion came into force through the Spanish, they determined that Damballa was a quite powerful demon, since he was highly worshiped and had quite a bit of power.

In this way, Buddhism was established by the Catholics as a pagan practice, which went against what God established, thus many had to carry out their practices and keep their beliefs low profile, without anyone knowing since their life could be in danger.

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This occultism occurred for more than thirty years, and not only that but they also had to disguise by carrying out the practices of Catholics that were accepted by the majority, it was even accepted worldwide. (See article: Children of Oduduwá)

They looked for the saints who were most similar within Catholicism to those of voodoo, and in this way they syncretized them, for example, as is the case of the demon in question who was syncretized with Saint Patrick, because he had been the one who defeated the snakes. .

From other points of view, this demon was considered as the one who had power over the snakes who was the only one who could dominate them. Many ancient books describe this, describing it physically as well as ensuring that it had control over the people of planet Earth, especially at the level of mint, intelligence and much more.

In addition to that power, it is also believed that as a demon he could cause damage on a natural level, and grant requests to whoever wanted it.

Although he is seen as a demon by many cultures within their religion, he is actually a God whom they venerate quite a bit, considering him as the one who created the entire world, someone supernatural.

How to invoke it?

Within any religion there is always some type of activity in order to make some call to the gods, whether through good or evil, and in voodoo there is no escape from this reality, even with the demon in question.

Within this religion there are various ways through speeches to call or invoke the different deities, since it is seen as a ritual, therefore, to do this it is necessary to prepare everything in advance and not do it randomly and in a haphazard way. improvised

When preparing, you must obtain a certain amount of materials in order to call those gods that are needed to the earth, to ask, thank them or for some other reason.

Let us remember that for many years these were hidden, although their greatest expression occurred in Africa; It later spread to many places in the world, and it turned out that this happened in revenge for having to repress its culture for so long.

The African slaves who were taken to many parts of Europe and South America continued with their cultures and beliefs, some taught it without fear while others preferred to preserve their lives and continue believing internally, those who decided to teach it gained the attention of many people who They joined this religion.

When the invocation of Gods is made, it must be taken into account that the first thing that must be certain is the reason why this ceremony is going to be carried out, and who will be the people who will be present.

It is said that the person who presides over this entire religion is Legba, this being responsible for generating a spiritual balance between those with greater strength and those who have a little less, being in charge of welcoming the spirits.

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These legba are dressed in masks and typical Buddhist costumes, who will do all the prior cleaning.

Within these celebrations, the first one who must be present is the demon in question since the rest is under his domain, having an altar just for him, where he will be asked for permission to start the ceremony. (See article: Babalú Ayé)

When performing the invocation, the people present will be in charge of dancing and singing in addition to beating the drum, in order to bring them to the earthly plane, to do good or, on the contrary, evil.

To begin the invocation, you must play the drums desperately, which will be accompanied by certain typical songs of the religion, in this way the respective call will be made, with dancing to the rhythm of the music, those that are a little more Sensitive people will begin to feel a change in the environment that will be the energies that have changed, and that the spirits are looking for who they are going to represent themselves.

It is important to note that the place must be large enough to do the singing, dancing and the rest of the ceremony and of course, previously arranged by the specialists who will clean it.

There is a person who is qualified to direct these trips and this is the priest of this religion, who will also be in charge of placing or drawing the sacred symbols on the ground, as well as starting and ending the ritual.

The aim is to call the spirits, who will arrive with the purpose of giving messages of peace, giving prosperity as well as alleviating or eliminating illnesses, but they can also cause harm if they are asked to do so.

When the invocation is about to end, an animal has to be sacrificed, mostly chickens are used and there are those who do it with goats, and it is at these moments where the rhythm of the drums accelerates and people shout in gratitude.

These ceremonies can be during the day or at night as decided by those present, and it is important to note that one or more gods can be invoked during the same ceremony.

There is a more specific practice to call the demon in question which is done in smaller places, and always with particularities since its black magic, using it to cause harm or for something specific.

Prayer to Damballa

In this religion, as in many others, multiple prayers are usually performed, for various purposes. There are those who do it every day in the form of gratitude for life, health, family, friends, protection and much more. while there are others who perform it on certain occasions in order to ask the deities for some favor.

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Many make prayers to call them to earthly life for some purpose, to do harm or to ask for health or protection. In the case of the demon in question, the following prayer can be performed, which you will find first in the original language and then its translation into Spanish, for those who do not know the first language. (See article: The Soul Sola)

It is important to note that this prayer is established to be for the purpose of dominating the person with whom you share your love life, although at the end you can add what you specifically want to ask for:

Bon Dieu” Ade Due Damballa. donnez-moi le pouvoir, je vous prie!
Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte.
Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.
Endelieu pour du boisette damballa

In Spanish:

“Good God” Damballa Almighty, give me the power I beg you!
For the mercy of my soul.
To the point of my death.
Hear the condemnation of my voice. (You must say it 3 times. And tell him what you want).


In this segment you can find two songs that are dedicated to the demon in question, the first of them will be found in both Spanish and in the original language (Haitian), while the second is only in the original language.

These songs are played at moments of ritual celebration, such as when it is invoked as it appears in the previous segment, accompanied by drums and dances by those present. (See article: Prayer to Changó)

The selection of one of them will occur by the priest in charge of preparing the entire ceremony days before the scheduled day, preferably on a Thursday as already highlighted.

1-. Ade Due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg you!
Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte.
Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.
Endelieu pour du boisette damballa

Ade Due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg you!
Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte.
Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.
Endelieu pour du boisette damballa

Ade Due Damballa. Give me the power, I beg you!
Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte.
Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.
Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.
Endelieu pour du boisette Damballa

In Spanish:

To the Damballa Almighty, give me the power I beg you!
For the mercy of my soul.
To the point of my death.
Hear the condemnation of my voice.

To the Damballa Almighty, give me the power I beg you!
For the mercy of my soul.
To the point of my death.
Hear the condemnation of my voice.

To the Damballa Almighty, give me the power I beg you!
For the mercy of my soul.
To the point of my death.
Hear the condemnation of my voice.

2-. Damballa Wedo la, ke lé manyan

Ayida Wedo La, ke lé manyan

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