Home » Quotes & Messages » 120 Dance Phrases – GET INSPIRED and ENJOY!

120 Dance Phrases – GET INSPIRED and ENJOY!

Dance is a form of fun, expression, approaches… dance is culture. Who hasn’t danced one night with their friends or their partner and forgotten all their sorrows? Who hasn’t danced alone at home in front of the mirror to their favorite song? Dance is something that unites us.

Therefore, since Phrasess.net we leave you with 120 dance phrases original, inspiring and fun that you will want to share with your friends and followers. To enjoy!

Beautiful dance phrases

If you also want to discover the best quotes to express the beauty of movement and dance, don’t miss these beautiful dance phrasesunique and inspiring.

I don’t want to hide. I want to dance slowly with you again. I want to dance with you forever.

Sarah Black

Dance is music made visible.

George Balanchine

When you dance, your purpose is not to reach a certain place on the floor. It’s enjoying every step you take.

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep, too subtle for words.

Ruth St.Denis

Dance can reveal all the mystery that music grants.

Charles Beaudelaire

Poetry is to prose what dancing is to walking.

John Wain

Dance is the world’s favorite metaphor.

Kristy Nilsson

Touch, move, breathe. That is the true gift of dance.

Aubrey Lynch

When you dance you can enjoy the luxury of being yourself.

When we dance, we free our mind, we forget about what is around us and think only about the music that surrounds us. In those moments we are ourselves without worrying about others. If you want to know more Phrases of freedom, don’t miss this other article.

Dancing is reaching for a word that does not exist. Sing a song of a thousand generations. Feel the meaning of a moment.

Beth Jones

Dancing is feeling, feeling is suffering, suffering is loving; You love, suffer and feel. You dance!

Isadora Duncan

Dancing is not something to talk about. Dance is for dancing.

Peter St. James

Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances.

Those who dance are considered crazy by those who cannot hear the music.

George Carlin

Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.

James Brown

The moment between who you once were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life truly takes place.

Barbara de Angelis

You can dance everywhere, and that’s wonderful.

Hervé Koubi

The most authentic expressions of the people are in their dance and music. The body never lies.

Agnes de Mille

To dance is to create a sculpture that is visible only for a moment.

Erol Ozan

Every day gives you the opportunity to catch your breath, take off your shoes and dance.

Oprah Winfrey

Dance first. Think later. It is the natural order.

Samuel Beckett

It is the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.

Xiaolu Guo

If you have nothing to dance to, find a reason to dance.

Melody Carstairs

This festival of the body, before our souls, offers light and joy.

Paul Valery

There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.

Vicky Baum

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

If I could tell you what it feels like, it wouldn’t be worth dancing to.

Isadora Duncan

Dancers are God’s athletes.

A dancer dances because his blood dances in his veins.

Anna Pavlova

Dancing is dreaming with your feet.

Constanze Mozart

Dancing is simply discovering.

Phrases about dance and life

We continue with phrases about dance and lifebecause dance can also be a way of living, a movement that connects us with the most beautiful and precious in the world… do you dare to discover it?

Sometimes in life, confusion tends to arise and only the dialogue of the dance seems to make sense.

Shah Asad Rizvi

Dancing is moving to music without stepping on someone’s feet, very similar to life.

Robert Brault

We cannot live passing over the rest. In life, one day you can be up and another day down, just like in dance. ¡Follow your path without putting stones in others!

We should consider lost the days when we have not danced at least once.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Life is a dance that you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.

John Michael Montgomery

Life is a big dance and the world is a ballroom.

Tacuba Coffee

You have to dance like there’s no one watching. Love like you’ll never be hurt. Sing as if no one is listening. And she lives as if it were heaven on earth.

William W. Purkey

Life is short and there will always be dirty dishes, so let’s dance.

James Howe

Life is a dance of consciousness, meditation harmonizes the dance with the music of life.

Debasih Mridha

There is always one person in our lives for whom we are saving the last dance.

Giovannie de Sadeleer

Life… for some it is battle, for others it is dance… for the rich it is a party and for the poor it is chance!

Nino Varsimashvili

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain.

One has to learn to live with difficulties that appear throughout our lives, because we cannot wait for things to be resolved to continue living.

For more Phrases of optimism about life, take a look at this other article by Phrasess.net.

Dancing is like taking a mini-vacation from the stress of everyday life.

Ophelia de la Valette

Dance until you can dance.

Lailah Gifty Akita

When I dance I can’t judge, I can’t hate, I can’t separate myself from life. I can only be happy and feel fulfilled.

Hans Bos

Dance for yourself. If someone understands, fine. If not it does not matter. Keep doing what interests you and do it until it stops interesting you.

Louis Horst

We learn by practice. Whether it’s learning to dance by practicing dance or learning to live by practicing life. The principles are the same.

Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life.

The only way to make sense of change is to immerse yourself in it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Wilson Watts

You live as much as you dance.

Rudolf Nureyev

Dance when you break. Dance if you have torn off your bandage. Dance in the middle of the fight. Dance when you are perfectly free.

Jalaluddin Rumi

Dance like no one is watching and love like you’ve never been hurt.

Let your life dance lightly on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf.

Opportunity dances with those who are already on the track.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Must take advantage of opportunities that are presented to us in life, because if we let them pass, another person can take advantage of them.

Life is sweet when you pay attention. When it doesn’t seem sweet, put a sticker on your nose and do a funky dance.

Whitney Scott

Remember, life is a dance… dance it with elegance.

Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.

Amit Ray

Dance is the timeless interpretation of life.

Shah Asad Rizvi

Life is a dance between heaven and earth, the ebb and flow of life.

Maurice Spees

Life is the dancer and you are the dance.

Eckhart Tolle

Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, a lot of people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life changes all the time.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

In life, if you stumble, make it part of the dance.

River Maria Urke

Difficult times call for furious dances.

Alice Walker

Sometimes the circumstances around us become more complicated than we expected. This is where we must bring out all our character and our strength. If you want to discover more Fighting Phrases, don’t miss this article!

Phrases about dancing and having a good time

If there is something that can be related, it is dancing and fun… that is why we have selected the best phrases about dancing and having a good time for you! Cheer up, life is two days and if you don’t spend them dancing, they are of no use.

When I dance, I forget everything else and feel completely happy.

Catherine Jenkins

I don’t want people who want to dance, I want people who dance.

George Balanchine

Dance until the stars come down from the rafters. Dance, dance, dance until you drop.

W. H. Auden

Life is a milonga! Dance everyone, friends, because dancing is a hug.

E. Cadicamo

Let us read and let us dance; These two diversions will never do any harm to the world.

There is a little madness in dancing that does everyone a lot of good.

Edwin Denby

Life is full of formalities, of rules that must be respected. Luckily, we also have some moments when madness seems to reign, we remove the ties and can enjoy freely. Discover more crazy phrases here!

The entire universe dances with joy when a baby smiles.


I dance. A lot. I work through the pain and sadness of my body when I dance… and I bring joy and rhythm.

Inga Muscio

Some of my happiest moments have been dancing.

Claire Danes

The stars always dance. Sometimes they dance shining to the rhythm of your joyful heart and sometimes they dance without movement to embrace your pain as if they were frozen sculptures of open sadness.

Munia Khan

You dance love, you dance joy and you dance dreams. And I know that if I can make you smile by jumping over a couple of couches or running through a storm, then I’ll be very glad to be a song and dance man.

Gene Kelly

I don’t know how to dance properly but I like to jump. It’s like having shock and spasms.

Damon Albarn

Joy and dancing for everyone is healthy.

Spanish saying

A little joy doesn’t hurt anyone, that’s why we must dancebecause one of the ways to achieve it is to have fun.

I’m going to turn the world into a dance floor.

Dancing and running awaken the chemistry of happiness.

Mason Cooley

Nobody cares if you dance well, just get up and dance.

Dave Barry

Any type of dancing is better than no dancing.

Lynda Barr

Sing in the shower and dance with the flowers.

Dance… wherever you are, dance.

Stay with whoever dances. They are always happy and have music inside.

Let’s dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair.

Susan Polis Schutz

Dancing is magic because in seconds sadness, stress, and worries disappear.

If we danced and shared music, we would be too busy in life to start wars.

EA Bucchianeri

Imagine that every cell in your body is smiling and radiating happiness. Visualize yourself dancing with joy and running around the room.

Martin Decker

The important thing is not who dances better, but who enjoys it more.

Eddie Torres

If you can choose between sitting or dancing, I hope you choose to dance.

Every time…

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