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What do I do when the emotional block prevents me from moving forward?

We have all suffered an emotional block at some point. That feeling in which we feel that we have a barrier that prevents us from facing new challenges. Insecurity is one of the most obvious manifestations that we are facing a blockade that is delaying us in achieving our objectives.

Think about a traffic jam when you are driving. You are in a hurry, but suddenly you find yourself unable to move forward no matter how much you want to. This is an emotional block.

This type of blockage does not always affect all areas of our lives. That is, we may suffer a blockage with respect to our work, but not in the personal or sentimental sphere. The opposite can also happen, that when trying to establish a stable romantic relationship we find ourselves stuck.

Insecurity then makes an appearance and causes us to not find that job that really makes us happy, we may become conformist people. If the blockage occurs with respect to your relationships, insecurity will cause you not to show who you are. You will put on a mask that makes you feel safe, a mask that instead of protecting you will cover up the real problem.

Why do I have an emotional block?

Many of the emotional blocks have to do with our self-esteem or with experiences that have caused us to act in a certain way. That is, imagine that you have gone through stormy love relationships. This has triggered a series of attitudes towards the people you like: now you find it difficult to trust, you feel unsafe and you are afraid that they will hurt you again.

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Fear and lack of confidence in ourselves, in our abilities, can trigger an emotional block. from which we do not know how to get out. In this way, we will begin to feel ashamed for speaking in public, a great fear of rejection, pessimism will invade us, we will experience envy and jealousy, we will judge others, etc.

The emotional blockage will cause our most negative emotions and feelings to emerge, that will block us even more, preventing us from moving forward. Although perhaps all of them are influenced by our environment, which can act as a concentration agent and as a catalyst at the same time. What do we mean by this?

I am a person endowed with feelings and emotions, those that can cause me to stagnate and not leave my comfort zone.

Let’s imagine that you feel very insecure at your job.. Your emotional block prevents you from achieving your goals, but something in your environment is favoring this. Possibly competitiveness among workers may be one of these causes. The fact that they are constantly evaluating you or that they have recently caught your attention can also be causes that accentuate this blockage.

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Get moving to unlock yourself

Maybe right now you think that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to get out of an emotional block. But you are completely wrong. Just you need to get moving, into action. All the insecure thoughts that surround you cause you to stand still. You can contradict them by starting to walk forward.

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Think about all those questions that run through your mind in your daily life. “Why am I going to go if they probably won’t hire me?”, “I’m a failure, I’ll never get what I want so much”, “I don’t think he’s going to like me”, “if I show myself exactly as I am he’ll think I’m stupid.” “, “I’m going to make a mistake and everyone will laugh at me”, “the others are much better than me”…

Has it not been true that on some occasion any of these thoughts have crossed your mind? The only option you have is to act like when you are afraid of receiving “no” for an answer. Accept the negative, but “try” to see if you can get a “yes”. What do you have to lose?

Do the opposite of the inertia that your emotions have created. Are you afraid of making a fool of yourself at that exhibition? If you don’t do it, you will never be able to prove to yourself that you were wrong. Sometimes it is very positive to convince ourselves that we are what we would like to be. For example, “I like speaking in public” or “I’m not afraid of ridicule.”

An emotional block can help us think things through better, to take our time. But if it lasts too long, it is necessary to remedy it.

What happens if the emotional block is found in your relationships? Think about the fact that if you suffer rejection it means that maybe they are not the right person for you, that venturing to express what you feel has been an incredible practice to eliminate your fears… Always try to see the positive side of everything that happens to you. Believe me, it always has it.

Having an emotional block is normal and this helps us to test ourselves and do what our emotions are telling us, no, don’t do it! Although, if we listen to them better, we will know that what they are really telling us is to overcome our insecurities and our fears.

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May we boost ourselves thanks to them. Sometimes, it’s not just positive to feel good and comfortable. Sometimes, we must leave our comfort and take risks even though we are afraid and chills run through our body.

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