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The most common negative thoughts

Discover what are the most frequent negative thoughts we have. These thoughts have the power to limit us and undermine our development. Knowing them is the first step to changing them

Negative thoughts are those that induce fear, anxiety and stress in us. Therefore, They can cause us great psychological discomfort, significantly affecting our mental health.

Since we can remember, our heads begin to invade us with all kinds of ideas and thoughts. This is more than positive since it helps us develop the cognitive and creative part of our brain. However, what happens in there can also turn against us without prior warning and with the sole objective of playing all kinds of tricks on us. Since various types of negative thoughts can appear.

The most common negative thoughts

Below, we present a list of some of the most common negative thoughts, explaining what each of them consists of. This way, you can identify them and try to avoid them.

1. Dichotomous thinking

Dichotomous thinking is a type of rigid and inflexible thinking, without nuances between black and white.

That is to say, These are those thoughts that are located at the extremes. For example:

“You are with me or against me.”“Either I do it well or I don’t.”“All or nothing.”“Now or never.”

2. Fear of what they will say

Who has not walked down the street at some point thinking about “what will they say”? This increases especially when we think that we are not dressed correctly or we have to speak in public. Which is very negative for ourselves, because We cannot live dependent on others.
Remember that everyone can make mistakes and that what is really important is what you believe about yourself.

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3. Wanting to have everything under control

When we vehemently believe that something can go wrong, our mind will support this idea and recommend that we abandon our efforts.with thoughts like:

“I’m sure it’s going to go wrong.”“I’m not good for this.”“It’s not worth trying.”

There are many negative thoughts that will only cause us to always stay in our comfort zone.. But he remembers that the one “no risk, no gain”. Negative thoughts can cause us to never leave our comfort zone.

4. Generalize the negative

Some people tend to dwell on the negative. Therefore it is normal that When something bad happens, believe that it will become a universal norm.. Many times success comes after a multitude of failures. Saying that something bad will always happen because it happened only once makes no sense.

5. Disqualify ourselves and others

When we come into conflict with ourselves or with anyone close to us, it is normal for irrational thoughts to arise in our minds. of the kind:

“This person is worthless.” “But what nonsense you are saying.” “I hate you.”

But we should never let ourselves be carried away by anger or impulsivity, as it only serves to draw hasty conclusions that we may regret later.

6. Dramatize the situation

Who has not ever thought “What is going to happen to me” or “I will never find anyone like me again” after suffering a love breakup? If we want To overcome these situations, it is best not to exaggerate everything and to have future perspectives.. Many people have gone through what you did (or even worse) and they have all been able to rebuild their lives and move forward. Negative thoughts feed on how dramatic you may be.

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Thought influences action: negativity calls for more negativity

If we think that something can really go wrong, it is obvious that it will go wrong. This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. But what happened will not be a matter of fate or bad luck as some say, but of the negativity that invades our mind and affects our ability to act. Which will produce a chain effect with harmful consequences for our self-esteem.

According to Beck (1983), negative thoughts are rigid, inflexible, absolutist. Furthermore, they have the shape of “I have to”, “I must”. On the other hand, positive thoughts are flexible, possibilistic, adaptive. And they have the shape of “I would like that”, “I would like that”.

So, By changing the way we think, we can change the way we feel. And, therefore, our way of behaving. It is worth learning new adaptive thinking patterns through, for example, cognitive psychotherapy.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Beck, A.T., Rush, A.J., Shaw, B.F., & Emery, G. (1983). Cognitive therapy of depression. Brouwer. Benavides, J. (2014). Thought and happiness: the view of Albert Ellis. Poiésis, 1(28).Femintíez-Berrocef, P., Ramos, N., & Extremera, N. (2001). Emotional intelligence, chronic thought suppression, and psychological adjustment. Psychology Bulletin, 70, 79-95.Marín, NL (2006). Albert Ellis’s rational emotive therapy. Northern Mental Health, 6(25), 16.

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