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People who can’t stand humanity: between sarcasm and existential emptiness

Surely you know one of those people who believes themselves above humanity. The one that she thinks that her opinion is science, and at the same time truth. We talk about the reasons that lead them to maintain that attitude towards the world.

There are people who can’t stand humanity. Between sarcasm and existential emptiness, they send negative messages about the species to which they belong.

Perhaps it has been very negative experiences with others that have motivated these thoughts. However, when they carry out their analysis, they do not allude to their pain or social disenchantment. They are people who despise humanity because they feel that their existence is superior emotionally or intellectually.

Perhaps a series of unrealistic expectations about society or a repressive education may be at the basis of this conception of the world.

Adopting this attitude of hatred towards humanity often entails a rejection of nature itself. Finally, people who can’t stand humanity They adopt an attitude of criticism and excessive moral rigidity with the opinions and behaviors of others.

A sarcasm and a moral superiority that exhausts

As we have pointed out, people who express disaffection and rejection of others, They may have accumulated negative experiences on a social level.. However, they do not explain it concretely. Express that you have suffered bullyingthat you had a bad family experience or that you have been betrayed by a friend can be complicated.

When you go through a bad streak, it is advisable to go to a mental health professional and if you feel that you are not able to get out of it, to take care of yourself, you can ask a professional for help. However, many people remain silent, ending up drowning in their own anguish.

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An insufficient ecosystem

People who can’t stand humanity They need to put a magnifying glass on those points where they think they differ from others. From their fashions, from their lack of intellect or simply from their way of living. They have a fervent need to differentiate themselves as “leaders,” whether of opinion, values, or possessions. For these people, mixing with others without judging them is not satisfying.

From there comes the absolute contempt for what others do when it could be summed up in a simple “I like it” or “I don’t like it.” Due to the fear of expressing an opinion with nuances or clarifications, which would entail greater personal exposure, they prefer to express a general contempt for something.

Camouflage in generalized criticism is safer for self-esteem than a truly substantiated explanation.

The risk of generalizations

The risk of generalizations is that it hides our range of emotions and therefore makes it difficult to differentiate them. Generalization is a vague, uniform and flaccid layer of opinions and evaluations that are nothing more than the product of our personal experience and our social learning. They are mere prejudices towards people, but some believe that it represents a universal opinion.

We are all determined by the environment and yet we are individual beings. We do not need to differentiate ourselves from the rest with the need to point out that we are unique. With the expressions “this society with few values”, “those vulgar people” or “we deserve to become extinct” no one conveys wisdom., but something of the existential void that exists within them regarding society. That is valid and humane. But that feeling does not give the right to judge and undervalue the rest of simple mortals.

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This hatred of humanity or misanthropy can often be characterized as a disillusionment with what is perceived as human nature. The misanthrope, expecting humans to embrace a simplistic, romantic ideal, is constantly faced with contradictory evidence.

The misanthrope sees himself as different from the majority. Some philosophers, such as Arthur Schopenhauer, see humanity as a futile and self-destructive species. However, the philosophy of contemporary haters is carried out in forums where impulsiveness reigns and not so much reflection.

We need more kind and generous looks

Seneca, In his treatise On Anger, he suggests that Misanthropy can be mitigated by laughing at humanity’s weaknesses, rather than resenting them.. Seneca’s Stoic philosophy regarded all forms of anger as corruptions of reason and therefore detrimental to good judgment; he argues that hatred and misanthropy must be eliminated for the individual to achieve sanity.

Therefore, a person who shows his anger towards humanity for aspects as varied as being uncultured, dancing reggaeton or simply fathering children are not correctly sizing what is happening. By believing themselves superior to others because of their intellectual tastes, they lack humility and perspective.

In general, we are too concerned with justice and purity, and not enough with goodness. However, in many cases, kindness and generosity are often superior values ​​to justice..

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