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What to do with a climbing partner: 4 tips so they don’t affect you

One of the main causes of discomfort in the Western world is work stress.. Although this uncomfortable sensation can occur for many reasons, one of the most important factors that contributes to its increase is climbing companions.

In the environment of modern companies, where it is so necessary to work as a team, it is very easy to feel demotivated due to the strategies that these types of workers implement. The companions climb They will do anything to look good, including lying, which is why it is very difficult to collaborate with them without getting scalded.

Therefore, if you want to improve your satisfaction at work and free yourself from the stress that dominates you so much, you will have to learn to manage the relationships you have with these types of people. The objective is to ensure that they do not affect you, learning to set limits and distance. In this article we leave you the best keys to achieve it.

1- Become independent of your climbing companions

The easiest way to survive your fellow climbers is to ensure that what they do cannot affect you.. If you are solely responsible for your own project, or if you have a work team made up of people you trust and respect, your toxic colleagues will have no power over you.

The problem with fellow climbers is not that they exist, but that You give them the ability to affect your life. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, undertake your own solo projects; Or if you are more of a person who needs to work as a team, make sure you associate yourself with people with whom you can establish a relationship of interdependence.

2- Feel free to ignore them

Most people feel morally obliged to help others. When someone is in trouble, even if it is something that does not affect our life, we tend to worry about that person and put everything in our power to get the chestnuts out of the fire. Even if doing so harms us.

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The fellow climbers know this perfectly and take advantage of it. Since they do not mind using others to achieve their own ends, they They ask for help knowing that it will be provided no matter what.. If you want to survive this kind of person, the second step you have to take is to learn to say no to them.

Even if at first it is difficult for you to be assertive with your climbing companions, You need to think about your interests and, above all, how helping them will affect you. even though they are hurting you.

3- Learn to control your emotions

According to cognitive psychology, what affects us is not what happens to us, but what we tell ourselves about what happens to us. In the case of climbing companions, the matter is quite clear: The problem is not that they behave in an unpleasant way, but that we allow ourselves to be affected by it.

Your next task is try not to let the way they behave make you feel bad. To do this, the easiest thing is to focus on finding the irrational ideas you have about how your coworkers should be towards you.

The most common thing in the presence of fellow climbers is to think that “they should behave differently.” Maintaining this belief makes you uncomfortable; after all, reality is not how you want it to be. However, instead of trying to change their behavior (something very difficult to do), your best bet is accept that reality is as it is. In this way, you will notice that your negative emotions decrease quickly.

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4- Separate work from the rest of your life

The worst consequence that working with fellow climbers can have is let his presence make your life bitter, even outside of work. This often happens to us when we are stressed or angry about work issues: we come home and continue thinking about the matter, in such a way that we not only have a hard time at the office but in our personal lives.

To avoid this problem and disconnect from work noise, you can do sports, practice some relaxation exercises. or mindfulness. It’s about diverting your attention from work problems and learning to live in the present connected with you. Although it may be a little complicated at first, these strategies will help you survive your toxic peers and feel better about yourself.

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