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8 characteristics of immature people

Since relating to people with some degree of immaturity is usually complicated, here we show you some keys about their traits and how to approach them so that it is easier for you to deal with them.

Immature people are characterized by not having given up certain childhood desires and fantasies. Hence, the lack of emotional regulation and egocentrism are two of its most characteristic features.

Impulsivity and lack of empathy are also usually present in these types of people. They let themselves go on whims and avoid situations that may be unpleasant or boring, to a greater or lesser extent. They even tend to impose and demand that others think according to their perspective.

Now, it is also important to mention that Despite showing emotional immaturity on most occasions, they are not always like that. Depending on the moment, some characteristics stand out more than others. Let’s see below which ones present the most immaturity.

“Some people have not understood that the Earth revolves around the sun, not them.”


1. Lack of empathy

Immature people usually don’t find it easy to put themselves in other people’s shoes, In fact, many don’t even consider it. They are so used to thinking about themselves that to empathize with others they need to do a whole reflection exercise to inhibit their egocentrism.

Due to lack of empathy, They think that there is only one vision of the world, theirs, and as soon as another person disagrees, they think they are wrong or reject them.

2. Lack of introspection

It is rare for immature people to spend time in self-reflection. They can spend their life ignoring the possibility of observing themselves and learning from their mistakes. In this way, they also do not know what their deepest needs, objectives and dreams are.

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3. Impulsivity

High impulsivity is one of the main characteristics of immature people. They do not usually regulate their actions or emotions and do not think about the consequences in the short or long term.

Often, this characteristic leads to problems with the rest, both on a personal and work level and, sometimes, in problems managing their resources, such as money. In this way, they may embark on purchases that they cannot afford, since they do not objectively evaluate the investments. Therefore, it is common for them to live with a large number of debts.

4. Tendency to blame others

One of the most common characteristics of immature people is the tendency to Blame anyone else for what happens. This is because of their belief that they do everything right and do not make mistakes.

This type of persons They do not usually take responsibility for anything they do, think or feel. Therefore, when it suits them they adopt a victim position.

5. Egocentrism

Immature people usually think only of themselves and, therefore, they often believe that others are also very interested in their own personality.

They proclaim themselves special. They are arrogant and feel infallible. However, despite appearing to be confident people with high self-esteem, deep down they are very insecure. Hence, they constantly need to feel admired by others.

6. Appearance of rituals and whims

Immature people get carried away by what gives them pleasure, which can become of great importance in their lives.

Curiously, unlike his impulsive actions, These whims usually appear in a ritualized and prioritized way. Therefore, an immature person may be late for an appointment because they were watching their favorite series or because they were more interested in choosing their clothes well than in being punctual.

7. Special importance to public image

Immature people tend to worry too much about things. situations that may negatively affect your public image. Hence they go to certain places and undertake projects in order to improve their popularity.

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As a rule, These types of people need the approval of others, since they receive it as an instant source of pleasure.

8. Aversion to boredom

Since immature people tend to seek their own pleasure and well-being, they also They try to avoid situations in which they cannot find those types of sensations, such as when experiencing boredom or discomfort.

“Maturity begins to manifest when we feel that our concern is greater for others than for ourselves.”

-Albert Einstein-

How to prevent emotional immaturity from affecting your mental health

If you are in a relationship with an immature person, there are some things you can do to alleviate the situation. When you work to resolve the situation, you can prevent a negative impact on your mental health and relieve some stress.

Communicate: hTalking honestly but sensitively about your behavior is one way to start. You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future.

Be positive: When the person behaves in a way that seems mature and genuine, praise them for it. positive reinforcement It is a powerful tool to foster growth.

Adjust: You can also try to adjust your own expectations, within reason of course. Not everyone will change, but you can change the way you respond to people.

Create healthy boundaries: It is important that the other person understands that their behavior has consequences and that you will not continue to participate in their dynamic of immaturity. Below are some ways to be more assertive and set limits :

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Be self-aware. Take awareness of your own comfort level. Identify what situations make you feel hurt, uncomfortable or angry.Communicate with your partner. Mention to your partner that there are certain things you won’t tolerate, such as being yelled at or lied to.Do what you saywithout exceptions. This may mean taking the high road during tantrums and letting them know you’ll be willing to talk once they’re ready to discuss things maturely.

In closing, if someone you care about is immature, you may be able to help them learn to behave more like an adult. If you don’t want to change, talk to a counselor about how to take care of yourself while dealing with an emotionally immature person.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Bakhshani, N. M. (2014). Impulsivity: a predisposition toward risky behaviors. International journal of high risk behaviors & addiction, 3(2).Hardee, JT (2003). An overview of empathy. The Permanent Journal, 7(4), 51.

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