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5 signs that you have a choleric temperament

The choleric temperament includes a series of positive or negative traits, depending on how they are managed. What are those particularities? We’ll see it right away.

The choleric temperament is a concept derived from the theory of the four temperaments proposed by Hippocrates., an ancient Greek physician. It is also known as the humoral theory; According to her, the human body is composed of a quartet of bodily fluids known as humors: blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm.

Hippocrates believed that the balance between these fluids determined personality and behavior, relating them thus: blood with optimistic and energetic temperament; yellow bile with choleric (irritable and aggressive); black bile with the melancholic (thoughtful and sad) and phlegm with the phlegmatic (calm and calm).

In this way, the choleric character is distinguished by a tendency towards aggressiveness, impulsiveness, competitiveness and anger. We explain more during reading.

The choleric man is like a fiery horse: if he is mounted and directed with art, he will be the fastest and safest of drivers; If not, he will be the most dangerous.

~Jean de La Bruyère~

Signs that you have a choleric temperament

Although we all have different personality traits, this type of temperament is more pronounced in some than others. Below are five signs that you might have a choleric temperament.

1. Tendency toward anger and frustration

Angry people, They often have a low tolerance for frustration. and they get angry easily, when things don’t go as expected. If so, they may explode in a tantrum or have excess anger.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Psychology details that people with strong states of frustration express their anger at the slightest provocation and manifest impulsivity. Feeling frequent anger or frustration, as well as difficulty controlling your emotions in these situations, could signal your angry behavior.

2. Excessive competition

This irritable temperament It is also characterized by a strong tendency towards competitiveness. An investigation with athletes on emotions, published by the journal Sciences of Physical Activity UCM , found that vigor, tension and anger were the most repetitive sensations after a competition. Such states could be associated with athletes’ desire to win.

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It is possible that feelings of anger lead to an extremely competitive attitude. Thus, people who experience it feel the need to win at everything, even in situations that do not require it. They also show a spontaneous need to compare themselves with others, which could increase their tendency to compete.

3. Impulsivity and lack of patience

People with a choleric temperament They are usually impulsive and have difficulty waiting. They act by focusing only on the immediate situation and not on the possible consequences of their actions, in the medium and long term. When the emotions of anger and hostility are strong, there is more impulsivity, notes a thesis published by the César Vallejo University.

4. Tendency to be dominant

People who are classified within this type are characterized by need to take control of everything that happens around you. Because of this, they may have difficulty delegating tasks or allowing others to make decisions.

5. They do not accept criticism

This temperament causes difficulties in accepting criticism; who have it They are attacked or threatened when someone points out mistakes or mention areas in which they can improve. Choleric people usually react with anger or aggression to any critical observation, even if it is constructive.

It is common for those who have this character to also present problems in their personal and professional relationships.

Science and the choleric temperament

The theory of the four temperaments was proposed in the 5th century BC, but a study published in the International Scientific Research Journal gives an important degree of validity to its postulates.

There is evidence that angry people tend to be more aggressive in interpersonal conflict situations. and that this is due, in part, to their propensity to perceive others as threatening.

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In general, the available research suggests that being choleric is linked to personality traits that are sometimes detrimental to interpersonal relationships and overall quality of life. In any case, the innate inclination for certain types of behavior can be nuanced and modified to achieve greater personal balance.

What do angry people like?

To people with choleric temperament They love action, making quick decisions and solving problems with efficiency. Likewise, they like to be in control, win and work towards the results they hope to achieve.

Regarding leisure and entertainment, They prefer physical activities to release their energy and channel their desire to compete and challenge others.. They enjoy challenging and competitive exercises such as weightlifting, combat sports, or racing.

Likewise, they are interested in developing in business or political fields in which they lead, in order to have greater dominance and power, although sometimes this costs them in dealing with their subordinates.

Finally, In their interpersonal relationships they like to be direct and sincere. They have no patience with people who are indecisive or who ramble for a long time before getting to the key point of what they want to say. They value loyalty and are protective of their close circle.

How to deal with someone who is choleric

Dealing with these types of individuals can be exhausting and challenging, as they are very active, impulsive, and competitive. Here we leave you some suggestions to deal with them:

Don’t let it intimidate you: Much less do you allow yourself to be treated unfairly. Use your talents and strengths; don’t be afraid of them.Be assertive: If they feel attacked, they will respond defensively. The best way to avoid an aggressive dialogue with them is through assertive communication.Speak directly and clearly: They greatly appreciate direct communication that is not lost in superficial details. Therefore, try to express yourself unambiguously.Act firmly: Two key traits of cholerics are control and domination. For both reasons they will try to impose themselves on your desires and transgress your limits. Be firm in your decisions, do not let your limits or rights be violated.

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Is it good or bad to have an angry personality?

Like any other trait, being choleric has its advantages and disadvantages; It all depends on the context, the person and their ability to self-regulate. On the one hand, it can be good in scenarios where being competitive, ambitious and energetic is necessary. Similarly, It is positive to achieve goals, since it has a marked achievement orientation.

However, it is negative or bad due to impulsivity, aggressiveness and the desire to dominate. If these reactions are not controlled, perhaps they cause conflicts and hinder personal development. The key is knowing how to deal with its effects and use them in a timely manner when the moment requires it.


In this article we review the five main characteristics of the choleric temperament. Now, we know that those who own it They tend to be aggressive, impulsive, controlling and irritable. They find it difficult to accept criticism and tolerate frustration.

Cholerics love to win, challenge others, and lead. Their ambition and achievement orientation perhaps facilitate their adaptation to certain contexts. However, his aggressiveness and low tolerance for frustration disrupt his relationships and personal growth.

If you live, work or interact with people like this, do not allow them to intimidate you or disrespect your limits. On the other hand, if you think you exhibit angry attitudes, keep in mind that you must regulate them and focus on their advantages, to get an extra impetus that helps you achieve goals in a healthy way.

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