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Learning to love means being prepared to let go

Loving is not synonymous with possessing or binding… Loving implies freedom, harmony and plenitude.

Possession and fear are contrary to what it means to love. To live this feeling fully it is necessary to learn to let go, let go, free ourselves from that which is not ours, that does not belong to us. Everything we love has the quality of being free and therefore ephemeral and variable.

When we love, it is difficult for us to learn to let go of what we have held on to.. It is something we are not prepared for until we go through the experience. Suddenly we find ourselves faced with a situation on which we are dependent, and that we have been feeding without even realizing it.

Have you ever been afraid that a love relationship would end? It is likely so, and this situation in itself generates discomfort and suffering. We begin relationships with a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, at that moment everything is perfect and eternal.. Reality, however, is different, since everything that begins is susceptible to ending, changing, and transforming.

Preparing for changes makes us more aware that every moment is unique and unrepeatable. We learn over time that making the effort to retain only causes us suffering.

Part of loving is learning to let go

We have the illusion that there are things that are permanent and therefore we act as if they are.. In this way we fool ourselves into believing that there are sensations that will always be there, people that will never change, and situations that will remain just as we want. All this is part of the story we like to tell ourselves so as not to face reality.

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Have you not noticed how what is around you changes? Have you not noticed how you are changing? Your body, your circumstances, your attitude and your experiences; they change over time. Inevitably we live in continuous change.

Love, being potentially one of the most wonderful experiences we can go through, we try to treasure it, retain it and continue feeling it forever. Love is like that, it is eternal while it lasts; although it is necessary to accept that it transforms and flows like the water of a spring.

Loving is incompatible with retention, love in essence implies freedom. This is one of the most important learnings that we have to go through, if we want to combat the frustration, resentment, suffering, and even the hatred that appears when we cling tightly to what no longer exists.

By not knowing how to love we get frustrated

Love does not hurt, it is a feeling that is enjoyed and lived with enthusiasm, with enthusiasm, and with the calm that we are with the person we love. It represents great inner peace and liberation in the expression of our being. Faced with this feeling, suffering has no space.

What happens when we love and we are not reciprocated? This common situation that generates so much pain serves as an example for us to understand that we have not learned to love. We get frustrated not because we love, but because we have learned to love with conditionswith the expectations and pretensions of possession.

“For most people, the problem of love consists fundamentally in being loved, and not in loving, not in the capacity to love itself.”

-Erich Fromm-

It is very difficult for us to accept when love ends, when another person does not feel the same we feel hurt and distressed. These sensations are part of our idea of ​​love, of the thoughts in which we judge ourselves as unworthy. By making personal evaluations that have nothing to do with love, we fall into self-destruction..

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Frustration ends when we understand our mistaken idea of ​​love: recognizing that freedom begins when we get rid of everything that does not allow us to be free. Since we cling to the idea of ​​how things should be and this keeps us in disappointment.

Letting go is our best proof of love

We have a hard time when we resist the changes that love experiences. We can reverse this situation, taking into account our ability to continue loving, accepting the freedom of the loved one. Stopping resisting, in the face of what we inevitably have to let go. This experience is what can really bring us closer to a state of inner peace.

Learning to let go frees us, leaves us space for love to continue flowing. And in turn we facilitate the process so that the other person follows their path, the one they have decided, the one they need to follow. This is the most honest test of love that we can give to ourselves and to other people.

We love each other when we give ourselves the opportunity to start again and remain receptive to the possibility of knowing new forms of love. Without internal blockages that torment us, paralyze us, and destroy our natural capacity to live our feelings intensely.

The essence of everything beautiful that we experience is freedom itself, if we are able to stop squeezing to learn to let go, we will be converging on the path of happiness and love.

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