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25 things to do as a couple

Do you want to break the routine with your partner and don’t know how to do it? Would you like someone to give you ideas that you could later personalize? In this article you can find 25 things to do as a couple.

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

At the beginning of a life as a couple, what predominates is emotion, largely because what happens is novelty. The first walk, the first kiss or the first ice cream, in addition to the surprises and attention of the other.

However, it is common that as time progresses, routine takes over day to day life. Obligations and habits are gaining ground on spontaneity and the bond can be harmed.. Therefore, we have compiled 25 things to do as a couple that will help you feel closer and closer.

Intimacy between two people is built through self-revelations, interactions and conversations and, of course, also through shared experiences. Thus, looking for spaces to be alone, to create new memories and try different experiences together can be very positive.

We are sure that, within the following proposals, you will find several that will adapt to your tastes and preferences.

25 things to do as a couple

You don’t need a lot of time or a big budget; Simple activities and gestures can strengthen the bond between both. We show you several options below.

1. See a sunrise or sunset

Not all people have the same capacity for aesthetic appreciation of the landscape, but a sunrise is one of the most beautiful scenes we can contemplate.

Getting up early, finding a beautiful natural corner and watching the sunrise together will be an unforgettable memory.. And, if you are more nocturnal, you can choose to watch the sunset on a beautiful beach or mountainous area.

2. Express what you felt when you saw each other for the first time

The first meetings take place within the framework of discovery. For some people, love emerged at the first glance; Others would say that in their first encounters they never thought they could have a relationship with that person.

In any case, Reminiscing with your partner about that special day, when it all began, can be very fun.. In addition, it can be an excuse to take a shared look at the past and analyze everything you have grown and even return to a project that fell by the wayside.

3. Share something you have never told anyone

For a couple to stay together, trust is necessary. Therefore, sharing with others something that no one else knows can be a nice exercise.

Tell him your biggest dream, your hidden fear or that past anecdote that marked you more than others believe.. These types of revelations will help you feel closer.

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4. Follow a series together

Watch an episode of the series every night, discuss impressions, share tension and assumptions about what is going to happen… This is one of the simplest things to do as a couple but that can unite you the most on a daily basis.

Besides, Following the scenes of the series, you will have the opportunity to see how your partner thinks regarding different issues.

5. Read the same book

You can obtain very similar benefits if you decide to read the same book at the same time. Choose one that you both like and immerse yourself in the universe that it offers you.. You will love being able to discuss the progress of the plot with each other.

6. Cook together

If you live with your partner, it is likely that you have divided up household chores so that each of you is responsible for preparing meals. Even if you usually cook together, you probably do it automatically, in a hurry and following a script.

Why not prepare a special dinner together? Play music, start early and dedicate your five senses to each other and to the activity you are doing.. The experience will be very different.

7. Write a letter

Technology has almost completely displaced handwriting, but Nothing compares to reading sincere and profound words written in your own handwriting. of our loved one.

Take a pen and paper and write down everything that you should say to each other more often but don’t.

8. Breakfast in bed

You may think that bringing your partner breakfast in bed is cliché and meaningless. However, when you get up early, cook your favorite dish and prepare it so that you can eat it without getting up. you are showing him love, interest and dedication.

9. Participate in volunteering or solidarity activity

Performing altruistic actions increases our happiness and makes us feel good about ourselves. So, You can sign up with your partner to volunteer with children, the elderly or animals or to some activity for the preservation of the environment. You will love the experience.

10. Paint together

When painting we encourage imagination and creativity and let our inner child come out. It is a fun and relaxing activity that also serves as an emotional expression. Take a canvas or paper and spend some time capturing your feelings or mood in shapes and colors.

11. Talk about your childhood

By talking about your childhood with your partner you make them participate in that stage of your life in which they were not yet present. You allow me to know your roots and your history and thus understand better where you come from. and how your personality has been formed.

12. Dream about the future

Sitting with your partner in a quiet environment to project that future that you imagine with them is extremely gratifying. Imagine where you see yourself in 10 years and share what each of you expect from the future..

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13. Play sports together

Practicing sports is very healthy for the body and mind, and doing it as a couple allows you to further strengthen the connection between the two. The company will motivate you, make the sessions more enjoyable and allow you to spend quality time together..

You can go for a walk or run in nature, skate, go to the gym or participate in a dance class, any option is good.

14. Teach the other something they don’t know

Being in a relationship can be very enriching if we open ourselves to learning from the other person. Surely each of you has a gift or a series of knowledge that may be of great interest to the other.. Why not share them?

Every day one can be the apprentice and the other the teacher; This is a good way to also maintain that small spark of admiration necessary in any couple.

15. Go to a concert

Music connects us and awakens our most emotional side. What better than going with your partner to the concert of your favorite group? Not only will you have fun but, since music influences memory and promotes the consolidation of memories, This is likely to become an event you will remember for years..

16. Sign up for a class together

Cooking, painting, dancing, a wine tasting or a language course… there are so many activities to explore and so many skills to learn! Choose a topic that interests you both and dedicate one day a week to attending this class or course together. This weekly appointment will bring you together more than you think.

17. Create a photo album

Since the smartphones They include a camera, all our photographs are taken and saved on these devices; and this often means that they are disordered or lost, that we see them frequently or that we accidentally delete them.

Therefore, creating an album with your most valuable photos is one of the best things to do as a couple. Print them, glue them and add decorations, notes or comments. In the future you will love to have a book that reflects your story.

18. Have a picnic

A blanket, some snacks and drinks and a beautiful natural environment is all you need to spend a magnificent day together is another of those things to do as a couple that are simple, attractive and with which you can easily have a very pleasant time. Don’t hesitate to try it!

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19. Digital detox

How many times have you been out to dinner with your partner or taking a walk and, suddenly, you both found yourself with your mobile phone in your hand? Doing a digital detox will allow you to disconnect to reconnect with each other and to do so All you have to do is declare at least one day free of technology and dedicate it to doing activities together..

20. Make a manual project

Nothing unites two people more than working towards a common goal., which is why doing manual projects as a couple is very positive. You can create a vertical garden, paint a room in the house or create new decorations for the home.

21. Dance together

Sometimes it is easier to express emotions with the body than with words. Therefore, dancing with your partner can be one of the most rewarding experiences. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have practice or rhythm, put your song on the music player and dance in your living room.. This moment is only for you.

22. Remember the past

When a relationship lasts over time, there are many shared experiences. who have forged the deep bond that is shared today. Don’t miss the opportunity to remember those special moments with the person who has been with you for so many years.

23. Practice adventure activities

Trekking, bungee jumpingkayaking, diving… there are many alternatives to enjoy the outdoors and release adrenaline as a couple. If you are adventurous, you will love this option.

24. Meditation as a couple

Meditation aligns the body and mind, and meditating as a couple can make you feel more united than ever. Dress in comfortable clothes, sit opposite each other and try to synchronize your breathing. To help, at first, you can use guided meditations.

25. Celebrate your love

There is no need to wait for the wedding to celebrate your love in the company of your loved ones. Organize a dinner or party at home and invite all those people who are an important part of your life. An anniversary may be the ideal time to carry out this proposal.

As you can see, there are many things to do as a couple. You can take the idea that you like the most and personalize it. One night a week or one day a month in which the relationship is the absolute priority is part of that care for the bond that is so necessary for it to be maintained.

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