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Prayer to sleep peacefully and promote spiritual cleansing

After a long day of activities and hustle and bustle, people look forward to a good night’s rest. But, often, the mind becomes restless and impairs sleep induction. A prayer to sleep in peace It is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing and bring the necessary peace of mind.

What is the prayer to sleep peacefully?

“My Father, now that the voices have silenced and the cries have died down, here at the foot of the bed my soul rises to You to say: I believe in You, I hope in You, I love You with all my strength. Glory to You, Lord.

I place in your hands the fatigue and struggle, the joys and disappointments of this day that is behind us. If my nerves betrayed me, if selfish impulses dominated me, if I gave way to resentment or sadness, forgive me, Lord! Have mercy on me.

If I was unfaithful, if I spoke empty words, if I allowed myself to be carried away by impatience, if I was a thorn in the side of someone, forgive me Lord! Tonight, I don’t want to give in to sleep without feeling the security of your mercy upon my soul, your sweet mercy entirely free, Lord.

I thank you my Father, because you were the cool shadow that covered me throughout this day. I thank you because – invisible, affectionate, involving – you took care of me like a mother, at all these times.

Lord, around me everything is already silence and calm. Send the angel of peace to this house. Relax my nerves, calm my spirit, release my tensions, fill my being with silence and serenity.

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Watch over me, dear Father, as I confidently surrender to sleep like a child sleeping happily in your arms. In your name, Lord, I will rest in peace. So be it.”

Source: Which is the Best Mattress

Prayer to sleep well at night

“Lord my God, another day is coming to an end… Thank you Lord, for the good and bad things, because even these teach me to depend on you more.

At this moment, I want to give you everything: the difficulties and worries, the achievements and joys of today. I know the Lord has been with me until now. Calms my mind and heart so I can sleep well.

Remove all fear, anxiety and anguish from my soul. Help me to always love and forgive those who have offended me.

May I rest in your peace, always trusting in your faithful Word. Grant me a restful sleep, relieve all physical and mental fatigue.

In the name of Jesus, I ask you and thank you. Amen!”

Source: Bibleon

Powerful Evening Prayer

“Father of all mercy, bless my life. Free me from enemies who want to harm me.

Send your angels to protect me from every evil threat, all violence, distress and disaster.

Protect my soul, my family, my relationships and all my brothers in Christ. Remove from my path the accusing Enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy us at all costs.

Keep me daily in your presence, Lord God, as the apple of your eye. May your great power support and sustain me at this time and always.

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I am grateful for your kindness and mercy. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!”

Source: Bibleon

Creed prayer for sleep

“I believe in God the Father, almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died and buried. He descended the mansion of the dead.

He was resurrected on the third day, ascended to Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, almighty, from where he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Catholic Church, in the communion of Saints. In the remission of sins. In the resurrection of the flesh. In eternal life. Amen”.

What is the sleep psalm?

It is believed that the habit of reading psalms daily has the power to quiet the mind and heart, allowing a good rest. But each message is usually related to a specific theme. O Psalm 3for example, is highly recommended for those who want to sleep better:

1. Lord, how my adversaries have multiplied! There are many who rise up against me.
2. Many say of my soul: There is no salvation for him in God. (Saddle.)
3. But you, Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
4. With my voice I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me from his holy mountain. (Saddle.)
5. I lay down and slept; I woke up, because the Lord sustained me.
6. I will not fear ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me and surround me.
7. Rise up, Lord; save me, my God; for thou hast smitten all my enemies on the chin; You broke the teeth of the wicked.
8. Salvation comes from the Lord; May your blessing be upon your people. (Saddle.)

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Read more: night prayer It is prayer of the day.

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