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Traveler’s prayer for protection and good energy – Chapéus – Blog

Traveling usually brings many experiences, joy, rest, meetings… But leaving your comfort zone can also open up space for accidents, delays and other problems. A traveler’s prayer It is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing, open paths, remove worries, raise energy and attract protection from spirituality.

Which saint protects travel?

There are some saint options for those looking for protection when visiting different places, whether by plane, car, bus, truck, boat, ship… Saint Joseph, for example, protected Mary and Jesus on their travels. Saint Christopher is known as the patron saint of travelers and drivers. Another famous option is Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem.

To perform the ritual, before leaving your home or hotel, find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and take deep breaths until you notice that your body and mind become more relaxed. Think about the saint of your devotion and ask for his help during your journey. With attention and faith, read the traveler’s prayer. Thank you at the end.

Traveler’s Prayer

“Lord, You know all the ways and, before You, there are no secrets; nothing is hidden from your eyes and nothing happens without your permission. Grant me the happiness of starting this journey remembering You; make it possible to come and go in the peace and tranquility of your infinite love and your benevolence.

May your kind support accompany me and direct my steps and my destiny with the eternal love of your heart. Always keep me close to You, Lord. It makes me see obstacles and difficulties clearly, and helps me find solutions. May I be saved from afflictions and wrath, thanks to Your blessing and Your peace.

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Blessed be you, O eternal God, our Father, who preserved my life and gave me so that, with the light of your presence, I can find new paths and answers to my questions. Amen.”

Source: O Liberal

Saint Joseph’s prayer for travel

“O Saint Joseph, who accompanied Jesus and Mary on all their journeys, and who was called the patron saint of all travelers, accompany us on this path we are about to take. Be our guide and protector; watch over us; preserves us from all accidents and dangers to soul and body; assist us in our tiredness and help us to sanctify it by offering it to God.

It always makes us aware that we are strangers, pilgrims down here; that heaven is our true home; and help us to persevere on the straight path that leads there. We especially ask you to protect and help us on the last great journey from time to eternity, so that, under your guidance, we can reach the kingdom of happiness and glory, to rest there eternally with you in the company of Jesus and Mary. Amen.”

Source: Aleteia

Prayer for protection on the road

“O my Saint Christopher, look at me on this journey. Don’t leave me alone on the roads. Deliver me, protect me and defend me from all evil. Bless those who remain, and accompany those who leave.

Open my eyes, give me patience, tranquility, calm and perseverance on this journey. Heed my prayer, and heard my request (make the request), for which I thank you in advance.

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My Saint Christopher, also free me from robberies, bad weather and all kinds of dangers, so that I can travel peacefully and safely. I ask for this grace, not only for myself, but also for all the people who are traveling. Saint Christopher, pray for us! Amen.”

Source: Aleteia

Prayer for plane travel

“Lord God, bless this trip and this aircraft, and may we reach our destination well and safely. Bless the pilots, crew and passengers.

Bless the fuselage, wings and landing gear, engines and turbines and all electrical and electronic, mechanical and mechatronic, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment and also all fastening elements.

May the weather favor us and all controls and instruments be precise, and air traffic controllers attentive.

May the angels of the Lord be around us, accompany us and have a good journey. Amen.”

Source: Pocket Terço

What is the go-to psalm?

It is believed that the habit of reading psalms has the power to attract blessings and protection. But each text is usually related to a specific subject. In the case of travel, one of the recommendations is Psalm 121. Check it out:

1. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where my help comes.
2. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
3. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
4. Behold, the guard of Israel will not slumber nor sleep.
5. The Lord is the one who keeps you; the Lord is your shadow at your right hand.
6. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will guard your soul.
8. The Lord will guard your entrance and your exit, from now on and forever.

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Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida.

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