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Is hair powder bad for you? Find out when he can be an ally – Chapéus – Blog

Excessive oiliness is a major nuisance for many women. It can leave hair heavy, sticky, and dirty looking. A widely used alternative to disguise the situation is the application of talcum powder in hair. Does it really work? Can it cause harm? We have prepared a guide on the subject to eliminate the main doubts!

Why does talcum powder remove oil from hair?

The product has been used for a long time for this purpose because it has the ability to absorb moisture. At first glance, it tends to seem like a practical, cheap and simple option for disguising the oily appearance, especially close to the roots, but it can cause harm.

As it is not made specifically for use on the scalp and hair, talc can cause allergies, clog pores, accentuate hair loss, impair growth rate… A safe substitute is dry shampoo, developed with astringent active ingredients and formula tested for purpose. But it is important to emphasize that this is also a product for emergencies, when it is not possible to take a shower.

Nothing replaces the importance of washing, which can even be daily, in cases of excessive oiliness. Use specific shampoo for this type of hair. If you still notice discomfort, look for a dermatologist to recommend the best treatment, which must be followed exactly.

Harms of talc on hair

The product can clump and clog pores, creating space for a series of problems. If you already have scalp irritation, you should be even more alert, as this could make it worse. Check the list of possible negative points of using talcum powder in hair:

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Excess talc can leave white residue on your hair. The act of spreading the powder with your fingers to eliminate the coloring can further stimulate the production of oil. Scalp allergy as it is not suitable for the region. Clogging of pores, damaging healthy hair growth. Cause and/or increase hair loss. Promote the appearance of dandruff. Excess can leave hair heavy and movementless.

How to use talcum powder on your hair?

By now, you should be aware that talc is definitely not designed for application to your hair and scalp. But, if it’s not possible to wash your locks and you don’t have dry shampoo available, it ends up becoming an alternative for an emergency, as long as it doesn’t become a habit.

As a last resort, if you really need it, put a small amount of the product on your hands. Gradually, apply to the area with an oily appearance and spread well with your fingertips, gently, without rubbing the skin. Use a comb or brush to eliminate any possible whitish appearance.

When the event or meeting is over, wash your hair as quickly as possible. Don’t even think about sleeping with the powder in your hair to avoid problems.

What care is needed for oily hair?

(Photo: Canva)

Anyone who has excessive oiliness knows how uncomfortable it is when it starts to become visible in the region close to the roots. The heavy air and dirty appearance harm both the appearance and the health of the locks. To avoid emergency resources, such as talcum powder or dry shampoo, it is important to maintain specific self-care.

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The first of these may seem obvious, but not everyone follows it. It’s about choosing products for oily hair. Anti-residue shampoo can be applied once a week to enhance the effect. And remember that conditioner and hair mask should be applied three fingers from the roots to the ends.

Oh! Say goodbye to hot baths. Cold or warm water promotes both health and appearance. It is also important not to sleep with wet hair, as this can lead to the proliferation of fungi and the body tends to produce more oil to fight the “intruders”.

Hot jets can cause the scalp to eliminate more oil to protect itself. Therefore, reduce the use of a hairdryer as much as possible. Prefer natural drying.

Do you have the habit of running your hand over your hair all the time? Try to control yourself! This is because it can stimulate oil production, just like combing your hair many times a day.

On hot days, reinforce cleaning. As soon as you get out of the pool or the sea, don’t forget to take a shower or bath with cold, fresh water.

Have you ever heard that beauty comes from the inside out? That’s the purest truth! Keep an eye on your diet. Excessive consumption of fats and processed and industrialized products directly affects oil production. Therefore, it is important to invest in a balanced and as natural diet as possible.

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Patricia Zwipp

Journalist immersed in women’s issues. She has a habit of looking for learnings and positive points in each experience.

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