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Success phrases: 55 options to bring strength and motivation

To the success phrases show that it is completely subjective. Being successful can have a completely different meaning for everyone: a brilliant career, emotional independence, completing a course, discovering ways to achieve greater well-being, building a family…

We selected 55 messages with reminders of strength and motivation, after all, everything is an opportunity to learn and mature. In addition to being shared on WhatsApp, they can be used for personal reading and to enhance all social networks. Check out!

Short success phrases

It’s difficult to define success, but there are some common points, regardless of each person’s goal. Among them are doing your best, achieving goals you have set, looking for things that make sense to yourself, believing in your own abilities, finding balance in different areas of life, overcoming fears, learning from mistakes, recognizing each step along the way… You Do you consider yourself successful?

1 – Every effort has its reward.

2 – Today’s determination is tomorrow’s success. 💗

(Photo: /Disclosure)

3 – “Persistence is the path to success.” (Charles Chaplin)

4 – “Success is a consequence and not an objective.” (Gustave Flaubert) ✨

5 – “The secret of success is constancy of purpose.” (Benjamin Disraeli)

6 – “Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

7 – “Success is a journey, not a destination point.” (Very Sweetland)

8 – “Discipline is the most important part of success.” (Truman Capote) 🍀

9 – Do what is right, not what is easy.

10 – To achieve big things, start small.

11 – Never give up, good things take time.

Tumblr success phrases

12 – Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

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13 – “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” (Stubby Currence)

14 – “Knowing when to wait is the great secret to success.” (Xavier Maistre) 🍀

15 – Love to make money: wake up early, take a shower and go to work.

16 – If you want to have something you never had, do something you never did.

17 – There are those who make up excuses to give up. I make excuses to keep going.

18 – The distance between dreaming and achieving is the desire to get there. 💗

19 – “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unceasing devotion to the things you want to see happen.” (Frank Lloyd Wright)

20 – Recipe for making dreams come true: start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

21 – Sacrifice is the interval between your goal and your glory. ✨

22 – “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” (Robert Collier)

Success and motivation phrases

(Photo: /Disclosure)

23 – Insist, persist and don’t give up.

24 – Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are.

25 – The secret of strength is in the will.

26 – No matter how long the journey is, the important thing is to take the first step.

27 – Every second is time to change everything forever. 🍀

28 – All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

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29 – The power of your motivation shakes any desire to give up.

30 – He who tried and failed is superior to the one who did not try.

31 – Fight some more. Sometimes, it’s just one more step and the goal ends up appearing.

32 – If you get tired, learn to rest and not give up. 💗

33 – It is forward that we walk, it is upward that we look and it is through fighting that we conquer.

34 – Are you afraid of trying or not succeeding?

35 – There is no formula for success without work. ✨

36 – There is no better motivation to do a good job than feeling passionate about what you do.

37 – If you can’t do everything, do everything you can.

38 – True motivation is not what motivates you, but what transforms you.

39 – If the journey is difficult, it is because you are on the right path.

40 – Go! And if you’re scared, go scared.

41 – Be your focus. Do things for yourself, not for others.

42 – Always fight, win sometimes, never give up!

43 – Don’t let difficulties extinguish the flame of faith and hope in your heart.

44 – As long as there is the will to fight, there will be hope of winning.

45 – If life doesn’t get easier, try to get stronger.

46 – Someday I will say: “it wasn’t easy, but I did it”.

47 – You only win tomorrow if you don’t give up today. 🍀

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48 – Obstacles are only difficult until they are overcome.

49 – Look up, that is where your strength comes from.

50 – Go firmly towards your goal, because thought creates, desire attracts and faith fulfills.

51 – Don’t be afraid of change. Good things go so that better things can come.

Success and happiness phrases

52 – “May your harvest be abundant and eternal and the smile of happiness and success adorn your lips.” (Lauro Trevisan) 🍀

53 – “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” (Albert Schweitzer)

54 – “Happiness is the achievement of inner success. Feeling fulfilled, happy, loved and prosperous is a natural ambition for all of us. However, we will only be able to reach the top if we have the audacious optimism to trust in the powers of the invisible. Under the protection of the love of the Universe, we move forward without fear of living.” (Zíbia Gasparetto) 💗

55 – “True happiness and success consists of spending our energy with a purpose.” (William Cowper)

So, did you like the suggestions of success phrases? We have prepared more content with motivational messages, including phrases by Cora Coralina It is phrases by Paulo Coelho. Check out!

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