Home » Birth Signs » Dating request – Creative ideas for you! – Map of My Heaven

Dating request – Creative ideas for you! – Map of My Heaven

Being in love is a delight! We smile at any display of affection from others, be it a message or a smile! And even though we live in modern times, the dating proposal is still considered by many to be something symbolic and marks the date on which we plan to unite with someone special.

But what do you do if you’re out of ideas for a date?

Don’t worry! We will help you with some cool suggestions to help you prepare and do well! 😉

Be careful with dating requests

Just like the person making the marriage proposal, the desire to do something incredible and remarkable in the marriage proposal can be very strong! First, however, just be careful and respect your partner’s style.

Take your personality into account: if you want to make the request in a big way, publicly or involving people you know, that’s fine. However, you need to assess whether the person you are asking for is no longer reserved and would like something more intimate, just between the two of you.

That’s because asking for a date is a first step towards a relationship as a couple and sometimes, less is more, yes!

Do the exercise of listing the things and places that your special someone likes and then evaluate whether you should do it in a more discreet or expansive way!

Cute dating request

This type of dating request is the most popular! The reason is the fact that it carries the romanticism that led him to have the courage to make the request. After all, you are in love and you want to show it so that the other person feels the same way you are feeling.

There are some ways to surprise your love by making a cute date proposal! Some romantic ideas for you:

Dating request in the box

Here you can follow some ideas from Pinterest, for example. However, of course you will innovate and personalize in your own way and with the words that are most relevant to you.

Dating request with food

ASome places place orders for so-called “party in the box” or even personalized sweets with a photo or phrase of your choice:

Great for the little ants on duty or to create a romantic atmosphere with your loved one, in the case of a party in the box.

DIY dating proposal

This is for anyone who wants to make a DIY marriage proposal (Do It Yourself, in other words: “do it yourself”). Those who have the skills and have a certain amount of time (because it tends to be a bit of work!) can use this tactic as a complement or even as a dating request itself. In fact, the results are cute:

*tutorial from Chai’s YouTube channel.

Our star map

Few things are as romantic as stargazing with someone special. You can prepare for this moment by taking some blankets, wine or, if necessary, even making a fire. What about?

Then you can surprise by handing out a map of the stars with a really cool phrase. In it you will see the stars of a special day, which could be the day of your birth, the day of your first kiss or even the day of the proposal that you planned looking at the stars!

It has everything to do with it and certainly, in addition to being romantic, it will cause a lot of surprise and excitement! Even more so if on your star map you personalize it with the phrase “do you want to date me?”.

Good! The idea is for you to be able to show, in the form of food or something that you have ordered or made a real effort to plan, that you care and that you want to have this person by your side.

Combined with the moment and the perfect phrase, it’s a sure success!

Date request in the bedroom

This tactic is very intimate and has to be agreed in advance with other people for the surprise to be successful. The date request in the bedroom has a very personal meaning and will certainly be engraved in your memory so that when you enter, you will constantly remember this special moment.

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The tip is to personalize the room with balloons or collages when the person is not there. You can use photos of you, movie tickets you went to see together and other elements that were part of the beginning of the story.

You can even use candles to make the atmosphere more romantic. If you think it could be dangerous, choose LED lamps. For example, at Mercado Livre you can even find them in the shape of a heart!

To make everything even better, make a decorative picture of what the sky was like on a certain date. Once again, we believe that our star map can make everything more beautiful and meaningful.

Choose a special date (example: day of your first kiss or proposal) and personalize it with the phrase “Do you want to date me?” and with whatever you prefer.

So when the person comes in and gets confused with everything you’ve prepared, just position yourself close to the painting and look at it. In short, prepare yourself for tears of joy with this dating proposal in the bedroom! LOL

Creative dating request

Above we listed some creative ways to ask for a date, but if you want something even more themed, that’s possible too!

You can seek inspiration from a series, movie you like, book or even color or food. As an example, we have people who are truly passionate about Harry Potter. Giving several items or creating a “witchy” atmosphere for the request, with a magical phrase or way of showing it, can be one way.

Or there are still people who love a certain color, as is the case with the effect that the color pink has on some people. So, you can select some items that have her favorite color and make her world literally pink and more colorful with your declaration and dating request. To be perfect, we have a map of stars in different colors, including this one!

Use your imagination so that the dating proposal is romantic but at the same time special and tailor-made for her!

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What to say about a dating proposal?

This is very personal, of course. In fact, this moment can cause nervousness, because we are not always sure that the feeling that the other person feels for us is reciprocal. Or even if the moment to declare herself and ask that question is ideal, if she is prepared.

In any case, it is important to say a few words, even if your gesture has already spoken for itself. Good things happen when we open up with sincerity and therefore, no shyness at that moment. After all, you are inviting someone into your life and walk with you.

Look for the sensations and reasons why you want to date this person and declare yourself, even if briefly. If you want, we have some suggestions for love phrases that can inspire you as dating proposal phrases:

When are you going to realize that the gap your hands make is just because you’re not with me?” (Cassia Eller / Nando Reis)
Everyone has already realized that I love you. Now we just need to make it official! Wants to date me?
Shall we start our story together? Wants to date me?
You make my best smiles. That’s why I want to know: do you want to date me?
I keep counting the minutes until I see you and every time my cell phone rings I wait for a message from you. That’s why I need you to say yes to me. Wants to date me?

These are just a few ideas, but it’s important that you look for the words that come to your heart or even tell a story about when you met and some of the things you’ve been through together so far.

Now, if you want someone to start telling your story together, don’t think twice. Count on us at to immortalize unique moments like your dating request and register this request to someone special with love and creativity.

We hope you enjoyed our creative dating proposal ideas! Take courage and let’s, together, fill this world with love <3

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