Home » Birth Signs » What to give as a gift to the boss? – Map of My Heaven

What to give as a gift to the boss? – Map of My Heaven

If you don’t know what to give your boss as a gift, it’s a good idea to follow some tips to ensure there is a balance between your expectations and those of your manager.

After all, it is common for people to err on the side of more or less in this case. Which, obviously, nobody wants!

But then, what is the secret to pleasing?

In most cases, the boss is a person with whom you have a strictly professional relationship. Therefore, it is rare for there to be much intimacy between employees and the manager, guaranteeing professionalism.

And it is exactly for this reason that, in most cases, there is discomfort in giving this figure as a gift.

Unlike our friends and family, we have little information to warn us about what is right or wrong, too much or less than a person should earn.

On the other hand, the tendency is that you do not have the same purchasing power as your superior. So, no one expects gifts that are super expensive or out of their reality.

There are many ways to give a gift to your boss, ranging from small treats, symbolic things or creative gifts.

What not to give as a gift to your boss

It is important to avoid some embarrassing situations and gaffes, such as:

Items that highlight a negative characteristic: Even if your boss is stressed, there’s no point giving him anything that suggests that, like a day at the spa or a relaxing kit. The same happens if your boss has a reputation for being “sloppy”. No makeup. As much as you have good intentions with this attitude, it can expose the person and lead to criticism being interpreted. Avoid gifts that leave this type of implied message;Very cheap or very expensive things: This point requires more attention! While you don’t need to give anything extremely expensive, giving something extremely cheap can give the impression that you don’t value your influence. Obviously, small treats or souvenirs are nice. But in the case of a birthday, be a little extra special! If you think it’s better, propose a “fundraiser” with some colleagues to give something more meaningful;Something that only takes into account your personal taste: as the name suggests, an item you thought of for yourself may be very different from what someone else would choose. Always take into account the personality of the person who will receive the gift, so your chance of getting it right will increase exponentially!

Gift suggestions

It is worth reflecting for a few moments on your manner, interaction with others and preferences. Some bosses are more serious and traditional, while others are relaxed and treat everyone casually.

This aspect is essential to satisfy and even not need to exaggerate on an item that suddenly will not bring the same satisfaction as a more segmented one.

Try to understand with those who are closest to the manager what interests and activities they enjoy most outside of work, as this will give you great guidance. Or otherwise, have an informal conversation and discreetly try to extract some data.

Gift for traditional boss

Therefore, the tip for more traditional chefs who maintain a more distant relationship is to invest in wine or another more noble drink.

Or, a box of fine chocolates or a book that you believe to be inspiring for some reason.

Gift for nerdy boss

If the profile you are looking for is geek, no problem. In this case, you can invest in some technological gadgets, tickets to an art show or limited editions of something you know he will love.

A great option is also our map of the planets, a personalized table that shows the planetary alignment on a specific date, which could be your birthday or the birth of a child, for example.

Gift for creative boss

Finally, if the boss is someone disruptive and out of the box, who likes to express themselves, it is also worth giving something more innovative. Or even personalized, like different decoration items or our star map.

The latter shows what the sky was like on a particular day, place and time. You can also choose your birthday or when you won a special prize, for example.

The important thing is to show that you care and not leave the date aside, as this type of care makes us gain more consideration from those who evaluate us and transmit their own knowledge to us on a daily basis.

Also discover our other creative gifts, which use astronomical data to value special moments and people!

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