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What to take for a sore throat: the best home remedies

A sore throat is not a disease in itself, but a symptom that indicates that it may be due to various diseases. It can also be due to simple irritation after excessive use of the voice. In any case, when it appears, many wonder what to take for a sore throat In this article we will tell you what causes this condition and the best natural remedies to cure and prevent it.

Sore throat: types

Depending on their duration, sore throats can be divided into:

treble, they generally disappear after a few days, at most 14 days after the onset. A sharp sore throat usually occurs as part of an infection. On average, adults suffer from them about three times a year, and children eight or more times.chronic, in which the sore throat lasts more than 14 days. Most of the time there are no other signs of infection. The causes are usually external influences such as smoking, environmental factors or underlying diseases.

Sore throat: causes

A sore throat usually starts with a slight tingling sensation, followed by itching. The throat is rough and red, the mucous membranes and pharynx swell, and it is painful to swallow and sometimes to speak.

In most cases, acute sore throats are caused by viral infections, especially cold viruses, such as rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.

The immune system reacts to pathogens in the upper respiratory tract with inflammation. The result is red, swollen mucous membranes and difficulty swallowing. Doctors make a distinction depending on the area affected by inflammation:

inflammation of the vocal cords or the larynx (laryngitis)throat inflammation (pharyngitis)Combined inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa (nosepharyngitis)Tonsillitis (angina)

Sometimes, however, there may be potentially serious disturbances behind sore throat, for example:

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Bacterial epiglottitis, an inflammation of the epiglottis (the membrane that prevents solids and liquids from entering the lungs) caused by bacteria.Glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis) caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.Scarlet fever.Mumps.Influenza.Diphtheria. Thyroid inflammation. Allergies. Burns. Foreign body in the esophagus.

The chronic sore throat triggers or pain when swallowing can be:

Smoking.Snoring or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night.Certain medicines, such as ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure or inhaled corticosteroids. Environmental factors such as air pollution and dry air. Strong strain on the voice (for example, in singers, teachers, orators). Heartburn (reflux disease). Vascular inflammation (vasculitis). Thyroid disorders. Recurrent tonsillitis. .Rarely: benign or malignant swelling of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma or swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenitis).

What to take for a sore throat: home remedies

Many herbal medicines work in multiple ways. They are offered in the form of mixtures for infusion, to gargle, as throat lozenges, drops or syrups:

sage(Salvia officinalis) acts against bacteria and viruses, relieves cramps and inhibits excessive sweating. Chamomile(Matricaria chamomilla) acts against bacteria, promotes wound healing and inhibits inflammation.Iceland moss (Icelandic Certaria) It is a lichen that can be found as part of herbal teas, throat lozenges or juices, among other things. It is used for a dry cough or sore throat. Its mucilage forms a protective layer on the mucous membrane. Plantain(Plantago lanceolata) has a calming and antibacterial effect. Mullein(Verbascum densiflorum)contains mucilage that has a calming effect.Thyme(Thymus vulgaris) has an expectorant and antibacterial effect. Peppermint (Mentha piperita), which has a pleasant cooling effect in throat sprays, for example. Oak bark(Quercus robur) to gargle, it inhibits viruses and has an astringent effect on mucous membranes. Calendula(Calendula officinalis) in gargling solutions it promotes wound healing and inhibits inflammation.

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None of these products avoid antibiotics or other medications when they have been prescribed by the doctor.

Other home remedies for sore throat

Drink a lot. The fluid keeps the mucous membranes in the throat moist, making it difficult for viruses to penetrate deeper areas. Infusions made with sage, chamomile or thyme, for example, have proven to be especially effective.Gargling with salt water (1 teaspoon in 250 ml of water), apple cider vinegar, lemon, cold chamomile or sage infusion. Gargling solutions relieve pain and inhibit the multiplication of bacteria. It should be noted that gargling with purulent tonsillitis should not be done, as this can promote the penetration of pathogens into the bloodstreamInhale with warm steam, adding chamomile flowers or eucalyptus essential oil. This keeps the airways moist and relieves pain. However, essential oils are not suitable for children and people with asthma, as they can cause shortness of breath.keep warm, For example, with a scarf, it promotes blood circulation and makes it easier for immune cells to reach the site of inflammation more quickly.warm wraps Neck bandages made from potatoes, for example, relieve pain, but excessive sweating must be avoided. To make the potato wrapper, cook and mash two medium potatoes, spread it on a cotton cloth while it is still warm, fold it over a couple of times and place it on your throat for a few hours. This helps stimulate circulation and relieve pain.

What to take and do to prevent a sore throat

Sore throat It can be prevented with the following measures:

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Strengthening of the immune system.Colds, the main cause of sore throats, can be prevented with a sauna, contrast showers, outdoor exercise and a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Stress, lack of sleep, and regular alcohol consumption, on the other hand, weaken the immune system and increase the risk of disease.regular ventilation of interior spaces increases the humidity of the air, which prevents the mucous membranes from drying out and irritating.Drink a lot to keep mucous membranes moist.keep distance with people with colds.Handwashing.

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