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7 tips to tan your skin quickly and healthily

The sun, especially during the summer, can be dangerous. Burns increase the risk of skin cancer. But in due measure the sun is beneficial for the skin and health.

If we start to get brown in spring, little by little, our skin will increase its natural protection and the risk is reduced. In addition, exposure to the sun is necessary to synthesize vitamin D, which regulates immunity and benefits the musculoskeletal system.

Carrots and other orange, red and green foods

Get a quick tan with beta-carotene? Some pill manufacturers advertise that their beta-carotene capsules work wonders. According to them, you can get a nice tan from within and at the same time protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation.

The reality is that you can achieve the same effect by consuming foods rich in this provitamin daily.very abundant in carrots, mango, pumpkin, apricots, cooked cabbage, broccoli, and many other orange, red, and green foods. In addition, these foods provide fiber and many other micronutrients, which capsules do not.

Natural beta-carotene is also very antioxidant, so fights free radicals that can damage the skin and the connective tissue that keeps it smooth.

Don’t expect beta-carotene-rich foods to produce an immediate effect. It is estimated that its effect can be delayed about 10 days, but do not calculate: eat them every day of the year because they are healthy. Getting help to get a tan is just one more reason to do it, among many others.

In addition to choosing the right foods You must hydrate abundantly. Without enough water, the chemical reactions that protect you from the sun and make you tan will not take place correctly in your skin.

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How to get a tan quickly and healthy

So you don’t end up with a red face or burned shoulders, here you go top tips on how to get a healthy tan and naturally perfect.

1. Start slow, enjoy longer

The first rays of the spring sun finally arrive and attract you outside. But even when the air is still cold, the sun can already damage your skin. It is important that exposure to the sun is gradual:

Choose the morning (between 9 and 11) or the afternoon (between 4 and 7) to take your sunbaths. Sunbathe for 10 minutes (you can do it once in the morning and once in the afternoon) Increase every day 1 minute the duration of the sunbath until reaching 20 minutes.

2. Do not expose yourself to midday rays

The sun is at its peak between 11am and 3pm. It is in this time slot when You are at high risk of sunburn. Therefore, it is advisable to sunbathe outside of this time if you want to tan in a healthy way.

Once your skin has tanned with the morning sun (9 to 11) you can briefly expose yourself to the most intense radiation of the central hours of the day, but not more than 20 minutes.

3. Make the most of your skin type

Not all skin types can tolerate the same amount of sun. There is four different typologies depending on your tolerance to the sun.

People with very fair skin, light eyes, blonde to reddish hair, and a tendency to go red rather than tan may develop the first damaging redness of the skin after just 5 to 10 minutes in the midday sun without sunscreen.The second type has similar external features, but a light tan can be seen on it in summer. This type of skin can resist about 20 minutes in the sun. The third type has darker skin, light or dark eyes, and fairly dark brown hair. It can resist 30 minutes until the erythema appears. The fourth type is that of dark-skinned people with dark hair and eyes, who tan quickly when sunbathing and rarely or almost never burn. This people they can sunbathe for 45 minutes without cream.

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4. Choose a natural sunscreen

If you are going to spend the day outside the home in the fresh air or are going to do an activity for several hours, it is essential to use sunscreen, but it must be natural, that is, with physical mineral filters, no chemicals. Most chemical filters are endocrine disruptors.

6. Choose the correct protection factor

To find the right sunscreen you must look at the sun protection factor. A product with a sun protection factor of 20 should extend the natural protection for your skin type 20 times. However, keep in mind that this it is just an ideal value determined in the laboratory, which is never quite as exact in reality.

As a general rule, experts recommend reducing the calculated protection time by one third. For example, in theory, if your skin without protection resists 30 minutes without reddening, with a protection factor 30 it will last up to 10 hours. But don’t trust this calculation too much either because in practice the application on the skin is never evenly perfect and areas may remain without sufficient protection. The rubbing of the clothes, the sweat and, of course, the water, also eliminate the cream and therefore the protection.

Self-tanners are not always recommended

the german publication Öekotest has taken a close look at the composition of self-tanners and the effects of the ingredients on health and the environment. Unfortunately, many of them have been very unsatisfactory.

The reason is that these ingredients achieve a rapid tanning of the skin through DHA. DHA (dihydroxyacetone) is a sugar that binds to the skin through amino acids, triggering a chemical process and tanning us. The biggest problem is that over time and with a high temperature, DHA can turn into formaldehyde and this happens in many products before they are consumed.

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However, a certified organic quality self-tanner may be a good option, depending on Öekotest.

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