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Achieve your moment of relaxation with Hornimans infusions

Do you take a few minutes a day to relax with an infusion? The daily activity of most people is marked by work obligations, rush and other responsibilities.

Inside this maelstrom, moments of enjoyment and rest are often postponed for the breakfast break, the lunch hour, the time you train in the gym or the return home, so that a good part of life is spent fulfilling obligations and with few breaths of pleasure.

When enjoyment is no longer postponed and they are integrated into daily activity through acts of physical rest that occupy only a few minutes, It is verified that, rather than wasting time, curiously it is gained. And that makes us magically free ourselves from stress. One of the possible ways to achieve a moment of relaxation in a few minutes is to drink an infusion and practice contemplative meditation.

If you choose one of the varieties of relaxing infusions from Hornimans, the result will be doubly relaxing. Choose the variety that suits you best, depending on the objective you want (to relax at any time or just before going to bed) and enjoy your moment of absolute calm:

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infuRelax: your moment of relaxation

InfuRelax It is an infusion created with the purpose of covering a moment of relaxation. The passionflower is a plant traditionally known as natural help for a good rest.

Fresh and floral: Golden tones and orange nuances. Pleasant and complex in its herbaceous typicity, it finds a fresh citric accompaniment and a faint floral nuance. With a long finish.Ingredients: Orange Blossom (30%), Melisa, Luisa Grass (20%), Tila.

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infuDreams: relax before bed

InfuDreams is an infusion with balm as the main ingredient, created with the purpose of covering a moment of relaxation and search for sleep. Lemon balm is a herb traditionally known as naturally relaxing, helping to find mental and physical well-being.

Fine and powerful. A fruity, balsamic and herbaceous range is perceived. Balanced in its acidity. Rich and wide of nuances. Refreshing, perfumed and finally dry.Ingredients: Melissa (45%), Rooibos, Lavender Flower (10%), Passion Flower (5%), Aromas and Honey (1%).

How to practice mindfulness while drinking your Hornimans infusion

Choosing an appropriate infusion with particularly relaxing plants is the first step to achieving a moment of calm. Prepare it without haste, following Hornimans instructions and, once you have it ready, sit in a quiet place. Is your moment:

When the mind becomes dull or something worries us, concentrate on the plant on the office table, a painting or a motif from nature (a flower, a tree…) It allows you to pay attention to one thing and focus on the present.

This is because, when a flower is observed and nothing else, for example, without trying to describe or define it through language, the brain changes state: we are no longer classifying, but contemplating. And this practice, which requires very little time, brings great relaxation while helping to have greater control of thoughts.

In this case, while you wait for your Hornimans infusion to reach the desired temperature, you can try to carry out this exercise contemplating the cup, its shapes, its colors… Try to abstract yourself.

Take advantage of the delicate taste of the relaxing infusions of Hornimans to practice mindful eating. Let each sip of the infusion remain in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing it. Look at the nuances, how the flavors of the different plants that make up the infusion are mixed. Taste, enjoy and relax.

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