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Do you need to take vitamins?

As soon as we feel more tired than usual, the question may arise: am I taking enough vitamins? We associate taking vitamins with vitality and health. And we are not wrong. Vitamins are essential we need small amounts of all of them for the body to function properly.

Each vitamin deficiency translates into health problems that can start with small symptoms such as that lack of energy, fragile hair or a greater propensity for infections.

However, it is important to know that the body is not capable of manufacturing most vitamins by itself. You need us to make sure get vitamins with food, or with the sunin the case of vitamin D.

These essential vitamins are divided into two types: water soluble (vitamin C and the eight of the B complex), and the fat soluble (A, D, E and K).

Have another option: take vitamin supplements. But the dilemma is served: is not a balanced diet enough to obtain the necessary amount?

Is it necessary to take vitamin supplements?

In general, experts agree that a healthy diet based on fresh, quality, plant-based foods is what truly provides the nutrients we need, including vitamins. Besides, vitamins are not isolated in food, but are combined with many other substances with which they act in synergy.

Dr. Odile Fernández considers that “you don’t need pills if you eat healthy, because a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides the necessary vitamins for vital functions”, but also comments that some supplements have sufficient scientific backing to strengthen immunity, to prevent certain diseases or when there are deficiencies, such as in pregnancy with folic acid or iodine, or B12 that is less absorbed in old age and other cases.

Some vitamin supplements may be effective, therefore when there are deficiencies or reinforcements are neededbut they cannot replace a good pantry, much less pardon an unbalanced lifestyle with excessive processing, a sedentary lifestyle or toxic habits.

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The first step in preventing any deficiency of vitamins or other essential nutrients should be to review the diet to see if it provides all the necessary vitamins. In general terms, it would be about increasing the consumption of a variety of vegetables, giving priority to organic foods, avoiding excessive cooking and always choosing cereals in their integral version.

It should also be remembered that, although the body does not produce vitamins, the natural environment puts them very easily within our reach. The great shortcomings come from the insufficient contact with the environment and the modification of natural foods. When a supplement is needed, in addition to taking it, it is important to continue looking for the most natural way to receive those vitamins.

When to take a supplement

We have mentioned some situations in which vitamin or mineral supplements can be useful, but these are generally the most prominent:

When there is a lack of appetite, when restrictive diets are followed or if you are undergoing high stress situations. Some supplements are often recommended During pregnancy, since the needs of some nutrients increase and are not always covered by the diet. With the age, from 50, the body’s ability to assimilate certain nutrients can be reduced, so sometimes it is recommended to supplement some nutrient. Insufficient nutrient assimilation can also occur in medical conditions such as chronic diarrhea, food allergies or intolerances, or in various diseases of the digestive system. Before any vitamin or mineral deficiencya doctor can also prescribe supplementation.

Most common deficits

One of the most frequent examples where it may be necessary to take a supplement is the anemia, which can be of different types depending on the deficit. It may be useful or necessary supplement with vitamin C, B9 or B12according to the case.

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Vitamin D deserves special mention. Although in Spain we enjoy more than 300 sunny days a year, and more than 10 hours a day, vitamin D deficiency is common due to causes such as the use of sunscreens, high meat consumption, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, which make it less synthesized.

In addition to exposing ourselves to the sun in the morning without protection for the time necessary to obtain vitamin D, some experts recommend taking it as a supplement because of its importance: it regulates the immune system, it helps in cases of osteoporosis, depression, sadness, muscle pain, insomnia, problems digestive problems and even cavities, and is a great ally against cancer. If you have questions about vitamin D supplements, you can read this article on how to take a vitamin D supplement.

We also highlight vitamin B12, because it is considered essential supplement in vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets. It is also sometimes recommended for older people, even if they are not vegetarians, because with age its absorption is reduced. In case you need to take it, this article on what is the right vitamin B12 supplement may be useful.

Keep in mind that the amount of B12 can be seen in tests, but the consumption of algae can falsify the results, so the values ​​of homocysteine ​​in the blood and methylmalonic acid (MMA) should also be looked at.

Different types of supplements

Vitamins can come in different formats, alone or combined for different needs. In addition to the supplements of each vitamin, group of vitamins or combinations for specific uses, we can find:

Multivitamins. Some very common presentations are multivitamins, useful when looking for general reinforcement. They usually contain all or almost all vitamins and minerals in amounts similar to those recommended. Some may include plants and other interesting ingredients. Versions “without”. Some supplements may contain substances of animal origin; there is plant-based options certified to avoid them, suitable for vegans and vegetarians. In the case of celiac disease or allergies, it is also important to make sure that they are free of gluten or allergens.

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Along with these more “medicinal” supplements such as vitamins or minerals, also a wide world of superfoods coexist understood as products with very remarkable properties that provide us with a health bonus. Alga chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, maca, baobab… are some names that share the market with traditional garlic supplements or virgin olive oil.

Between the supplements with the most proven efficacy and that have more research we find St. John’s wort for the treatment of depression, the extract ginkgo biloba in dementia, coenzyme Q10 for heart failure and migraine, probiotics in cases of diarrhea and when antibiotics are taken, omega 3 in people with hypertriglyceridemia or, in the vitamins section, vitamin D in the prevention of osteoporosis and cancer.

put to good use

Some supplements can be prescribed by doctors prior to the corresponding analysis, but most can be purchased without a prescription When it is considered necessary.

First of all, before choosing a supplement, remember that each person is different. Choose products adapted to your needs (they vary with age, gender and situation), opt for trusted brands and continue to invest in a healthy lifestyle.

Also It is important to consult the doctor when necessary, especially if you take medication. Although many supplements have a natural origin, if you are taking other medications there may be interactions with them.

Here you can also read some tips for taking supplements safely.

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