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8 natural remedies to treat tonsillitis

It is understood by tonsillitis or angina acute inflammation with heat, redness and enlargement of the palatine tonsils.

tonsillitis It is very common in childhood.

One of the most important systems of the child is the lymphatic, which collects waste substances and acts as a channel for the circulation of fats and above all as a channel and producer of defensive cells and the entire immune system together with the thymus.

Of all this system, the so-called Waldeyer’s lymphatic ringlocated at the aerodigestive crossroads, one of the most importants entrance doors of the organism. It is made up vegetations, tonsils, the lingual tonsil andsurrounding all this and completing the ring, nodes.

This ring controls everything that enters from the outside, both through the respiratory and digestive tracts, and prepare a defensive reaction against those substances that may be harmful to the body.

The lymph nodes, tonsils or vegetations increase in size not only when problems come from outside (bacteria, chemical substances…) but also when there are problems inside the body and it needs manufacture more antibodies or defensive substances.

They are, therefore, an important touchstone for the body to gradually build its defensive system and thus acclimate harmoniously to the environment in which it develops.

What natural treatments exist for tonsillitis?

At viral infections they are treated conventionally with corticosteroids, anti-inflammatories and antipyretics. None of them is recommended from the point of view of naturopathic medicine.

infections bacterialon the other hand, are treated with antibioticssuch as penicillin or ampicillins.

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The surgery with excision it is advisable to practiceonly in cases of gangrene or very serious injuriesalthough there are those who continue to recommend it.

With views to help the body solve its own crisis, Without interfering with it or cutting it off abruptly, naturopathic medicine proposes:

Fever. Respect it, without trying to fight it. If it is high and is perceived as annoying, the child is bathed at 36-37ºC. They can also be used cool, damp cloths that regulate the temperature and cause small sweating.Hydrotherapy. Neck wraps with a cloth soaked in salt water or vinegar and another dry one on top. Have it 45 minutes and renew it several times. If the burning sensation in the throat does not subside after 6 hours, the feet can also be wrapped up to the calves.Diet. In acute phases, rich in liquids and poor in solidswith abundant vegetable broths and fruit juices.Replenish the intestinal flora. Take soy yogurt and lactobacilli, as well as suppress animal fats and dairy products.

Several medicinal plants can help to strengthen defenses, relieve pain or reduce inflammation: Gargle with infusion of sage and lemon juice.Infusions of thyme or echinacea to increase defenses.devil’s claw as an anti-inflammatory.vapors and vapors in the room or environment where the children are.sulphurous waters. Visit a spa that has them, or spend a season in a maritime climate.Lymphatic drainage. Give small massages at one point on the wrists or directly on the neck, taking into account that the pressure in circles must be very soft and that they must be repeated rhythmically 5 or 7 times.

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