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Plum: all its properties and health benefits

The plum is very appetizing in spring and summer. It is the fruit of the plum tree (Prunus domestica), a tree belonging to the Rosaceae family and the prunus genus, like the peach and the almond tree.

The European varieties, later brought to America, have their origin in the Caucasus area, while the eastern ones come from China.

there the plum symbolizes tenacity in the face of adversity, because it blooms in winter, while in Japan it represents wealth and abundance, perhaps because its flowers herald spring.

It is also known that the ancient Egyptians already cultivated them and that the dried ones were part of the provisions for the afterlife that were deposited in the pyramids.

Plum properties

The plum is rich in water (83%), fiber (2%) and carbohydrates (11%), but contains hardly any fat (0.2%) or protein (0.8%).

About 100 grams of fresh plums provide potassium (190 mg) and, to a lesser extent, calcium (14mg), match (10mg), magnesium (8mg) and iron (0.10mg).

They also contain notable amounts of vitamin C (9mg), provitamin A (30 mcg) and vvitamin E (0.7mg).

plum benefits

This nutritional composition turns the plum into a energy food, alkalizing, purifying, refreshing, light and invigorating, capable of stimulating the nervous system and fighting fatigue.

For his low calorie and its draining action is recommended in case of overweight.

The juice extracted from its pulp cleanses and tones the body, Therefore, it is suitable for carrying out cures, both in spring and summer. Just take a glass twice a day before meals to get good results.

How it benefits us

Physical and mental energy. The plum is especially indicated to obtain a better physical and intellectual performance in normal work or in periods of momentarily more intense activity (students and athletes).Good condition of the skin of the mucous membranes and sight due to the good contribution of vitamin A.antioxidant action against free radicals that mainly damage the arteries and neurons, as well as the DNA of the cell nucleus, thanks to its vitamin E and C content. Other components with an antioxidant effect are anthocyanins, pigments that give it its characteristic color, especially in the reddish and purple varieties.Relieves fluid retention, due to its abundance in potassium, which is involved in muscle activity and in the body’s water balance.Its diuretic effect it also makes it useful in cases of rheumatism, gout and kidney diseases (except in the case of lithiasis, due to its oxalic acid content, especially in bluish varieties). B.good cell function due to the presence of various trace elements: copper, manganese, selenium and zinc.Detox. Due to its laxative effect, it can relieve functional constipation and lighten the load on the liver.

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Purifying plum cure

The juice extracted from the plum cleanses and tones the body, Therefore, it is suitable for carrying out cures, both in spring and summer.

just take a glass twice a day before meals, to get good results.

To make a cocktail, extract the juice of half a kilo of plums and add a tablespoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of honey.

How to take it against constipation

One way to combat constipation and protect the intestinal mucosa at the same time is include plum at breakfast, either fresh, dried, in compote or in the form of jam.

Adding plum to yogurt is a good combination. In the case of persistent constipation, another procedure is to soak several prunes in water overnight. The next morning the plums are eaten and the water is also drunk.

The plum in the kitchen

Yellow, red, green, purple, purple, black… plums are a refreshing fruit, with a taste between sour and sweet that contrasts pleasantly and in which almond, floral, peach, strawberry and slightly spicy notes can be appreciated.

This fruit presents a great wealth of varieties –more than two hundred– and they are usually classified according to their also varied color.

Thus, the yellow ones stand out for their abundant acidulated juice; the red ones have a sweeter flavor; those with green skin, called Claudia, are characterized by their aromatic sweetness; the black ones, with dark bluish skin, are more suitable for cooking.

In our country, most varieties are produced in Lérida, Aragón, Seville and in the Mediterranean area. Fresh and ripe plums can be found in the market from the end of April to September.

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As table fruit they add a finishing touch to any meal, although they can also be eaten before, to facilitate digestion. In addition, being rich in fiber and having plenty of water, they are satiating.

in salad pairs well with sweet lettuces but a touch of bitter or slightly spicy vegetables, such as radicchio or watercress, enhances its sweetness. They also go well with nuts such as walnuts, pine nuts or almonds and with fruits like apples.

Plum jam

Sugar-free blackberry jam recipe

Replaces the sugar for agave syrup to make it healthier. It is also important that the plums are well maturewhen its sweetness is greatest.


1 kg of plums 300 g of agave syrup Half a lemon in juice 1 level teaspoon of pectin or agar-agar powder 100 ml of water


Cook the peeled plums in a pot with the water and lemon juice over low heat for approximately 20 minutes. Stir from time to time so that they do not stick to the bottom, until a good part of the liquid has evaporated. When they are very tender, add the agave syrup and the agar-agar and increase the heat to high to bring about a more intense boil. Go removing the foam with a slotted spoon. Cook for about 10 more minutes. It’s ready when it’s bright and the bubbles are big and make their characteristic “plop-plop” sound. If you like smooth jam, pass the mixture through a potato mill. You can also crush it with a blender.Place the hot jam in small or medium glass jars with tight-fitting lids, fill them almost to the brim, close the lids with pressure and turn the jars upside down.If you are going to consume the jam in the For the following weeks, you can store the jars in the fridge once they are cold. If you want to keep them for a long time, you can sterilize them in a water bath. Place them in a tall pot well covered with boiling water and leave them for 25 minutes. Take them out of the pot when the water has cooled. Label the jars with the packaging date.

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Use your plum jam without sugar to prepare all kinds of cakes or toast for breakfast.

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